💜Queen and Clarence Recap💜

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"Cj get down now"I yelled from the kitchen as Cj stopped jumping on the couch.
"Bae chill"Clarence said as he came from behind me and kissed me.
As soon as Cj sat down, Legend started crying.
"Legend Lorenzo White,What's wrong now?"I said
"Dang you ain't got to say his whole government name"Clarence joked
"I know but he been cranky all morning."I said picking Legend up
"Yea just give him some baby medicine"Clarence said
"Your teeth coming in?...huh...that's why you crying?"I said trying to soothe him.
" I'll get Legend dressed"Clare said grabbing him from his crib.
"Ok me and Cj will get ready" I said walking into Cj's room.
"Mommy I wanna wear this" Cj said from his closet.
"Ooo baby you got swag" I said gassing him up.
"Here" He said handing me his clothes as he ran in the now filled tub.
After he got out the tub...
"You ready for today" I said as I fixed Cj's hair.
"Where are we going?"Clare said coming in the bathroom with Legend.
"To meet Airi and the gang"I said smirking knowing that me and Airi already talked about where we were going.
"Come on" I said grabbing my keys and Cj's hand. Clarence grabbed Legend who was now sleeping in his car seat.
"What you mean the gang?I thought Jazz and Tae live like 5 hours away"Clare said.
"They do"I said.
"So we just meeting up with Airi,Ar'mon,Trey and the kids?" Clare said putting on his seatbelt.
"Stop asking so many questions"I said laughing.
"Aight"he said plugging in the aux cord.
10 minutes later...
"We gotta get gas.Do you want some snacks or something?"I said
"Yea can you get me some Ruffles and Cj some cheese doodles"Clare said.
"Yeah I got you"I said walking to the store.

After getting the stuff from the store we started on the road.
2 hours later...
"bae we been driving for like 4 hours" Clare exaggerated.
"No we haven't"I laughed
"Don't even cap it feel like it tho" He said laughing.
"Yeah it do, but stank #2 been sleep ever since we left and Cj has been watching YouTube since like forever" I said turning back to look at Renzo and Cj.
"Yea they living they best life" Clare said laughing.
"Welp it looks like rest stop hours are over" I joked.
"Sadly" Clare said being that he was uncomfortable riding in the car for this long.
"Ooo Lord imma pray for you cause we still got like 4 hours left" I said looking at the GPS.
"Man I'm finna be on my Legend and Cj shit and just chill" He said letting his seat back.
"Clare watch yo mouth" I said hitting him gently on his shoulder.
"Why? No one is listening" He said pointing out the fact that Legend had his baby ear muffs on which so happened to keep him sleep for such a long noisy period of time.

Back on the road again...

"Hello" I said as I answered my ringing phone.
"..... " All I could hear was breathing.
"Who's that? " Clare said noticing my face change
"Nobody... It was just someone breathing and not talking... Must've had the wrong number" I said ending the call.
"Yo?" Clare said answering his vibrating phone.
".... " Still static and breathing
"Let me guess breathing? " I said figuring that it was the same person.
"Yeah" He said hanging up his phone.
"Well let's just chill cause that's why we took a break today" I said trying to ease our mind on the fact that our phones were on some scary movie shit.
"Yeah you right bae" He said putting his hand on my thigh.
"Bae I'm driving...you know how you make me feel when you touch me "I said smirking.
"Bae I'm not even touching skin" He said
"I know but just your presence makes me melt inside" I said quoting something I said when me and Clare first started dating.
"Yo chill" He said laughing.
"Look" Cj said pointing out his window.
"Hey boo" I said honking my horn noticing it was Airi, Ar'mon and the kids.
We pulled over.
"Hey sis" Airi yelled rolling her window down.
"Yuurrrrrr" Clare said in his New York accent.
"Wassup Fam" Ar'mon said as Airi sat back in the seat to let him get a view.
"Nothing we just cruising" Clare said stroking his beard.
"Shit we doing the same" Ar'mon said as Airi tapped him on his chest.
"Bae don't curse in the car" She said laughing.
"Oww bae they not even listening" Ar'mon said overreacting.
"Ohh I forgot they got they little kiddie things in they ears" Airi said looking in the back of the car at the kids then turning back at Ar'mon.
"Stop overreacting I ain't even hit you that hard" She said laughing.
"Mann y'all is violent" Clare said,  Ar'mon agreeing.
"Airi you tryna swap cars? " I asked.
"Yeah but imma bring Star" She said getting out the car and grabbing her snacks and Stars car seat.
"Bae you and Cj can ride with Ar'mon" I said.
"Fasho" He said grabbing his stuff and getting Cj.
"Baby you gonna ride with Uncle Mon and Clare.... Dan is in the back" I said kissing him on his cheek.
We all started back on the road...
"So sis I heard your new music" I said starting up the conversation
"Yeah I'm trying" She said honestly
"I'm proud of you... Shit we need to go on tour together." I said
"Thank you and you know I'm always proud of you too.but yeah tour sounding like a good idea cause I see you workin with mad people plus we international now" She said agreeing.
"Yeah dreams do come true" I said reminiscing on how far we've come.
"I see Renzo a big healthy boy now" She said turning around to look at him and smiling.
"Yeah and Star my big mama" I said glancing at her.
"She starting to talk and walk" Airi said
"Oh really" I said impressed
"Renzo is teething and he cries so much but I love my babies" I said.
"When Star was teething she cried 24/7 but me and Ar'mon got so used to it we had all her teething stuff ready for her whenever she woke up" Airi said laughing.
"Yeah it get like that but at least we got some men that help instead of sitting on  their asses all day" I said with a sigh of relief.
"Exactly" Airi said
"We finally here" I said pulling in the drive and cutting the car off.

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