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Warning: Mentions of incests, rape, depression and torture if you are easily triggered by these things please do not read. (Although they are merely just mentioned. There might be a few details here and there but nothing to traumatizing.)

Disclaimer: Don't own trueblood or any other references I may make I only own my oc and mating idea. However if I did own true blood Godric and Eric would be locked away in my basement in the book series.

" Come on Annabelle daddy's loadin' up the truck its fishin' day 'member." Gabriel said a low chuckle falling from his lips as a brunette with stunning blue eyes ran down the hallway. "Sheesh i'm comin' Gab just let me grab my hat. I ain't bein' out on no lake in the sun without my hat." raising an eyebrow at his sister his grin got larger.

"Well ya best get to gettin' 'cause if ya ain't in the truck in five were leavin' without ya." Annabelle scolded before taking off towards her room. Finally finding her hat she grinned victoriously before securing it on her head.

"Gabriel I found it!" she screamed running to her brother who grinned before saying. "Little one are you ok?" Annabelle frowned. "Wait what?" she was startled by an earthquake that went through her dreamscape bringing her to the land of the living with a gasp.

Shooting up she looked around frantically in confusion not fully comprehending the environment she had found herself in. Grabbing her head she winced at the migraine that formed. Scanning the room through one eye, Annabelle squinted just barely making out a dark figure in the corner of what appeared to be a cell.

Panic shot through her as she looked around her more frantically. "Are ya the one that woke me?" she asked when the figure shifted towards her.

Waiting for an answer only for it not to come Annabelle scolded before standing and looking around with a frown. "Ya know where we are?" Once again met with silence she frowned before sitting back down and shifting through her perce.

"Well whoever throw us in here ain't very intelligent 'sidering the fact they didn't take my phone." looking at the phone and smiling when she saw she had full signal the first number she dialed was 911. "The call you've made has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system please try again later." she pulled the phone away and stared.

"Ya gotta be fucking kiddin' me." hearing a chuckle from the corner she snapped her head up and glared. "So you can speak." a moment of silence before she got an answer. "Yes."

" Well then do ya know where we are?"


"That would be?" she pressed trying to get an actual useful answer other than yes, only for silence to envelope them again. Annabelle sighed typing in another number narrowing her eyes when it went through. "Charlotte speakin'." she once again pulled her phone away sighed then put it back to her ear.

"Hey Char i'm in a room with a big silver door ya know one of those shitty movie kinda places people put kidnapped victims." silence on the other line made Annabelle frown before it was cut off into frantics.

"Belle? My god you've been missin' for almost three days where the hell did ya say ya were? Why haven't you called the cops?" Annabelle frowned. "Three days? That's a new record."

" I tried for some reason it aint goin' through. What the hell do ya mean three days. I must have been out longer than I thought. You still there?" pulling her phone away from her ear she stared at it her vision going blurry with tears when she found that it was dead.

Trying to turn it back on several times only resulted in making Annabelle feel more panicked, so she stopped sucked in a labored breath before whispering to herself.

Annabelle (Godric x Oc x EricWhere stories live. Discover now