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Lucy's wailing and sobs could be heard throughout the entire castle. Every servant in the castle chose to ignore for fear of their own Queen bringing the same fate to them.

"Let me out!" Lucy shouted and coughed. It's been five days and nights that gone by, Flare made sure to inform her of that detail.

"Let me out.." Lucy trailed off as a torch and cloth underneath it caught her attention. 'Maybe if I can somehow drop the torch on the cloth it could start a fire? Flare would release me because of her narcissism; wanting to kill me herself.'

Lucy lifted her unchained feet and kicked towards the torch, but she was a bit too far. She kept kicking and kicking but her chained body wouldn't allow it.

"Curses." She muttered under her breath as she continued to kick and kick. Her bare-feet could barley reach anything considering her short height and how high she was hanging. She jerked her wrist until her red bracelet she wore to her mother's funeral was hanging by her fingertips. She held it tightly and tried her best to throw it against the torch only missing it by an inch. 'Damn it!' She faced up with tears in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip, 'I'm never escaping.'

"Luciana?" A sudden voice echoed through the room, "Luciana are you here?" Footsteps followed after.

"Levy!" Lucy said recognizing the voice, "I'm here! I'm here!"

Levy came into view with wide eyes and a frown. "My Queen!" Levy ran towards her and began to undo the chains holding her.

"What are you doing here? How'd you get into here?" Lucy said as her arm was freed.

"I came here with Natsu, he is with the Queen right now pretending to be interested in being her advisor. He ordered me to look for you in secret." Levy rubbed Lucy's sore wrist, "I'm sorry you were here for many nights. We didn't have a plan until two days ago."

"It's alright Levy," Lucy couched slightly as she struggled to stand straight, "go to Natsu and tell him to not kill her. I want that bitch all to myself." Lucy growled angrily. Levy nodded quickly and walked out the poorly lit room.

Lucy grabbed the torch and threw it on the cloth below it, it started burning quickly and Lucy watched as it consumed the cloth. Soon she started placing random logs on the ground near an old fireplace. "This must've been an office." Lucy muttered as she walked around, there was a small bookshelf with books in it.

'Usually I would hate to throw perfectly good books away, but drastic times calls for drastic measures.' Lucy thought to herself as she grabbed the books and threw it into the roaring and growing fire. She quickly left the room and continued to throw the torches on the walls against a fabric or wood so it may inhale the castle fully. A revenge of some sort.

"Weren't you the advisor for that Queen slut Luciana?" Lucy heard a voice speak.

"No, that was my father you have me confused with."

"I see."

Lucy inhaled and looked around trying to find any sort of weaponry. A guard walked by causing her to flatten against the wall as he passed by. Lucy looked at his belt and noticed a nice long sword. She smirked and quietly walked behind him, she wrapped her hands around his neck-trying to avoid his flying fist-and held a tight grip.

Once he passed out Lucy took his sword and wasted no time pushing open the doors to were the Queen was.


Flare's eyes opened as wide as saucers as she stood up abruptly and dropped the cup in her hand. "L-Luciana?" She asked abruptly.

"I never heard a story were Flare, the great killing machine Queen, stutters before another Queen." Lucy smirked, "I can't wait to kill you with my bare hands."

Flare grabbed Natsu's hand and threw him towards Lucy, "you are my new advisor! Do something!"

Natsu shook his head and pushed Flare to the ground, "I'm Lucy's, and always hers." Lucy ignored the red in her cheeks after he said that.

Everyone sniffed the air smelling smoke. "Is that a fire?" Natsu asked.

"I created it," Lucy said as she pushed the sharp tip of the sword into Flare's stomach, "I suggest we leave before the fire catches up to us."

Levy opened the door and closed it with a worried face, "it already has."

"Oh dear," Lucy mutters and pushes the blade in further, "oh well."

"Luciana, what are we going to do?" Levy asked in panic as the fire was close to reaching them.

"We could jump out the window."

Natsu shook his head, "we are too high up, one of us will break a limb the other will die."

"I'm willing to take those odds." Lucy shrugged.

"We came here to save you but we are going to die either way?! I didn't want it to end this way!" Levy panicked. She rocked back and forth as she sat on the ground holding her knees close to her chest.

"Calm down." Natsu said as the fire finally reached them, "both of you, hug me."

"What?" Levy questioned.

"Hug me." Natsu ordered. Levy enveloped his strong waist, he grabbed Lucy and held her bridal style and ran out the door avoiding the falling roof above them.

"We won't make it!" Levy screamed as she ran while holding Natsu.

"As long as you touch me, you'll be fine." Natsu said as a log on fire fell on him, but he didn't hiss out of the burning sensation but threw the log somewhere else.

"How?!" Levy cried.

Lucy's eyes widen, "because his ancestors were dragons," she looked up to his focused face. "Isn't that right?"

Natsu nodded, "if anyone touches me they are immune to fire for awhile."

Levy stilled cried, "I don't know what's going on at all!"

"That's interesting," Lucy hummed in response, "but that must mean Igneel is immune as well."

"Yes, my father is immune." He smirks, "he can withstand standing directly on top of fire and be alright."

"Can you?"

Natsu looks down and runs faster. "Yes." Lucy smirks back and stares at him in slight awe because his ability.

"I know this is a cute moment between you two but I'm going to defecate my pants!" Levy complained. Lucy chuckled and held onto Natsu tighter.

"Run faster!"

Natsu ran quickly and made it outside we're fire was consuming the trees around them. Happy made it in front of them and offered his back to Natsu, whom was still holding Lucy, and Levy, whom had let go.

"Yahooo!" Natsu shouted at Happy ran away swiftly.

Lucy smiled and raised her hands watching as the fire inhaled anything in its path.

"It's going to the village!" Levy pointed.

Lucy nodded, "oops! Flare isn't dead...I don't think."

"Now they don't have a ruler. I wonder who will take over." Natsu questioned.

"Who knows."

"That's not important now," Lucy interrupted, "we need to get home before anyone finds out I'm missing."

"People have thought of you bedridden," Levy said, "they think you are sick and stressed about the war."

"I will make a note stating my improved health and about the war, have it posted around the town for me?"

"Yes, Luciana my Queen."

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