Grey Birds, Grey Skies Chapter 2

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Mallory looks around to see if anyone is paying any attention to us. NOPE. 

"Dean Calabrese" she whispers.

 Dean Calabrese and I had a history and it wasn't a good one but I don't know why he would take Jade. Dean looks like a mysterious mean kid but he was super nice when I met him. He has really really light orange almost white hair. 

"Why and how??" I say really confused. 

"Because they were on a date before she disappeared".


"Sorry," Mallory said quietly. "You two need to see me after cla-" 

Before he could finish his sentence the bell rang. The whole class ran out quicker then you can say class. I don't care if Mr. Banks told us to stay after class.  Mallory and I walked out of the class before Mr. Banks could notice. 

" Could we exchange numbers? " I asked.  


 We take each other's phones and type in our numbers.  When we were done,  we awkwardly gave back each other's phones and walked away. 

I see Randy waiting for me down the hall. Randy is my best friend... my only friend...  He is a complete ass face, never takes anything seriously.  He even laughed at the really sad dog commercials.  He has an Archie from Riverdale hair expect his hair goes straight up.  Someone called him Ron Weasley one time and that kid ended up in the Nurse's office. Yeah,  Randy does not like to be called Ron Weasley.

"Yo" Randy walks towards me, looking serious and starts looking around to see if anyone is noticing us. NAH who would?

"I saw you giving Michelle or whatever-" 

"Mallory but whatever" 

"Mallory...  your phone number. Are you guys gonna go on a date to like a really sad restaurant, her choice, and after that you guys go to her place *eyebrows moving* after sex,  she's like *has a high pitch voice* that was some great sex and now I'm am going to show you my blade collection,  just imagine a bunch of blades in one cabinet-"

"Ok I get it and no I am not going to have sex with her" 

"Oh c'mon stop being such a fucking pussy, man. I mean I got a second base with Allison Slater and it was fucking aweeeessssome!"

"Dude we're going to be late to history," I said. " Oh yea, we have to Mrs. Porno's class," Randy says.

 "Do you mean Mrs. Porto's class?" I said rolling my eyes. 

"Yea" Randy says shaking his head up and down

 We start walking in silence.

"Did you hear about Jade?" I said trying to start a conversation.

 "Yea, bet she's dead," Randy said looking down.

 Then looks at me with a smirk "From all that sex she had with Dean Callabreeze"

 He starts to moan really loud. You see he doesn't even care about Jade who has been missing for a whole fucking week.

Jade was Randy's second-grade crush. Every day he would give his Lays chips to her. It was so adorable. When we arrive to history, the bell rings. We walk to our assigned seats he seats far right and I sit far left and across from me was no other than Dean Callabreeze. whenever I look at him, he reminds me of a day that I will never forget...

to be continued...  

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