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Kihyun had never imagined that he could be so overwhelmed by just a simple, innocent kiss.

After all, what was a kiss, really? Just two pairs of lips pressing together. Kihyun had always thought that it was a bit silly how everyone always made such a fuss over something so trivial. And yet, as Kihyun and Hoseok share their first, sweet kiss, sitting there facing each other on that tiny, creaky old bed with the soft covers resting over their laps, the room silent and dark and cool from the nighttime air drifting in through the cracks in the front door, it doesn't seem trivial at all, not in the slightest. It seems monumental, magnificent, like the most important thing that has ever happened in Kihyun's rather bleak, insignificant life. And Kihyun supposes that it is.

Meeting Hoseok, being with him now, it's the greatest, most wonderful thing that's ever happened to him. What had started out as something certain to bring him nothing but misery had instead brought him the greatest happiness he had ever known. In fact, he had never known that he could feel so happy, that this level of joy was even possible.

And as he kisses Hoseok for the first time, it seems like everything is turned on its head, like everything that he had ever known changes all at once, like an entirely new world has opened up just for the two of them to share and to experience together, and Kihyun feels an intense warmth wash over him, a profound relief roll through him in waves, coming up from deep inside of his chest and spreading itself out all the way to the tips of his fingers and toes, to every atom of his body like one great, heavy sigh.

Their lips are just slightly opened slotted together in their first kiss, but they don't move right away, just revel in the sensation of warm mouth pressed against warm mouth, fit together perfectly, both of them holding their breath with minds empty of all coherent thoughts, both of their eyes closed in soft bliss, swept up in the sudden, magnificent surprise of it all that neither were expecting.

And when the two of them separate after a long moment with a soft, wet noise, their lips lingering, sweetly aching from the touch, it's purely automatic, effortless, for them to look at each other, eyes meeting for only a second, full of emotion, full of what feels like the weight of the world, before they close their eyes and move right back in to kiss a second time, and a third, and a fourth, and a fifth time, each kiss unique and special, each kiss like falling in love all over again.

Kihyun grips tightly onto the collar of Hoseok's t-shirt as they keep kissing, Hoseok's lips unbelievably soft and warm and wet against Kihyun's own, and Hoseok even tastes like vanilla and sugar, sweet and comforting, and with each kiss, one after another after another, Kihyun feels like he's sinking deeper and deeper, like he's drowning, swallowed up by his own feelings, consumed by Hoseok's feelings in return that he can feel now as strong and as clear as his own. Their lips push and pull together smoothly each time they kiss and separate, tilting their faces in tandem, the kisses growing wetter and more passionate, longer, deeper, audible as they fall into a rhythm, soft moans spilling from their lips as they get lost in each other and soon tune out everything around them.

It's only after their kisses start to grow lighter and softer, both of them lightheaded and not just from lack of breathing, that they finally pause and separate, but just barely, their lips hovering over each other and their foreheads touching, and they both keep their eyes closed as they catch their breath, just basking in it as they pant heavily into each other's mouths, noses brushing and both of the deeply flushed. Kihyun feels like he could swoon, like he's settled into a moment of pure magic, better than all of the stories, a real, genuine moment of bliss.

Kihyun had had so many dreams, so many fantasies spurred on by his omega biology, where he and Hoseok did so much more than kiss, where he and Hoseok had done all manner of filthy, wild things, but actually doing this, actually kissing Hoseok here and now and of his own free will, and having it be so pure, so sweet and romantic and lovely, is something else entirely, something that Kihyun never could've imagined, something so much more than any fever dream could ever even hope to be. And Kihyun feels too much, like he could collapse from it. He can't believe that this is finally happening, and yet, it feels like the most inevitable thing in the world.

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