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It's one of those harsh facts of life, one that Kihyun has never experienced himself before today, one that he's only ever encountered in the books that he's read but a harsh fact of life all the same, how things can go so terribly wrong so quickly, how one tiny mistake can start a chain reaction, and soon, what began as an uneventful morning can quickly spiral out of control as everything falls apart all at once.

The third day in the cabin starts out calm and quiet enough, peaceful and pleasant, even, with no indication that everything is about to blow up in Kihyun's face. When he awakens, Hoseok is already dressed and making coffee again, Kihyun opening his eyes and sitting up slowly, his ears perking up and his nose twitching as he breathes in the sharp, bitter aroma of the coffee mixed nicely with Hoseok's soft vanilla, the scent that he's grown as familiar with as the scent of the dense, wild forest surrounding the compound. Hoseok is fully-clothed this time, and Kihyun doesn't even pretend to not be disappointed, frowning to himself and letting out a soft whine as the world around him comes into full focus.

Hoseok looks up from what he's doing when he notices that Kihyun is awake, Hoseok's tail swaying happily behind him and his own ears perking up. He looks well-rested and content, much better than he had yesterday morning, his skin glowing and his cheeks slightly flushed with health. He smiles brightly and Kihyun smiles in return, as easily as breathing.

"Good morning, Kihyunnie," Hoseok says, his voice like honey, the sweet nickname making Kihyun's heart thump. "How did you sleep?"

Kihyun blinks and yawns cutely, his eyes fluttering as his ears twitch. If he listens carefully, he can hear the soft patter of rain outside on the cabin rooftop, like fingertips tapping on the wood, and he can smell the faintest hints of morning dew. "I slept well," he says. "What about you?"

"Slept great," Hoseok responds, his eyes sparkling with fondness, and he turns back to making the coffee, humming happily as his fluffy tail keeps swaying back and forth behind him. Kihyun watches it for a few moments as if he's hypnotized, and this time, Kihyun can't help himself, can't resist his feline urges.

Kihyun grins, eyes wide, and he quietly pushes back the covers and gets out of the bed, completely silent as his warm bare feet touch the cool wooden floor, completely silent as he pads across the room to sneak up behind Hoseok in the way that only a cat can manage.

And then, in the moment when Hoseok is turned towards the sink and about to wash his hands, Kihyun grabs for Hoseok's tail, catching it between his hands and laughing loudly as Hoseok starts and lets out a shout of surprise.

Hoseok turns around halfway as Kihyun holds on tight to his tail, squeezing it and enjoying how soft and fluffy the fur feels on his palms and in between his fingers, and Hoseok just stares in awe as Kihyun plays, releasing his tail and then grabbing it again, over and over as Hoseok quickly catches on to the game and plays along, flicking his tail back and forth with an amused grin. It's only after a few minutes that Kihyun finally releases Hoseok's tail and reaches up to rest his hands on Hoseok's shoulders, Kihyun standing on his toes and laughing with his eyes scrunched up into adorable crescents, his own velvety tail raised in happiness behind him, swaying slowly.

"I'm sorry," Kihyun says, a little breathless with laughter. "I couldn't resist." He comes down from standing on his toes while still gripping tight to Hoseok's shoulders, and he presses in close to Hoseok's broad back, burying his face in between Hoseok's shoulder blades to suppress his giggles.

Hoseok is just so big, and such a physical contrast to Kihyun in so many ways, that his very presence draws Kihyun in close to him. The muscles in Hoseok's back are warm and firm, and Kihyun feels like he wants to sink into Hoseok's skin, Kihyun nuzzling his face, one side and then the other, against the center of Hoseok's upper back, Kihyun's chest producing happy feline sounds as he breathes in Hoseok's amazing, comforting scent. It makes Kihyun feel so good inside, addictive like a drug, and Kihyun just can't get enough of it, can't get enough of Hoseok. And Hoseok doesn't say anything in response to Kihyun's sudden burst of affection, but he lets out a low rumble of a laugh that Kihyun feels roll through Hoseok's back, and as Hoseok breathes deeply, Kihyun reflexively squeezes Hoseok's shoulders and sighs in contentment.

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