Chapter 16

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Bryson POV

After Tasha left I really felt kind of bad a little but it's about the fact she Up here hugging another nigga in front of everyone like are you trying to embarrass me. Mane come on now. After two hours Passed it was time for us to go and head back to the hotel.

Melody POV

"You got Everything baby. (Tony asked)

"Yeah. Call everyone and tell them to meet us at the front where we came in at.


So Tony called everyone so we all can meet at the front. Everyone was here except Bryson and Tasha once again. The hell are they now!

"Ughh here we go again! (Amelia said)

"Mane where they at I'm about to dip. (Kaleb said)

"Wait there go Bryson but I don't see Tasha anywhere.. (Henry said)

"Where's Tasha dude I'm ready to go Roman (Mel said)

"She left.. so I don't know. (He shrugged his shoulders)

"What the hell you mean she left Bryson?? What the hell did you do already!!?(Mel said walking up to him)

*smacks lips* "dude what did you do mane omg! I am ready to go(Jayden said)

"Mane I didn't do nothing Dang y'all always assuming shit and nothing happened! She probably just be back at the hotel or something.!

*SMACK* "I don't know who the hell you think you talking to but please be remind that I am your mother and I will beat yo ass no matter how grown you is and no matter where the hell we at! I'm not gone tell you again to watch your damn mouth boy! Now bring ya ass! you better hope she in the hotel room. (Melody said)

Everyone made it back to the hotel in the front. Everyone was here except Tasha. She was in her room. So Melody talked to everyone and told them where they are going next later on.

"Alright y'all can go ahead and rest and do whatever for these couple of hours but when 8:00 hits I need everyone down here and dresses professionally we have reservations at this place and we are all going. Alright. Gone.

Bryson POV

Mane my mama didn't even have to do all that earlier. I know I'm grown but shit I got to respect my mama shit I love that woman. But she is mean as fuck that woman is a bad woman.
Anyway I was walking to the room when I got stopped.

"So you here with Tasha huh

"And what's it to you.

"I mean I'm just asking. Y'all Cute or whatever

"Are you following me?? Like the fuck is you doing here anyway.

"Damn you acting all brand new now that you in Miami. Don't forget what you did and what you been doing, What you're still doing!

"Mane bruh don't come to me with That bs mane I'm in Miami trying to have a good time with my baby don't ruin this shit. Leave me alone dude!

(Laugh) "Here's my room number(she slides the paper in his pocket.) She You later boo. (She winks walking away in her thousand dollar tight fitted dress)

(Big Sigh) *shakes head*

I walked back in the room and I seen Tasha sleep. I really don't wanna wake her but I have to tell her what mama said.

"Baby. (He whispered) baby get up I have to tell you something.

"Leave me alone Bryson. You said enough. Now let me sleep. (Tasha said turning the other way so she won't face him)

"Baby I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry I took my anger out on you I'm sorry for everything okay. I love you baby.

Tasha didn't say anything

"Baby please I'm so sorry please forgive me okay I'm so so sorry..


"Baby baby look at me. (He gently lift her chin with his finger)

"I love you and I'm sorry okay.

She nodded

"Okay good and mama said we have to be down in the front at 8 because she made reservations at some place downtown.

"Mmmm okay. (Tasha said stretching) that's what took you so long..

"Uh yeah baby.. but I'm about to hop in the shower okay.

"Okay I'm about to go see if i can go get some ice.


"So I can eat it bae duh(Tasha laughed)

"Awe shit you and this damn ice. You need to stop eating that girl.

"I know I know but it's so good. But I'll be back babe.(Tasha said leaving the room)

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