You've never met the sakamakis, at age eight you were forced to an insane asylum. You have lived there all your life. You were age 15 now still young. However your blood was special, it was sweeter than yuis making you have the perfect blood for the Sakamakis, you were the next in line when their bride died.
The sakamakis sat in the waiting hall tring they're best not to leave. The air was dry and it was a bit dark. The asylum was glacial, as the doctors refused to turn on the heat for the patients. The asylum was old and the walls were thin making laughs of thoughs who had gone insane easy to hear.
They could easy smell your blood miles away. They could hear you struggling from behind the door as the doctors sragged you by the collar of your stray jacket making it impossible to breath. Your feet were bare amd purple from the icy metal floors as your hands had turned purple from how tight the stray jacket hugged you. The doctors didnt give you a chancw to try and stand as they'd perfer dragging you. Your skin was pale was ice cold as your cried asking them to let you go.
The sakamakis stayed silent taking a moment to process how the patients were treated. They wern't being helped, but kilt.