Chapter 1

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Toshinori woke up in a strange room at first he didn't know where he was until a familiar face appeared into his view " toshi, are you alright are you in any pain " David said with a worried look on his face" where am I ?" Toshinori said " your in the hospital,don't you remember what happened " David said at first toshinori didn't know what happened then it all came back to him, he and izuku were kidnapped by all for one ' IZUKU!!!' he thought " where's izuku " he said David didn't answer but the look of sadness on his face was enough to tell him what happened " DAVID!!!" Toshinori shouted at his husband David hesitated at first but he  answered " while you and midoriya were captured all for one did something to him and you " David said " what did he do " toshinori said  " when the police found were on your side clutching your stomach mumbling to yourself, the doctor took an x-ray on you and they found that you have a new stomach, new left lung everything but... that's not the only thing they found " he said, "found..what " toshinori said worried of what they'd found " at first they didn't know what it was but Recovery girl discovered that it egg a fertilized fetus egg " David said looking at the shock on his husbands face " y-you mean I'm pregnant but-but that's impossible I'm a man " he said didn't want to believe it " well somehow, it happened the police found notes of making a quirk that could impregnate anyone and all for one picked you and midoriya izuku " David said "but what about izuku and the egg that inside of me" toshinori said worried about his successor and the thing that is growing inside of him " we couldn't find him anywhere..and as for the egg....they did a DNA test on it and..." David paused for a moment and then answered " the midoriya izuku DNA" he said toshinori eyes wide and gasps at first he couldn't understand then his memories hit him like a train.


Toshinori was laying on the ground in pain when the door opened and all for one walked into the room with something in his hand "ah all might,the symbol of peace, and everyone number 1 hero laying beneath my feet " he said letting out a evil chuckle "what do you want..what have you done to izuku " he said glaring at all for one " oh he's neither dead or alive but in between in fact " he said " what do you mean " toshinori said wanting to know what that monster did to izuku " he's right here "all for one said holding up a container with a glowing thing inside it " with the proper tools, brilliant scientists,and technology we manage to deage midoriya nothing but into a fertilized fetus egg that anyone could absorb" he said earning a shocked look on toshinori sunken face and saw it melt away into rage " YOU MONSTER!!!" he shouted and lunged at all for one but he fell face first on the ground when all for one moved out of the way, all for one laugh at the pitiful sight of the symbol of peace and place the container that holds izuku in front of toshinori and walked away closing the door behind him. Toshinori looks at the door then back at the container that holds the egg that is izuku and carefully unscrewed the lid and let it float in his hands as it faintly glows green,tears flowed from his eyes as he softly sobs "I'm sorry my boy,I'm so sorry this happened to you, that I couldn't protect you,but maybe I could still protect you " he said and he lowered his hands to his stomach and with a quick motion he shoves the egg into his stomach and a searing pain rushed into him making him cry in pain clutching his stomach in pain as he felt his inside shifting and passed out from the pain his last thought was ' I'm sorry izuku my boy'


"Toshi,toshi!are you ok " David said pulling toshinori out of his thoughts, toshinori looked at his husband with tears flowing from sunken face as he buried his face into his lover chest and sobbed "it's ok toshi,everything's going to be ok shhhhh, shhhhh,shhh don't cry sunflower don't cry " David said comforting his lover while hugging him and rubbing his back knowing that toshi was not going to face this alone.

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