Chapter 8

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I woke up the next morning to Cambry shaking me frantically. "Ali, wake up! I think I hear someone coming." Before I could even had time to think, in walked my mother.

I quickly pulled the sheet over mine and Cambry's naked bodies. But it was too late. My mom had seen everything. 

I was humiliated. I could feeling my face turning red and the back of my neck burned with embarrasment.


Just by the way she yelled my name, I knew she was completely disgusted and ashamed of me. Her eyes were filled with tears and horror.

"Mom, I can explain all of this. Just calm down and we can talk about it."

"You think I can't see what's going on here? I'm not that stupid, Ali. And I don't need you to explain anything to me. I can't believe that my own daughter, someone I raised would do this to me. You know what you did is wrong, and I can't believe you would disrespect your father and I by doing it under our roof! I want you out of here now!"

"But, Mom!"

"But nothing, Ali. Get out now. And take your little friend with you! And don't even think about coming back here!"

She glared at me and Cambry as we hurriedly got dressed and ran out of my room and down the stairs.

I didn't even realize that I'd been crying until we got safely into my car.

Cambry looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Ali. I didn't mean to fall asleep in your bed. I was planning on going right back home."

It's ok. She was gonna find out sometime anyways, and I'm sure she would've reacted the same way no matter how she found out."

"Don't cry, Babe. Everything's gonna be ok. You can stay at my house with me. My mom already knows about us and she's fine with it." 

She reached over and wiped away a tear the had just falling from my eye.

"Ok." I said, trying to act a little more optomistic. "Let's go." 

But as we drove off down the street and towards Cambry's house, I couldn't help but wonder if my parents would ever speak to me again.

It's cliche, But she saved me ( GirlxGirl ) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now