Chapter 6: Seven Sins Revived

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Meanwhile in a room with three advanced reapers and Inu were in a dormitory room conversing about random topics. Suddenly there was a loud ring from the top of the tower.

Inu looked up and then looked around at the three reapers. "Alright you three, you have to get ready and start practicing your hex spells, classes start in two days."

"We're ready don't worry Lord Inu," The only feminine reaper of the group laughed as she held her hands behind her head and bent over the seat she was in, hanging upside down.

"Shade, you're too arrogant," one of the more calm male reapers said standing behind Shade's seat.

Shade stood right side up pulled off her hood. She had long blackish purple hair, and black eyes with three curved slits formed in a triangle in both of her eyes. In the corner of her left eye she had a piercing, and over her right she had four star stud piercings in her eye brow. Shade was the most energetic of the group of advanced reapers; even though her childish attitude made her seem young she was the oldest of the three advanced reapers. "Learn to loosen up Night, you may be the strongest of us but remember you're still the youngest."

Night removed his hood. He had short spiky black hair and solid black eyes with the same number of slits in his eyes as Shade but his were lightning bolt shaped.

"Do you have an input on this Shroud?" Inu asked.

"I would rather keep my input to myself, if that doesn't bother you Lord Inu," Shroud said as he removed his hood. Shroud had long dark blue hair that came down to the middle of his back, tied in a ponytail. He had solid dark eyes with a foggy appearance to them. Shroud had a blank expressionless look on his face as if he did not see anything.

"Remember Lord Inu, Shroud is the only one of the Marked Seven who has mastered the Death Mark Curse, but lost his eyesight in the process," Shade sighed.

Night then punched Shade in the arm, "You know we're not supposed to mention that loser."

Shade squeaked, and rubbed her arm, "I'm sorry, seriously I forgot, can you forgive me Shroud."

Shroud nodded, "Of course I forgive you Shade, and I know you didn't mean to do it on purpose."

"Anyways, we got to get to bed," Shade yawned.

Inu was leading them out of the room until they were all engulfed into a dark crimson abyss.

"What's this Lord Inu?" Shade asked holding onto Night.

"Armageddon," Inu snarled. "Be on your guard, whenever someone is brought to this domain it always mean trouble," Inu snarled biting his thumb. <But what I don't understand is how is someone even able to open this realm, when it was sealed away over a century. >

Suddenly seven demonic beings appeared from the dark abyss.

"You seven! But how?" Inu snapped.

Suddenly, the seven Sin Demons appeared, Lust, Greed, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, and Pride looked more demonic than their previous forms. They all had dark red blotched skin, longer pointed ears, sharper teeth, sharper, longer claws, and were all bulkier.

"Where did you all get your incredible new strength?" Inu asked.

"Why that is none of your concern Inu," Lust smirked.

"What do you want?" Inu asked.

"We come for the Marked Seven," Gluttony said.

"What do you want with us?" Shade snarled.

"Back off Shade, you three don't know what these seven are capable of doing, so I don't want you to confront them, not yet," Inu said holding his arm out, blocking Night, Shade, and Shroud from the seven Sin Demons.

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