Chapter Thirty Two

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Today was the day that everyone would be going to rescue Taehyung, his non biological little brother.

When he had found out that he had been taken, his heart began to break.

He was supposed to look after and protect that younger boy, and hearing that he had been taken just from under their noses absolutely broke him.

But what broke him more was the cries coming from the Kim's bedroom, the loud cries from Jin hurt him and everyone else in the house.

Taehyung was like a son to him, he knew he felt like he had failed to keep him safe just as much a he did himself.

Everyone loved the younger boy with all their heart, they all treated him with care, love and the respect that he had deserved.

Who would have thought that little teenager would worm his way into all of their hearts? Just seeing him happy brought smiles onto everyone's faces.

But now he was no longer here, smiles on everyone's faces began to disappear being replaced with anger and no expressions at all.

Plans began to be made, strategies were also being planned on how people where to go in and take these men out.

They were all prepared for the worse, they all knew what they would be getting themselves into but they didn't care. They wanted the young boy back in their home, happy and safe.

No one had talked through the whole ride to the Black Dragon's, it was like no one could bring themselves to talk about anything when they knew what was about to happen.

No one even wanted to talk about the plan, they all just wanted to sit and think over things.

Jungkook's silence was there worst, his facial expression was deadly. When he looked calm and collective  you knew shit was about to go down, you knew he was angry and ready to raise hell on earth.

But could anyone really blame him? They just took away his boyfriend, the one that he loved and cared for dearly.

Everyone could see that Jungkook was in love with the younger, you could see it in the mans eyes but no one spoke up about it afraid he'd castrate them.

When they had reached their destination, Jungkook gave a speech that warmed everyone's hearts but also made them even more determined to fight for their beloved family.

Every single one of them were willing to lose their lives for their family, because family will always come first.

Whether they be blood related or not, family is who you make it. They don't just have to be blood.

With determined faces, everyone had finally left to their respected destinations to get this fight started.

Jackson had stayed close to Hoseok as they followed Jimin to where they would be, his hand intertwined with each others as they slowly followed behind.

Jackson's heart was racing, he would be lying if he said he wasn't scared.

But his thought were cut off by the gentle hand of his boyfriend's on his cheeks "Hey, calm down baby," he heard him say, this making him look up at him with a small smile.

He loved his boyfriend dearly, and just looking at him brought a smile to his lips "I'm calm, I promise."

"You don't look it," he chuckled "We'll be okay, I won't let anything bad happen to you. I'd die for you," he said.

Tears brimmed the males eyes as he nodded "I know, I'd die for you as well sunshine."

This brought a smile to Hoseoks lips "Good, I love you baby. Don't you forget that," he said "And just think, in a few hours this'll be over and we can go back and cuddle each other all night."

Jackson nodded his head, a smile on his lips as a few tears rolled down his cheeks "I'd love that," he replied "And I love you too."

"Let's go and kick some Black Dragon ass," Hoseok said, pulling a small tearful laugh out of Jackson.

Quickly, they shared a small passionate kiss before they joined their group who was a little further down from where they were.

The listened as Jungkook finished off his last speech before they all walked into the open, guns up as they began to aim at their enemy.

The loud gunshot's were hurting poor Jackson's ears but it wasn't like he wasn't used to this, his gun aiming at a gun coming close to him.

As time passed, Jackson had a few wounds on his body but not bad enough for him to bleed out which was lucky.

The enemies were soon lay in their own pools of blood on the ground, but that wasn't the end of them.

More began rushing over to where they were, all taking cover as more shots began to be heard.

He heard the faint shout of Jungkook saying 'Take cover!' Over the loud gunshots that were being fired.

Quickly, he took cover behind a bush as he reloaded his gun before aiming once again.

Soon he caught sight of the door to the building, it wasn't being protected by guards so he took a dangerous decision.

Standing up he shouted "I'm going to go help Taehyung!" He shouted, heading off in the direction of the unguarded door "The door isn't guarded!"

He hoped someone heard him before he was got closer to the door of the building.

His heart was racing, he crouched down as he began to reload his gun preparing for anything that could happen when he gets inside.

Jackson knew this was a stupid decision but he couldn't bare the fact that Taehyung could be in there, in pain waiting for someone to finally rescue him.

He couldn't wait any longer, he didn't deserve whatever pain they were putting the younger through.

The door was a stupid decisions but he didn't want to go looking for other ways to get inside, his mind was just racing with thought of Taehyung's situation.

After taking a deep breath, he finally stood up with his gun pointed and aimed.

He kicked the door open, gun aiming and shooting at men that he could see in the room.

They all went down, them all laying in their own pool of blood.

It looked like no one else was in here, his eyes found Taehyung's and he could see the fear in his eyes.

His head shaking as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Just as he was about to step closer to the younger, a loud gun shot could be heard around the room.



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