Chapter 11

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Tasha POV

After I left Clare's I drove home. I'm sooo tired honestly like I'm extremely sleepy. I made it home unlock the house door and instantly seen Bryce on the couch playing the game yelling at the tv and stuff.

"MANE DAMN PASS THE DAMN BALL!! PSHH these niggas on some Bs

"Hey Babe. You mad ain't it (Tasha said laughing sitting next to him hugging him)

"Hey love and nah mane (Bryce said still playing not looking at Tasha)

"So what all you do over your moms house..

"Just chilled, talked with my family and played the game and stuff.

"Oh okok well I'm about to go get in the shower and get in the bed afterwards. I'm so tired me and Clare went everywhere today

"Yeah ok.. uh hold up hold up wait a minute (He told tasha pausing his game)

"What bae what now. (Tasha said putting her hands on her hips)

"You went out like that?? You must went to the damn club or somethin (he said looking her up and down)

"Nah bae what's wrong with my outfit?

"That's dress is to short. Got ya ass all out and shit. Who you say you was with again.

(Tasha smacks lips) "Bae my ass is not out now you forcing it now. (She rolls her eyes) and I was with Clare bae who else would I be with?

"I don't know hell! You looking that damn good ain't no telling who you with.

(Tasha smacks her lips) mane shut up I was with Clare you doing to much now mane..

"Mane whatever (Bryce said and went back to playing the game)

I went upstairs took off all my clothes and hopped in the shower. I turned my Bluetooth on and started playing my Favorite Song By Drake nonstop

Look, I just flipped the switch (flipped, flipped)
I don't know nobody else that's doin' this
Bodies start to drop, ayy, hit the floor
Now they wanna know me since I hit the top, ayy
This a Rollie, not a stopwatch, shit don't ever stop
This the flow that got the block hot, shit got super hot

Ayeeee that's my Jam. (Tasha said to herself.
After I was done with my shower I put my shorts on and tank top on and got in the bed and watched some movies on Netflix.

Bryson POV

I decided to stop playing the game and go upstairs to my Love because we barely spend time together. So I'm about to just chill with her. but her in that dress I DO NOT ACCEPT. It be niggas that be looking and shit Ian with all that.

"Hey baby can I talk to you. (Bryson said hopping in the bed next to Tasha)

"Oh Lord what you do. (Tasha rolled her eyes)

"I don't do nothing baby just hush and listen..

"Mmhm (Tasha rolls her eyes)

"Okay soooo I know you haven't met my Family yet because of the issue we all have and so tomorrow is gonna be the day you meet them. Finally!! My mom is so in a hurry to meet you so we're going on a family trip to Miami and she wants you to go. We leave tomorrow morning so you need to go ahead and pack. We go on a family trip like every year soo yeah.

"Uhh hold on hold on I meet them to-tomorrow.. wait okay uh who all going.

"It's gonna be me, My 4 brothers and sister, my Mom and Stepdad that's it.

"Uh wow okay um well let me go pack then.

"Yeah go pack because we leave in the morning. Oh yeah and before you meet my brothers PLEASE Excuse them because they can be a little TO MUCH when a Gorgeous Girl like you come around.

"Okay (Tasha blushes)

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