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The snow fell gently to the ground, painting the grey pavement white and lighting up the dark night as moonlight shone.

It was 10 P.M. and all stores had already closed for the day. But that didn't mean that no one was around. A lot of people enjoyed taking a walk through the street in the evening and the early night.

Keith sat on a wooden bench in front of a flower store and beside him sat Lance, a tanned, Cuban boy with long legs and brown hair.

This night was kind of special to the two of them, because, the thing is, this was their first date.

Well, not technically. Two weeks ago Pidge had set the two of them up for a date (much against both their wishes) having used blackmail. But, when two pining boys are forced to go on a date, some hidden feelings might happen to see the day's light.

The first thirty minutes of that date had only been bickering and fighting but shortly after, some truth got told and emotions spilled, and three days ago they had planned another date and decided that said date would be their official ,,first date".

So now they sat beside each other, emotions in the air that had never been around them, though had for a long time been sealed away separately.

Keith didn't really know what to do now that they were here. Should he be scared? Or awkward? Or relieved? Or nervous? Or happy?

His feelings were all over the place, like a overflowing bucket. Building up and building up until it couldn't hold any longer and spilled out and now Keith didn't know what to do with his wild emotions.

He also wanted to give Lance something. Because if there was anything about Keith that wasn't noticeable at first sight, it was that he was an extremely cheesy person. And he knew it. But was he going to hold back? No, he wasn't. And that's why Keith had prepared Lance a small gift. But finding the right moment to give it was definitely going to be the most difficult part.

Keith looked over at Lance, his gaze was glued to the white ground under their feet. Perhaps the same thoughts were going through Lance's mind.

Keith didn't find it in himself to look away. He looked at Lance's hands, and thought about holding them tightly in his own palm. How warm they would be in his. He looked at Lance's hair, and imagined how smoothly his fingers would run through the soft locks. He looked at Lance's eyes, and thought of how tender they were, and how beautiful. He looked at Lance's  lips-

Lance looked suddenly at Keith, causing him to let his eyes wander elsewhere. Luckily for him, Lance hadn't seemed to notice him staring.

,,Should we take a walk?" Lance suggested, probably feeling the awkward tension between them too. He was constantly shifting his fingers.

Keith gave him a nod with his head and so, they both stood up and began to walk.

The two of them walked with a good distance between them, careful not to let their arms brush, but Keith couldn't help but desperately want to take Lance's hand and hold it.

For a moment nothing could be heard but the crunch of the snow under their boots and the occasional sound of a vehicle.

Keith hated the awkwardness that had grown between them through the past week. It's not like anything had changed. The only thing was that both boys had put their cards on the table, confessed their feelings for each other.

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