Chapter 1

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I knew today was going to be good. Well I was hoping it would be. I had been so anxious this past week, I was really looking forward to this holiday. I quickly got out of bed knowing this would be the first time in ages where I would get to see my boyfriend. We hadn't seen eachother in weeks maybe months, I wasn't exactly sure. It was terrible. I was hardly organised for this trip, as I finished packing everything last night and I still wasnt to sure if I had everything.

I brushed my hair and pulled my favourite pair of jeans up my legs. They were a light blue colour and they were very comfortable. For this trip we were given clothes to wear, matching clothes actually, which was a light blue t-shirts and dark blue track pants also came along with a dark blue rain jacket. They were all really big on me, the t-shirt draped down to half way between my knees and the top of my legs. I guess the sizing went wrong. It didnt matter to much I supposed. I then straightened my hair, it reached just below the middle of my back and it was a light brown colour. I decided that I should put a little bit of make-up on just to look a little bit more fresh from my restless sleep. I guess I was just constantly moving around in excitement all night.

I hauled my large suit case down the hallway and placed it next to the lounge, and I put my back pack on top. I doubled and then tripple checked to make sure I had my passport and money. My little brother ran out from his room when he heard me messing around in the lounge room. He was dressed in his button up shirt and his hair was combed over, I was guessing that my mother or step father had done his hair because he definitely would not have been capable of doing it to himself. He has short brown hair and dark brown eyes, his nose to me always felt too small for his face. It may have been from his chubby cheeks I wasn't too sure. He's only seven I can't blame him, he's adorable.

"Hi Mackenzie." He said running up and hugging my waist to say goodmorning.

"Goodmoring Tyler." I replied hugging him back.

"I'm going to miss you Kenzie, you're going to be gone for so long." He pouted.

"It's only a month Tyler, don't worry it will fly by. I'll be back before you know it, I already promised you I would make sure I brought you home some chocolate from Belgium anyway," I told him while I poked his cheek after he had pulled away from our hug.

"Okay, but I'll still miss you." He replied walking back to his room.

I headed into the kitchen which was just next to the lounge room, I pulled out the cereal box and poured myself a bowl. I guess I was feeling excited and nervous for this holiday I had never been overseas with out my family and for so long either. For a Seventeen year old only finishing year 11 at the moment was kind of a big deal, having so much homework and stuff to do. But I had finished all my assignments and handed them in so I didnt have to some how do them on my holiday.

"Mackenzie, where are you honey." My mother called.

"I'm just in the kitchen mum," I replied. She strolled in and hugged me.

"Have you got everything? Are we packed and ready? We will leave in half an hour okay." She kissed my forehead.

"Yes mum, I'm ready. I'm excited and we can leave in half an hour that's good with me," As I hugged her back.

"Okay, good and how did you sleep after you finished packing the rest of your clothes?" She giggled, obviously she realised that I had stayed up late last night to finish packing. I think I got to bed around eleven thirty, it would have had to be around then.

"Yeah it was fine, I was a bit restless. I suppose that would be suspected seeing as I am going to be on a plane in less then five hours." I smirked back at her.

Half an hour later I had just tied up my converses and quickly checked my make-up and hair, I look reasonably good. "Let's go." My step father called as I walked back down the hall way. This was it I was heading to the airport now. I was excited, I was but I was a little nervous, of course I would be. I was meeting new people and seeing my boyfriend again, and some of my closet friends. I dumped my back pack in the back of the four wheel drive along with the suitcase my step dad had placed in there. My little brother followed behind me hopping in the car, while my step father Mark, started the car. Mum locked the house and got in the car after everyone. We were off, we were now definitely on our way to the airport. My brother sitting next to me automaticly pulled his ipod out, and began to play games.

I thought maybe now was a good time to text my boyfriend Nick. I pulled my phone out of my pocket where I had placed it to make sure I had it. I texted him *I'm on my way to the airport now, I'll see you in about an hour. I miss you.* I waited to make sure it sent, well that's what I had told myself anyway. It felt like he was being distant lately, not always replying to my texts or returning my calls. I suppose he was busy, he had just finished his last exams and he was now out of school. I needed to stop being so paranoid, he was just busy.

I rested my head on the car window, thinking and hoping that this trip was going to start and end well.

This car trip felt like it was dragging, on we were probably half way there now. I had my head phones in listening to some music. Nick still hasn't replied. The trip that I'm going on is with Air Force Cadets. We are travelling around Europe and going to many war memorials. Well that's basically all I can remember which will be happening. I'm just hoping that it's going to be good.

We are pulling up into the parking lot at Sydney airport, waiting for the parking ticket to come out. I'm so anxious now I'm really starting to freak out, this is exciting, I'm excited. I feel overwhelmed.

"Okay let's head in to meet up with everyone now Kenzie." Mum said, as we all filed out of the car.

"Would you like me to take your suit case?" Mark asked.

"Oh, yes please. Thankyou." I replied.

Mum almost forgot her bag running back to the car, unlocked the car quickly. Mark called out "Come on Katie, we better hurry." She walked faster after grabbing her bag and intertwined her fingers with my step father.

We walked through the parking lot. I hadn't yet spotted anyone I knew. There's so many people around. "There's a few people here." Tyler said. Observing the crowds moving in every different direction.

"Don't walk too far ahead of us, okay Tyler," Mum called out to my brother. He slowed his pace down getting closer to us.

"I think we are almost there." I said.

"Yes, I think it's just around here somewhere." Mark said. We kept walking along, to our left is a line up of taxis, picking up the people coming from arrivals.

"Mum let's go through this door." I point to the door up ahead of me to the right.

"Alright Kenzie." She replied.

I push the large double door open labled departures and I held it for my family to walk in, Tyler looked up at me and smiled, saying "thankyou."

"No worries," I replied.

I then followed my parents. I noticed that up ahead was a large group of people. Then I spotted a few of my friends.

"Mum there." I pointed at the group. She nodded and headed towards them me still trailing behind her.

We were here finally. I could see many different people, some I had no idea who they were and there were some friends that I did know. I can't see my boyfriend. Although there was a guy that I spotted further back in the group he was tall but he wasn't facing me.

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