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Nicole pulled up to the park and waited. She looked in the mirror fixing herself up for Maria. She felt ugly in her work uniform and hair pulled back into a tight bun. She kept picking at herself until she heard a knock at the window. She jumped and looked over, seeing Maria with a sly smile across her face. "Did I scare you?" Maria said, trying to sound innocent.

"No. I was ju-just checking for something in my eye." Nicole felt her cheeks heating.

"Is that so?"


Maria let out a chuckle as Nicole pulled off. "Nic, Thank you for coming."

"It isn't a problem. I really like spending time with you."

Maria's cheeks had a slight tinge to them. She aw that Nicole was heading to her house and jumped up, "Wait, don't go to your house."

"What? Why not?"

"The-there are news crews everywhere." Maria dropped her head and continued. "Joanna sent them pictures of us and...and they know where you live."

Nicole laughed. "I have an idea."

Nicole made a u-turn and headed to the south side of town. Maria just sat, her head dropped and her mind wondering. Nicole looked over and grabbed her hand. "It's going to be ok." She gave Maria a reassuring smile. Nicole held her hand, until they pulled up to a into a parking spot on the side street. "What's this?"

"Come on." Nicole went to the passenger side letting Maria out and holding her hand. They walked up the street a little, coming to a house with the front lights on. Nicole pulled her up and knocked on the door.

From the outside Maria could hear the faint yell of a woman and a man. Soon a woman who looked to be in her eighties opened the door. She had short gray hair and a slim figure. Her skin was wrinkled with years of hard work showing. She held her arms open, "Nicky, baby doll come here."

Maria stood looking at the woman as Nicole went and hugged the woman who had called her. "Grandma, i want you to meet someone. This is Maria. Maria this is my grandmother." Maria held her hand out but, the woman swatted it away and pulled her into a tight hug. "Grandma let her breath please."

Maria felt her lung refill with air when the woman let her go. She followed Nicole and her grandma into the house. Nicole stopped Maria and pulled her into a side bathroom. "Ok, before we go in there, I want you to know something."

"What is it? Do they not like me?"

"No no, not that," Nicole laughed. "My grandparents can be a bit much and well... they get a bit carried away."

Maria looked a Nicole, confusion written on her face. "So?"

"So, if you feel uncomfortable at all tell me and we will go."

Maria nodded and followed Nicole into the living room full of people. Some played cards others sat, telling stories.


Maria sat in the kitchen with Nicole's grandmother. "So, how did you and my baby girl meet?" Asked Nicole's grandmother.

"She was my bodyguard."

"When did you know?"

Thankfully Nicole made her way to the kitchen. "That's none of your business grandma. And we haven't."

Maria felt bad as she saw the look of sadness on Nicole's face. "A month. It happened after a month."

Nicole walked over to Maria, "you didn't have to say that. She's a nosey old bird." Nicole said the last part loud enough for her grandmother to hear.

Throwing It All AwayWhere stories live. Discover now