Chapter Eight- Two months later

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It's been two months since I started dating Baby and Ballora. We haven't left the pizzeria for any of our dates because both of the boys look different than 'normal humans' in their human form and they're nervous about what people will think of them. It sucks that we can't go out but we've had lots of fun here at the pizzeria. 

I've moved out of Vincent's house and back in with my parents. It's nice to be back in my own house but it better to be away from Vincent, he's been very jealous of me dating the boys and he has been trying to get closer to me. He and I sat down one night and he straight out asked me out then had a fit when I told him 'no.' 

I have gotten a few more notes from Ennard, giving me many compliments and well, even a threat. 'You're looking beautiful today, dear. I'm glad that I get to wear your soft skin soon.' I've given each note to Baby & Ballora and I can tell that they are much more worried than I am about him. 

Tonight my boyfriends and I are hanging out alone. Right now I'm in my bedroom in front of my vanity mirror trying to decide on my hair and make-up, I never put on lots of make-up but I usually throw on a little bit of mascara. I stared at my reflection as she stared back at me, "What? you wanna fight me? square-up!" I threatened myself and laughed a little. I looked down at my hair and beauty products and saw elastics, bobby pins, and mascara at first. I decided on a style, I put my hair in a bun and left a little bit down and braided it over in a 'hair head-band' and put on a little eye makeup. I looked at myself and smiled "you cute thing" I told myself. I put on some ripped jeans and a casual shirt and smiled at my choice. I headed out the door. 


"I really really love you, Y/N, we both do!" Baby told me, I smiled and leaned my head on him. The three of us are in Ballora's bedroom watching a movie and cuddling on the bed.  

"I love you both, too" I kissed each of their cheeks and we all moved in closer to each other. The movie went on as we all got closer and closer to each other. "Why don't you stay here all day tomorrow, Y/N?" Ballora asked me "That's a great idea" Baby exclaimed and sat up, dumping me right off of him. "heh, yeah sure that sounds fun," I told them. They both looked excited and I smirked at them, then closed my eyes and turned to a serious face/ frown and slowly laid back down. "What?" Baby asked, confused "hmm nothing..." I said and gave a faint smirk and glanced at both of them for only a second. I then shut my eyes again. "Tell us, hon" Ballora begged "Okay..." I opened my eyes "well, we've been dating for a little while and, well, we haven't made out yet" I told them with a large smirk. 

Both boys turned red and looked at each other then back at me then smirked. " want to?" Baby chuckled, I shrugged "I definitely wouldn't mind it," I told them. "Well then, let's do it" Ballora came closer, I inched closer to him "Okay." Our faces moved closer and closer together until our lips slightly touched and he grabbed my face and pulled me right up against him and shoved his tongue in my mouth and smirked into the kiss, he explored my mouth and after a while, he pulled away. 

I didn't get the chance to open my eyes and I was pulled into another pair of lips and another tongue was shoved into my mouth. I could feel Baby feel satisfied with the kiss he was giving me and after a few more seconds he pulled away. I opened my eyes slowly and smiled at the two with the cutest smile I could pull off. But they didn't look like they were finished, at all. They had big smirks on their faces and Baby tackled me and started kissing down my jaw. I knew where they wanted this to go. 

"Hey! hey! not tonight" I started pushing him off "aww why not?" Ballora whined while Baby pouted "Because I'm not ready" I stated "But- "not tonight" I interrupted "I'm sorry boys but let's just cuddle tonight......please? I pouted to them "ok baby girl" Baby told me and pulled me close to his chest. We laid down and I felt Ballora wrap his arms around me from behind. 

I closed my eyes and let myself drift to sleep. 

Happy New Years, guys! 



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