Chapter Two.

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A/n: Oh! I forgot to mention. You guys should totally check out YellowMeerkat's new book! It's fantastic! It is a Grasu story that goes by the name 'Frozen Heart.'


"Stupid charms" Gray grumbles, as he dangerously balances on the top of a ladder in the library. He had been searching for around twenty minutes and it seems every time he got a new lead on the 'case' it always resulted in another step up the ladder. Natsu stares at him. Weighing out his options. He could shout at the ice princess as he usually would but that most likely would result with him falling off the ladder. Or he could climb up there and pull him down himself. However that seems that it would end up with them both on the floor. Gray stared at him with concern before speaking up.

"What's up flambrain?"

"Just...Thinking" Natsu responds casually.

"Natsu thinking? The building is going to blow!" Happy cried out. Gray gave him a scolding look causing Happy to hide behind Natsu.

"It's my worst enemy! Disappointment!" Happy yelled. Natsu resisted the urge to laugh, before looking up at Gray to see a smirk dancing across his lips.

"You lightning up now fire-breath? Oh...That's ironic isn't it?"

Natsu grinned a mischievous glint appearing within his eye. Gray's face sudden moulds into one of uncertainty before concentrating on his research once more. Unaware of the dragon slayer who was silently climbing up the ladder behind him. Happy, who was currently resisting the urge to snicker, grabbed ahold of the bottom of the ladder. The exceed having a small plan of his own.

"Wait I finally found it-" Gray was cut off when the Natsu grabbed ahold of his legs.


"Wait- Ahh!" Natsu yelled as Happy pulled the ladder. Resulting in Gray and Natsu toppling down onto the floor. Gray groaned, realising Natsu was on top of him, the book safely in his hand. Grumbling, Gray pushed Natsu off of him quickly opening the book.

"Happy" Natsu whined, annoyed that his little exceed betrayed him.

Happy snickered but otherwise looked at Natsu innocently.

"Aha! I found something" Gray yelled, before quickly standing up. I'll check it out at the Inn and return it tomorrow morning" Gray informs before dragging Natsu off the floor.

"Now how about that restaurant?"

"Finally! You owe me popsicle" Natsu warned before speeding out of the library, Happy in tow.

Gray shook his head before his gaze returns to the book in his hands. The golden cover also reflecting a golden hue.

'I wonder what Wendy will make of this information' Gray thinks to himself. Before rushing after his mate.


Wendy sighs as she stares into the lacrima. Guilt washing over her. She couldn't believe she missed her evening with Cheila. Ignoring the fact they see each other around three times a week. Lucy gives her a reassuring smiles upon seeing her painful expression.

"It'll be okay Wendy. You'll see Cheila again soon."

Wendy gives Lucy a small smile in thanks before activating the lacrima. The familiar sound echoing around the room before Cheila face comes into view.

"Oh hey Wendy!"

Wendy smiles upon seeing Cheila,  her bright expression causing a small grin to flood her features.

"Hey Cheila."

"Hey is everything okay? You usually don't call me this close to when we're seeing each other unless there's a problem."

Wendy's bright smile immediately leaves her face, thinking about how to break this to Cheila in the kindest way possible.

"Hey I'm sorry, I don't think we can do tonight...We're on a misson. We were just about to return but being so close to new year's the trains aren't working" Wendy explains. Cheila's face morphs into one of disappointment until an idea enters her mind.

"Call me when you're back from the misson and I'll come round. It'll work out no need to worry Wen."

Wendy's face immediately lights up in excitement before she giggles.

"Yeah that'll be great!"

"No need to worry about it. I'll see you soon"

"Yeah! Okay. Bye Cheila see you soon."

And with that the lacrima faded away leaving the blue crystal like lacrima only a reflection.

"Thanks Erza!" Wendy thanks, carefully handing over the lacrima to the older mage.

"No problem Wendy."

"No doubt the two boys are in a restaurant right now" Lucy comments, laughing at a distant memory.

"Awww, could've invited us" Wendy pouts childishly. Erza ruffles her hair.

"Don't worry. Considering how frustrated Natsu about the reward is I don't think you really want to be there anyway" Erza reassures.

"Now...How about we play a card game?"

"Oh yes! I love card games!" Wendy exclaims quickly running off to collect the pack of cards.

"You recognise them...Don't you Lu?" Erza questions, earning a surprised glance in response.

"Yeah...Slightly. I recognise the kind of magic required to activate them" Lucy responds honestly.

"Oh? What that?" Erza questions, admittedly curiosity engulfing her.

"That's what bothers me...It's well...Love" Lucy explains hesitantly.


"Being a celestial mage from a rich family I recognise the chemical used to make them. Seems like Jasmine essence to me" Lucy reasons before Wendy comes running back in. The two mages share a glance a silent agreement to keep it between themselves. Wendy once more completely oblivious  from the secret surrounding her.

The Mates Charm. (Sequel of Dragon Mating Season...Reversed!)Where stories live. Discover now