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It was Sunday and Maria had a brunch in with the ladies of the Conservative party. She opened her eyes, not realizing she was still in Nicole's room. She sat up in the bed running her hand trough her hair. The bed was empty and there was a note on the pillow.

Hey ,

Setting up security. Be ready at 12.

Love, Joanna

Maria's mind raced. 'What if Joanna saw me in Nicole's bed. She'd think we slept together. Now, I'll have to talk to her.'

She got out of bed heading to her room. She looked in her closet, picking out a blue snug, knee length dress. She loosely curled her long brown hair and added a little make up. She was at the bottom of the stairs putting on her heels.

"Maria?" Nicole said slowly walking over to her. Maria jumped a little.


Nicole had a wide grin across her face, like she had won a prize. "You look beautiful." She hoped she didn't push her boundaries.

"Thank you." Maria couldn't help the smile that formed on her beautiful face. Her green eyes lit up, pulling Nicole in more.

"About last night... well this morning. Joanna didn't see anything. I told her we switched rooms for safety concerns. Is that ok?"

"Yes, it's fine." Maria sighed with relief. She wouldn't have to tell Joanna. Though, she couldn't get over how Nicole made her feel last night. Wrapped in her arms, her tight body pressed so close to hers. The way her heart serenaded her to sleep.

Joanna stood at the door waiting on Maria. "Hello! We have twenty minutes to get there. Let's go!"

Maria grabbed her purse running for the door. She was so caught up in her memories she didn't see Nicole leave. As her and Joanna walked to the car she notice Nicole and felt the need to just kiss her.

'No Maria no!! The hell are you thinking. You can't kiss her. Are you insane!?'

She sat in the car. Hoping her mind wouldn't get the best of her.


"Ladies, I present to you Mrs.Maria Santiago-Valdez."

A loud cheer erupted through the dining area. Woman of all ages filled the room. Maria made her way to the stage.

The ride to the brunch was short. Thoughts of Nicole, her body and how she made Maria feel filled her mind. Making her blush at the thought of Nicole holding her so close.

Maria started her speech, however, she didn't say the awful mean things she did before. She was kind and didn't really speak bad of anyone. It surprised her. Even as the words spilled from her lips. She felt like a doppelgänger, watching her body from a distance. As her speech came to a close, her body somehow met her spirit again and she locked eyes with Nicole, who sat at the back of the room.

Maria finished, thanking the woman for coming and headed to the table where Nicole and Joanna sat. "That was wonderful Mrs.Valdez." Nicole stated, standing.

"Thank you." Maria blushed.

"You're welcome. I have to go check the building but, there are guys here and there." Nicole pointed to two men in suits who nodded their heads. "They will watch over you."

She walked away leaving Maria with a slight frown. She wanted so much to see Nicole's face. Sitting there watching her with a sparkle in her eye. She wanted the feelings Nicole brought to her. "Maria smile there are cameras around." Joanna whispered.

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