Jungkook just sat there stunned; watching as the young boy quickly ran out of his room.
So many things were running through the male's mind, things such as 'why did I do that?' and 'why did I like it so much?'
But he was eventually pulled away from these thoughts when he heard the door next to his bedroom being slammed shut.
Quickly, he stood up from where he was sitting on the bed, rushing out of his room to the boy's room.
As he got closer to the door, he could hear the boy's cries which admittedly broke the older man's heart just hearing them.
If this had been a month ago, he wouldn't have cared about the younger's cries nor would they hurt his cold, heartless heart.
Lightly he knocked on the door "Taehyung?" He called with a small frown.
He could hear the boy trying desperately to show the man that he wasn't crying, which he was failing miserably at "Go away Jungkook," he heard him say in such a small voice.
"Look, I'm sorry okay? I don't know what got over me," which was true, he didn't know what possessed him to kiss the younger.
But he found that he did like it, his thoughts on what it would feel like to kiss those adorable lips that he always kept pouted. They were soft and plump just how he had imagined.
Does he regret kissing the younger? No he doesn't, he finally got to have a taste of those lips and he just wanted more.
He wanted to feel the younger's body against his own, he wanted to feel his lips against his own and the beautiful sounds that left his mouth again and again and again.
Now hearing him cry just hurt him, knowing that it was his fault like the many other times he had caused the boy to cry because he had hurt him.
Just thinking about all the times he's made this boy cry hurt, but why was he feeling like this now? There was only so much he knew about the boy, plus they've only really known each other for about a month nearly two now.
Yet he was experiencing these types of feelings that his heart had never felt before, it was paining him knowing that he doesn't know the reasons for these feelings.
He probably stood outside the boy's room for about five minutes, a sigh leaving his lips knowing that the younger wasn't going to reply to him.
He was going to try again but he chose not to do so, with a small frown he finally walked away from the boy's door and walked down to his office.
Pushing the door open, he walked straight over to his desk and sat down on his chair with a sigh as his head fell into his hands.
He sat like that for a while before he picked up the phone on his desk, pushing in Namjoon's number before hitting the call button and bringing the phone close to his ear.
The phone rang for a few seconds before he finally heard the male's voice "What's up?"
"Can you come up to my office, I need to have an important conversation with you," he said.
"On my way," the male replied before the line went flat, he put his phone down before he leaned back in his desk chair.
His eyes fell shut, his mind going over everything that had happened about twenty minutes prior.
It was like he could still feel the boys inexperienced lips moving against his skilful ones, the way his hands ran through his hair and the small whines and little moans of pleasure that had left the boys lips.
But before his mind could continue to race, his office door was being pushed open which brought him out of his thoughts.
His eyes opened to see Namjoon taking a seat in front of his desk, his eyebrow raised and his lips pouted slightly wondering why he was called to the man's office.
"What did you need me for?" The man asked.
Shaking his head slightly, he sat forward in his desk with a small frown on his face which the male had noticed straightaway because who wouldn't? Jungkook never had any other facial expressions other than his scowl and his stupid little smirk.
"Well shit," he said "Something must really be wrong if the one and only Jeon Jungkook is frowning," he laughed.
Jungkook just looked at the man, sending him his famous glare which instantly made the man shrink in his seat slightly "Sorry," he mumbled.
"I did something stupid," was the first thing to leave the younger's lips, this immediately drew Namjoon in because when has this guy ever done something stupid?
"What did you do?" He asked curiosity laced in his voice.
"I kissed that kid, well I say kiss but more like we kind of had a heated session," he said with a small shrug.
This caused the man to choke slightly on his own spit "Kid?"
"Taehyung," the younger replied in a 'duh' tone.
You could clearly see the shock on Namjoon's face, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open which just made Jungkook roll his eyes "Close your mouth, you'll catch flies."
The man shook his head, sitting up straight as he looked at the younger clearly having heard him right "You kissed Taehyung? When? How? What?"
"He bumped into me in the corridor, we argued like always, I dragged him to my room and one thing lead to another before my lips were on his," he shrugged.
"Well shit, what do you want me to do about it?" The man asked.
Jungkook only shrugged again "I just wanted to ask you something."
"Fire away, I'm all ears," he replied.
"How do you know when you like someone?" He blurted out.
Namjoon again, choked on his own spit "Wait, you like Taehyung?" He asked, mentally cheering in his head.
'Maybe I can finally win one of our stupid bets', he thought to himself.
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking you," he replied with an eye roll "How'd you know Jin was the one for you?"
"I don't know," he shrugged "My heart did this weird skipping thing and my stomach felt like it was going to explode whenever I was around him, and let me tell you I still get those feelings," he grinned, just thinking about his husband.
"I also couldn't stop thinking about him; I always wanted him close to me. I always wanted to feel him close to me, so I took him on dates and then when we kissed, that confirmed my feelings for him. It felt amazing, like he was the only one in the world for me," Jungkook nodded his head, letting out a small hum.
He thought over the male's words for a while, everything he said was similar to the way he felt about the younger boy. He did want to keep him close, his heart and stomach did do that weird thing the man had described, his mind was always running around with thoughts about the younger.
Plus when they kissed, it felt absolutely magical it was something he had never felt before, especially with another person that is.
He could finally confirm that, he Jeon Jungkook likes Kim Taehyung.
And he'll try everything and anything to make the younger his.
You could say that his heart officially belonged to Kim Taehyung.
Starting from tomorrow, updates might not be as regular because I go back to college tomorrow.
So there might be a small spam of updates today, not quite sure yet.

Runaway (KTH & JJK) **EDITING**