If your so sure

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Disclaimer:I unfortunately don't own eric, Godric, or trueblood however Annabella and most of her family belong to me.

Godric chuckled at his childe who at the moment was staring at the bathroom door so intently he would be surprised if it didn't burst into flames. "Patience my childe she will come to us."

He then frowned his brows slightly. "Be weary I believe she might have been abused by her uncle." Eric's eyes snapped over to Godric's the look on their faces both murderous fangs clicking into place.

"The one she mention kidnapped her?" Godric nodded a solemn look taking over his face. "She has mentioned that she found none physically attractive in the past and yet she does not have the spice of virtue in her scent. We will tread carefully."

Eric growled darkly. "Her uncle.." Godric cut him off a dark chuckle escaping his lips. "Is already gone i caught him attempting to rape miss stackhouse before snapping his neck, If what i believe happened to our söta is true then i would have wished to keep him are longer." Eric growled before chunking a vase across the room making it shatter against the wall.

Annabelle who heard the noise from in the bathroom hollered out. "Is everythin' ok in there." Eric relaxed from hearing her voice and godric responded. "Everything is fine min söta." They heard her mumble out "Yea sure it is, ain't like shits breakin' in there or anythin''."

Godric chuckled shaking his head lightly before Eric and he locked eyes. "What tipped you off?" Eric asked poster stiff. "In the church she mentioned her uncle gets lonely and that's why he kiddnapps her. Her emotions were blank when she mentioned this, she felt nothing at all just a blank slate i believe she's suppressing memories."

Eric growled. "Jag ska döda dem alla."

A fond chuckle escaped Godric's lips. "She would be most upset if you did. Come my childe let's change, vår ängel will be out soon then we must hurry through this meeting." he paused for half a second before chuckling, "I will be accompanying you and Annabelle back to Shreveport."

Eric looked quite please by this and gave his maker a knowing smirk in return that Godric simply shook his head at. "She's actually think i'll allow her to go anywhere near that woman."

Eric shook his head as if the thought alone was something to laugh at. "Don't let her hear you say that my childe." Godric shot his prodigy an unamused look that Eric pouted at before they swift got dressed at vampire speed.

Both their heads snapped up when the water from the shower turned off and a gentle humming from the bathroom along with the distinct sound of clothes rustling let them know Annabelle was almost done.

They heard a sigh followed by grumbling before annabelle opened the door and walked out. Bright blue eyes looked from the ground and up towards them causing both of them to widen their eyes.

The black dress hugged her curves beautifully showing off her large bust before flaring out around her hip area. The dress itself ended mid thigh and black wedges put her at 5'7. Her hair was currently surrounding her in a damp wave.

Annabelle shifted uncomfortably under their wide eyed looks. "Are uhh y'all ready ta go?" her nervous twitches continued until Godric cleared his throat and poked Eric quickly in the side. "Yes min söta we are......ready....." Godric trailed off as he stopped and just stared at her again.

Her eyes quickly took them both in and a blush slowly took over her face as they both continued to stare at her so intently. She quickly make her way to the door when a gentle knock sounded through the room. She answered it and shot Isabel a strained smile that the hispanic woman frowned at.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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