twenty | stronger friendships

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"Remember that the laws of politeness require the consideration of the feelings of others; the endeavour to make everyone feel at ease; and frank courtesy towards all."

illéan royal etiquette booklet


It's always interesting, reading notes written by anyone other than yourself. But this is only the case if you've got a secret knack for solving mysteries Sherlock Holmes style.

We're in the middle of Halloween, and once again, The Selected's personal enjoyment is cast aside for sole viewer entertainment. There is not one publicised evening where we can simply be our reckless selves. Being royal was so fake, and annoyingly, this attitude was forced upon us. In previous Selections, intentions may have been misdivided amongst the prince and the title, but come us, it's not necessarily between the two. While there is still some fighting for the prince and the crown, the majority of us have simply come for the ride. There are those for publicity, for connections, escape, and others for a combination of reasons.

As of nine in the evening, a total of five events have happened. Namely, Emmett's departure, Callista's return, Will and I's dunking in the water, Esteban's appearance, and now, The note. 

The note. 

I was hunched over it, attempting to decipher literally any of the haste-scribbled text, in possibly the obvious manner under the sun, though no one seemed to mind me. They were all too busy to ask why a fully grown teenager, mind you, dripping from head to toe, holding a magnifying lens onto a note, whilst nearly falling over her own chair from trying to stick her mascara-smeared eye onto the lens because she's convinced that closer is better. I'm sure it was safe to say that all our heads were up in the clouds.

"Bring me to the lake, I'm jumping in."

I look up to meet the gleamingly amber eyes of Genevieve. She's dressed as some sort of butterfly, but her dress resembles the Enchantress from that Barbie fairytopia movie a little too well. Her dress is a long sheet of pastel green, laces spared by her five-inch stilettos from touching the ground, but instead of a navy blue fitted bodice, she's got a plunge neck that brings out her features. "I fell in by accident." I deadpanned. I blame you, Will.

Despite her full face of makeup, I lead Genevieve out anyway in the hope that a street light will give me the time, space, and visibility to actually read anything.  

It works. Genevieve and Mia are both giggling like maniacal dolls, moving for the very first time. Their splashes are loud and obnoxious. And god, they seem to enjoy not caring. Strangely enough, the note, as if given a touch of magic, suddenly becomes visible, but as soon as I read the text, my eyes widen and my fingers quiver at the breeze hitting my face for the very first time tonight.

It reads,

A big attack is in the making. Ammunition is in the shipments, and armour, smuggled. I've changed my mind: If you're willing to keep up your end of the deal, We'll fight for you. I won't watch my mother's best friend die at the hands of unstable, and mindless thoughts.

Desperately, I want to speak to Esteban, Lucas, or perhaps even America. But lately, it seems as if the three have managed to disappear on cue. There's a small window that links the ballroom to the outside, and I peer into it hoping that I'll grasp someone's attention enough for them to notice me, but so far, I see that Lucas and Esteban have gone completely off radar and America is chatting up one of the other Queens.

"Don't be fooled, it's a lot more silent in there." Mia grins. She's hoisted herself so that she's sitting at the edge of the stone-bound pool, though her legs are still knee deep in water. 

"Oh, I know," I say, taking one last look through the window. But as I turn back, I notice that Genevieve has gone silent. Though she's still underwater, she's staring at the moon wordlessly. "What's on your mind, Gen?" I ask.

"It's coming to an end, The elite. It really is. It's going to be so different." 

I don't know what to tell her, because I'm thinking about the same thing. And I don't know what to tell myself either.


I knew Callista was up to no good.

Less than an hour in, and the girls and I walk in to watch her wrap her arms around the neck of a previously missing prince. And I can't lie and I say I'm not jealous because I am. While Mia whistles sarcastically and heads off for another drink, Genevieve coughs in disbelief. I originally intended to use tonight as a platform to move ahead in the game of contacts, but it seems like the events have taken a turn in favour of our very own underdog.

Callista and I lock eyes, and for a second I see a look of pure smugness seep into her expression. It's gone when I look back. 

Callista is Lucas' first dance of the night.

And just like that, the tables have turned. Soon enough, the three of us have grabbed a table near the centre as guests chatter around us. It's not long before our trio is joined by the recently made lone wolf, Sarah. "Mind if I join?" she asks.

"Only if you participate in the initiation." Mia jokingly gestures towards our dripping couture.

As they say, the line between the Enemy and Ally is thin. Sarah and I may have once had this petty excuse for a rivalry, but it's nothing compared to now. For the first time in my life, I'm making a choice unrelated to the form of escape. 

I've got a decision to make, but if the time runs out, there won't be much of a choice left to make, and I'll lose the two people I've learned to love. 

Lucas is before me, arms wrapped around a girl with mutual despise for me, and Will is across the room, with Giselle, learning to let go. 

Sarah chimes, "Count me in." And just like that, I know that all is in the past



So first of all, another filler chapter. Lovely. Second, it's an update that isn't four months apart, which considering that my final exams are quite literally in the next few days, is pretty impressive. Also, I haven't really decided who I want Holly with, just because I can think of two endings, and they both sound pretty tempting, just saying!

Next order of business, I don't actually know if this chapter makes that much sense, or flows? I just watched the dumbest video, titled dumbest video, and I don't think my brain can recover ever again. Comment if it sounds like utter gibberish, or, if you liked it!

Thanks for all the recent love <3


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