This is Your Life

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Your name is Nepeta Leijon, and you work the graveyard shift at ampm. Your coworker, Terezi Pyrope has not yet arrivationed for her shift which started five minutes ago, and your boss Rufioh is getting on her case via you. 

"ooho where is pyrope?!?! this woman is going to make me go bat sh*t!" he like to senser his swears for somereason you dont know why. it makes him sound like a loser nerd but its also very big power move how he makes his mouth do that. just then terezi slavs in the door in her apron all ready 2 go. "HEY BOSS" SHE Ambulates. 

"AND HEY NEP" she gives you a wink and a finger gun. you graciously accept said finger gun with delicate aprehension as she places it upon you. you can tell it was made by only the most profiecient of finger gun makers. "thank mew" you say because you do cat puns. it is very kawaii of you. 

"there you are pyrope! late again!" rufioh says and corses his arms and his stupid dumb bitch fairy wings flutter and it makes you want to stab him. but you don't. youre biding your time. need to make some cash first. youre starting to feel hungry so you eat the finger gun that was gifted to you a few seconds ago and are saciated for the next three hours.

"alright im leaving. pyrope i want you cleaning the bathrooms and leijon youre on register" he says and aways out the door. you look at terezi and know she is thinking the same thing as you which is that you want to stab him. its not like he is a "bad guy" persay he is just soooo annoying and stuffy. 

finally... it is a lone from him. while terepy is gone and away in cleaning the bathroom a customer enters. she has a very dark aura about her and you do NOT trust like that. its like 3am and she is like all dolled up like she just got ready for her day 3am. not to judge or anything but thats just a LITTLE odd okay. she wanders around the store for a while before coming to the counter to you. 

"hi nya! did you find everything okay?" you say as is customary.

"Can we ever really find everything?" she asks. "uhm... haha i just meant like stuff from the store :33" you say and are polite because you are a very good worker kitty! 

the girl sighs. "i suppose i have found all the ingredients you can supply me with at the moment. But do not think i will not be coming back." she smirks slightly when she says it and you feel very uncomfortable. at this point, we all know exactly who this girl is, and we think you are pretty stupid for not knowing. and we are right. After paying, she exists the store and you feel a feeling of unsettlement resting around in you. 

Trapeze comes out of the bathroom after it has been  cleaned. "hows it goin" she asks. "some really weird girl just came in! she gave me the creepies!" you say parlaying the past tents. 

"hahahahahaha cool." says trase and she yawns. "i gotta go piss." she says and leaves "oh okay!" you say. you are working peacefully when you hear terezi yelling. 

"OH GOD... OH GOD!!!! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!" damn.... must be a powerful shit.... 

you tune out the yelling and scroll through chittr on your phone. And chuckle to the self when you see that your friend dave posted a really funny picture of his brother trying (and failing epicly XD) to do a skateboarding tricks. but then you are hearing something... that catches of an attention. 

"HELP!!! HELP ME!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! OH GOD!!!! NEPETA HELP ME!!!!" oh shit oh fuck that's you! you sprint to the bathroom. "terezi?? are you okay????" you dont wanna just burst in on there. all you hear in response is more yelling. you kick the door open with your super strnecth. 

"WOAH WHAT THE HELL!!" terezi screams. you close the door VERY quickly. she was literally just chillin on the toilet lookin at her phone but also you saw like her entire dick. haha oh god. you awakrdly run away back to the counter where someone is standing waiting for you to take them up. your face is like green as fuck now because you just fucking walked in on your friend and coworker taking a dump that's like. the WORST actually. what are you, a sim in the sims four that needs to wash their dishes but the kitchen sink is being taken up??? god... how embracing! 

you ring up the customer who seemed VERY highand youre lowkey like god i wish that were me. but they do drug tests at this job 😔 terezi comes out of the bathroom and is like. reallt wakrdrd stepping towards you. "TEREZI! i am sooo sorry about that... omg it was so crazy!! i swear i heard you yelling and screaming for my help!!! i thought you were in trouble!" you explain but realize how much you sound like a lunatic. the teal seams to understand, however.

"oh shit... you probably need to get more sleep! that sounds wack as fuck!"

"yeah.. youre probably right.. sorry i saw like your whole dick and stuff" you say.

"its cool" she says. it's cool.

this is your life.

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