[2] the twitcam

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A/N: SONG OF THE DAY: “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift


            “I wish that I was eighteen to do all the things you read in a magazine; I’m not saying I wanna be Charlie Sheen…” I sang into my microphone, looking out at the crowd. So many of them were singing along with us, and the feeling of other people singing something you wrote is indescribable. I smiled, glancing over at Calum.

            “She’s just a little bit older but I want to get to know her; she says it’s already over…” Calum noticed me looking at him, and he smiled back. “So tell me what else can I do, I bought my fake I.D. for you. She told me to meet her there; I can’t afford a bus fare. I’m not old enough for her; I’ll just wait until I’m eighteen.

            Calum leaned in towards the microphone. “I think she wants to get with me but, she’s got a job in the city. Says that, she’s always too busy…

            Michael strummed his guitar, causing everyone in the crowd to scream. “She’s got a naughty tattoo in a, place that I wanna get to but, my mom still drives me to school. So tell me what else can I do, I bought my fake I.D. for you. She told me to meet her there; I can’t afford a bus fare. I’m not old enough for her; I’ll just wait until I’m eighteen. You got me waiting in a cue for a bar I can’t get into; I’m not old enough for you. I’ll just wait until I’m eighteen…

            We kept on singing until it ended, and it was our last song of the night. We said our goodbyes to the fans as we scurried off the stage, and we went back into the dressing room. We only had one shower in there, so we had to take turns.

            We usually let Ashton shower first since he was by far the sweatiest, and that’s what we ended out doing again this time. Ashton grabbed himself a T-shirt, pants, and some underwear to change into for whenever he was done.

            Meanwhile, the other three of us were just sitting down on the couch. Michael was still strumming his guitar to himself, and Calum was rubbing his eyes as he leaned against the back of the couch. I could tell by looking at the two of them that they weren’t that sweaty – at least, they weren’t anywhere near as sweaty as Ashton. Calum had a few strands of hair sticking to his forehead, and his face was kind of shiny, but that was about it. Michael was the same way, and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t as bad either.

            Calum yawned, slowly blinking his eyes. I looked over at him. “Tired?”

            He slowly nodded, pressing his face against my shoulder. “You don’t smell too bad for someone who just played an hour long show.”

            I chuckled. “Thanks, same to you.”

            Calum smiled against me, his eyes slowly beginning to close. When he didn’t open them back up, I knew that it was pretty safe to say he was trying to fall asleep. His breathing was steady and even, and I felt the need to wrap one of my arms around him.

            I pulled him closer to me, and his head was now resting against my chest. He was practically on my lap at this point, but I didn’t mind. I looked over at Michael, only to see that he was already looking at us.

            “Having fun there?” Michael smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

            “You can take the next shower once Ashton gets out,” I avoided the subject, but Michael didn’t seem to mind. I’m sure he was pretty happy knowing he was the next one to shower. In about twenty minute’s time, Ashton came walking out of the bathroom. He was dressed already, and his hair was still slightly wet.

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