Panic attacks

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Disclaimer: I in no way shape or form own True blood although if the creator of true blood wants to throw a bitch a bone i'll happily accept it. (Cough) that sounded much more innocent in my mind. (Wiggles eyebrows)

She looked at Godric. "Are ya sure it's ok I stay with you and Eric I could always." Godric shook his head immediately and cut her off. "I would enjoy it very much if you stayed in our room min ängel." Annabelle nodded before raising an eyebrow at him.

"So the party is over. Ya gonna gimme answers now?" Godric nodded and they followed him into the elevator then to eric's room where Eric swiped his room key card.

"You and Eric may sit." Eric nodded and Annabelle shrug and went to sit down in a chair near godric accidentally brushing Eric hand when she sat down.

"Ehh sorry bout that." the viking was frozen and Godric's eyes slowly widened and he went completely still as Eric snatched Annabelle towards him and curled up around her.

"What the fuck." She tried to wiggle out of his hold but the viking growled and she froze still. Her eyes snapped to Godric that was watching them with an unreadable expression on his face.

"Stop moving Min ängel you'll only hurt yourself." Godric spoke smoothly after seemingly shaking off his emotions. "Do all vampires do this when ya touch em." she practically hissed stiffening when Eric nuzzle her neck and purred.

"No not all vampires. I suppose now is a good time to tell you." Annabelle snorted shifting slightly in the Vikings hold to get comfortable. Seeing as how he was acting like a giant cat at that moment, purring and nuzzling her neck while she sat in his lap.

His entire body was wrapped around her small frame, almost shielding her completely from Godric. Yes, he was to feral to release her, might as well get comfy.

"Tell me what." Godric hummed. "Are you aware of what a mate is?" Annabelle rose and eyebrow. "Like a friend?" Godric shook his head seeming to look for the correct word.

"You humans call it soul mates." Annabelle nodded. "Yea a soul mate like the other half of your soul 'parently, a lot of the girls I use to hang with would bring it up all the time."

Godric nodded. "Vampires have these it's extremely rare to find a mate and many vampires just settle for a blood bond though even those are rare in the vampire community. There are only three vampires in the world who have found their souls mates I suppose four now that eric is one of the lucky few. Myself and Eric are two out of these four." he silently stared at her as she connected the dots so Godric continued.

"A simple touch can help a vampire recognize their mate. Or if the blood of a mate is tasted. For example say a vampire where to drink blood from a blood bag,if the person who donated that blood where their mate they would know instantly the second that blood hit their tongue." Godric shivered at the thought of tasting the girl in front of him's blood.

"Touch." Annabelle mumbled and looked from Eric to Godric. "Are ya sayin' blonde her' is my mate?" Godric smiled slightly. "Not just Eric min ängel." Annabelle stiffened in surprise and Eric whined when she did purring louder and nuzzling her more fiercely until she relaxed once more.

She distinctly remembered a similar incident happening in the basement of the FOTS. "Ya and blondie are my mates?" Godric blinked at her and Annabelle gulped eyes wide in shock as it coursed through her system. "Is that even possible?"

She began to hyperventilate and Godric was instantly in front of her as Eric released a rumbled growl. "It is me my childe I will not harm her." Eric relaxed slightly and whined at his maker nuzzling Annabelle who was currently experiencing her first panic attack.

Annabelle (Godric x Oc x EricWhere stories live. Discover now