Come On In!

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It is the tail (lol) end of your shift at another day at this... uh.... WONDERFUL ampm :) You and terezi are cleaning up and getting ready to leave when a customer enters! Or ... hm. You could have sworn you heard the dingy of the door for when the door opens and in comes in a customer! But no one is hear!!!

"purrezi... did mew you hear that??" you ask to your coworker and also good friend. she turns around from where she was intently sniffing the inventory. "HUH?" she says "OH. I GUESS MY LOUD SNIFFING BLOCKED IT OUT XD" she says. "oh valid" you say. 

but then there is another ding dongie of the door open but it didnt even open you were LOOKING! "oh shit" says terezi. she must of hear that one. "fucketh!" you say. terezi nods. she agrees with the fucketh. 

several dings happen all in a row and it is kind of spooking to you a lot a bit!!! "oh gosh! there is purrobably something wrong with the wireing... we should call rufioh" you say and go for the phone. terezi stands there to stop you. "WHAT! no, dude FUCK RUFIOH!!!!!" she yells "mewre right but... i am spookied out :((" you say to her. you are spookied out! 

"WHAT! i have literally seen you kill animals with your bare hands but go off i guess >:/ youre like. one of the toughest trolls i know? buuuuut if you say so.." she says. omg you get so embraced and blushed at this! "nyaaaaaa omg... tewezi... i do not know about all that!!! just beclaws i kill animals foes not mean i am ready for their ghosts to clawnt me ://" you say. 

"clawnt?" she says 

"haunt" you say. 

"OH XD" she says. 

"yeah." you say. you thought it was pretty obvious? but your cat puns can be a little obtuse sometimes. you didnt think it was one of those times however. but ok. you do not mind having to explain your extremely clever puns every once in a while. 

all of the suddenly, a wild dave strider appears! you are reliefed that this ding noise actually meant a person was entering this time. 

"yo yo yiggity yo all up in the hiz houuuuse y'all ready to be DONE with WORK up in here???" dave says and slams his fists on the counter like an overly excited bro saying hello to their good bro who works at a drug store similar to, but the same, as this one. 

"FUCKING FINALLY!!!!" says terezi and vaults over the counter and runs out the door screeching. 

"nyah hello dave!" you say to him. "whaddup whaddup my good cat girl hows it the fuck hangin" he says and raps a little. you chorkle. "h33h33 :33 it is good! except fur that the door is being a weird bitch and spooking me out!!" you say as you remind it to be true. "oh fucketh wym" he says. "i also said fucketh!!! i mean it is doing the dingaling when its not even opening! and no one even is there so!" you say to it.

"aw shit balls dude. thats whack as fuck." he says. you nod. "it is true" you say. no more dingalings happen that night and you leave work unaccosted.

the next day at the start when you enter terezis sumowhow already there which is weird. rufioh gives you the lodown on what needs to be done, which is taking inventory probably. idk ive never had a job. when you recall the events of the last night! "omg refioh! last night the door was ringing a lot even though no one was coming in!!!" 

rufioh who is basically a different person and just looks the same way as he does in the comic, drags his hand down his face. "ok. lets look at the security footage i guess" he says. you all huddle around the screen and watch. 

there is silence on the recording until you turn to terezi and ask if she heard that. the entire time there is no dinging!!!! only the sound of you asking if she heard that and you guys talking!! fuck. when dave comes in you DO hear the dinging so you know its not just that its not picked up by the audio recorder. 

"well thats fucking weird" says rufioh. "anyways i gotta go. bye" and he leaves. 

"but... terezi, mew heard it too right??" you gander. "YEAH! AND MY HEARING IS PROBABLY LIKE ULTRA SWAG DUE TO MY BLINDNESS FACTOR" she yells. hes already gone though. 

"what do mew think was going on??? why did we hear it???" you wonder out of your head and into the frying pan. trebble shrugs "I DUNNO!" she says loud because mostly she is loud. 

"i dont trust like that" you say. suddenly a storm starts happening. it's pouring down rain like karkat pours down tears when anything slightly emotional happens in his vicinity. haha. there is a loud thunder and you squeak and your tail poofs up. "OMG UR TAIL!!!" terezi yells and she pets your tail which makes you blushing. 

suddenly then all of the lights go out!!! "AH!" you say. the power is out!!!! "what why does it smell like a layer of licoriche was just globbed onto everything??" terezi says. "the power went out!!" you nyah. "oh shit" she says.

you reach into some drawer or something and pull out an emergency flashlight. a customer comes in. "welcome!" you say to him. he just smiles politely and goes about his walking around of the store. 

"ISN'T THERE LIKE A POWER BREAKER OR WHATEVER ITS CALLED THAT WE CAN FIX THIS WITH" terezi asks with her mouth. "oh. purrobably but i dont meow if were allowed to use it! or even where it is fur that matter..." you say. "hmm" says terezi.

the dude man comes up with a bag of doritos and a chocolate bar. "crazy storm, huh?" he tries to make conversation. "yeah.. its purretty rough!! drive safely!" you say as you hand him the receet. "thanks!" he says and exits. except. oh ym god he just fucking clipped through the door what the hell. there was NO ding NO door opening no NOTHING he just fucking slipped right on through like a character in tony hawks proskater!!! 

"OH MY GOD DID MEW SEE THAT???" you scream.

"no i'm fucking blind" says terezi. "oh right.. sorry haha... that guy just clipped through the door like a charactepurr in tony hawks purroskater!!!" you mew. 

"oh SHIT damn what!!! thats fucking rad and hilarious!" terezi says. 


"oh ok" you say.

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