After Jin had told the male off, he had stormed upstairs to his bedroom so that he could change out of his blood covered clothes and wash his hands so that he couldn't be told off once again.
Don't get him wrong, he is a pretty bad ass guy but when it comes to Kim Seokjin, well, he'd definitely wet himself and dig his own grave.
He loves the man, he was his hyung after all but fuck does the man scare the shit out of him sometimes.
He just has this motherly side to him, he's not afraid to tell anyone in the house off if they've done something wrong or if they have wronged the man in anyway.
Honestly, Jungkook does look up to his hyung but that's something he would never admit to anyone at all.
Once he had reached his room, he quickly stripped himself of his clothes and walked into the bathroom turning on the shower.
It took about a minute for it to warm up, but once it was warm enough he got straight in letting the water run along his body.
Grabbing his soap he quickly washed his body, the blood forming around his feet in a very light red to pink colour as it washed off of his body while his soap turned a slight pink colour as well.
He washed the blood off of the soap before turning the water off and getting out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist as he walked back into his room.
He wasn't exactly in the mood to get back into another suit so he slipped on a pair of black jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and his favourite timberlands.
The house has seen him like this before so he wasn't really fazed, he didn't like dressing and walking around in suits all the time unless he really had to wear one.
Right now wasn't a moment for it, he was just going downstairs to have dinner with his 'family' then he's going to go to bed.
Shoving his hands into his pockets, he walked out of his bedroom shutting the door behind him before walking downstairs and back into the dining room to see that Jin and the kid were already eating while the others waited for him.
He chose not to speak up over it, knowing Jin would only find some excuse to have ago at him.
But before he could even sit down Jin was opening up his mouth "I gave you five minutes, and from looking down at my watch you took exactly fifteen minutes. I'm disappointed."
Jungkook glared at the man, taking his seat at the head of the table "You couldn't have expected me to have showered and gotten dressed, then be back down here within five minutes."
"I did expect it and that is why I'm disappointed, oh and I would like a word with you after dinner," he said before turning his attention back to the kid and his husband, they were both cooing over the boy which only made him scoff.
Jungkook grumbled to himself, making himself a plate of food before looking at everyone "You can eat now," this earned him cheers and a bunch of 'thank fuck I was hungry' from his 'family'.
Jungkook just silently ate his dinner, humming in content at the taste. Jin never failed to disappoint with his cooking, it tasted absolutely divine just like any other night.
When he had finished, he pushed his plate away before leaning back in his chair, looking at everyone around the table with a blank stare but he couldn't help his eyes that lingered on the kid who was happily eating away, chatting with the Kim's.
He didn't exactly like the sight, but what was he supposed to say? I don't like you talking to my toy? Yeah, that wouldn't end very well; Jin would have him by the ear telling him off before smacking the back of his head with his famous wooden spoon.
Dinner finally came to an end about an hour and a half later, everyone leaving to go to bed or to do whatever they pleased for the rest of the night.
The kid was escorted away by Jackson, which wasn't very surprising to him.
He tried to make a clean get away to his room so that he wouldn't have to talk to Jin but of course that didn't happen, Jin had managed to stop him by grabbing a hold of his arm.
"Where do you think you're going?" He heard, this causing him to turn his head to flash the stern looking man a smile.
"Nowhere hyung," he said, pulling his arm away from him so that he could scratch the nape of his neck with an awkward smile.
"That's what I thought," he replied with a small glare before dragging him to a seat, before pushing him down on the chair.
Jin took the seat that was next to Namjoon who was looking awkward about the whole situation, he looked like he'd rather be someplace else but of course he couldn't.
"Now, I want to talk to you about Taehyung," he said, his arms crossing over his chest.
"Who?" Jungkook asked, his eyebrow raised in slight confusion.
"The kid? Kim Taehyung?" The older said "How did you not know his name? You're the asshole who brought him here."
"Doesn't mean I caught his name," he shrugged.
"Of course not," he said with a roll of his eyes "Well, I'm just putting it out there that he shall now be put under Namjoon and I's care. We will take full responsibility of this kid; I am not letting you fuck this one up. He's a poor child and I will not allow you to use him."
"I'm the boss around here, I can do as I please and if I want to use him then I shall. He's a mere toy to me, just like the others."
"And that is where you're wrong, you may be the boss but I will not allow you to do such a thing. If I find out that you have so much as touched a hair on that poor boys head, you will be sure to feel my wrath and you know how I can get Jungkook. So don't. Fucking. Test me," he replied with a sneer.
Just hearing that had Jungkook wanting to curl up into a small ball, when Jin gets angry it's a whole new level of anger. He's like an angry girl, and that is something you do not want to witness.
"So you better promise not to touch him," this only made Jungkook nod his head.
"Promise," he said again wanting to here to male say it.
"I promise," he replied to which Jin nodded his head with a satisfied smile on his face.
"Good, he'll also have free roaming space so he will not be locked up in his room like you had arranged. He'll also be working in the kitchen with me; do you have anything you want to say?" Jungkook shook his head like the good little boy he was.
What? The man's scary.
"Good, that'll be all," he said before standing up, Namjoon getting up after him "Now let's go play," he grabbed Namjoons hand and dragged him off out of the dining room.
"You're disgusting!" Jungkook shouted.
"Oh well!" He heard him reply which only made him roll his eyes with a shake of his head.
He may have promised Jin but he knew that he'd probably end up breaking that promise.
He sure wasn't going to keep his hands to himself, he just had the urge to touch and feel the young boy's body.
There are so many things he wants to do with him, but he knows that he'll have to keep it on the low if he does. He doesn't need Jin finding out.
But at the moment Taehyung wasn't his main problem.
The two men in his basement were, he will get the information he needs.
He will get it.
He will take down the Black Dragons.
Even if it kills him.

Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**