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Tricked Yah!!!!!!!!!!!


"Momma! Momma help us! Please!?"

'I never wanted children. Until Maria. Turns out it was her ex-husband who's soldiers couldn't march. On our second anniversary, we decided it was time to add to our already perfect family. Mom and Dad were so excited. Maria's Dad was so happy, he brought the twins everything. To this day we have to limit him at Christmas. Her mother passed six months after the wedding. We didn't go to the funeral.

The twins, José Nicholas (after our dads) and Martia Nicole (after me of course). After our second try, we found that two had taken and we would have twins. To say excited would be an understatement. I think I passed out. Martia and José are our lives. When the twins were two Maria decided not to run again and stay home. I felt bad but she seemed happier than ever. She does the occasional LGBT Pride events and speeches.

Two years later, I was asked to become a training officer at the academy. It wasn't what I dreamed but I felt my family was more important. They always will be.'

Nicole walked into the kitchen to see Maria and their twins putting paint on each other's faces.

"Momma! Momma!" The twins came running over.

"Hey, no running you two!" Maria said as she spotted her wife at the door.

"Sorry Mommy!"

"My babies! I missed you so much!" Nicole said as she wrapped her arms around her two children.

"I'm not a baby." Martia said. She looked like a mini Maria, however, her personality was all Nicole. She loved sports and music and had started piano lessons at three.

"I'll be your baby forever Momma." José added. How was the total opposite of his sister. He had Nicole's blond hair and piercing eyes, but Maria's shy and reserved personality.

"Thank you baby boy." Nicole said.

"Hi." Maria said leaning in to kiss Nicole. The tiny ''ew'' from the twins.

The family moment was cut short by a loud "Auntie Jay and Thena!"

Jesse and Athena came in with a hands full of gifts for the twins.

"Hey Nic! Still under her spell I see."

"Jesse please leave them alone. We are here to watch the amazing angels." Athena said.

"Are you guys really amazing?" Jesse asked the twins.

"We are beyond amazing. Well I am anyway." Martia said.

"Hey! I am too!"

"Yes you both are. Now, go get cleaned up." Maria said.

"Yes Mommy!"

The twins ran off. "No running!"

"Sorry Momma!"
"Do you think it's ok we left our children with J?"

"Nic it's fine. They're fine."

"I don't know. I mean J's six too."

Maria laughed at the consern her wife always showed witht the twins. She went as far once to put a nanny cam up on her mom.

"They're fine."

Nicole took her wife's word for it and they continued the slow dance.

Since they had the twins they made it priority to go out on one date night every two weeks. Tonight was Maria's pick. They were at a Mexican restaurant. Nicole held Maria's body close.

"I love you. More than anything and these last eight years have brought me so much happiness."

"I love you too Maria." Nicole kissed her temple.

"The day I met you, I couldn't imagine this happiness. I thought I was happy. But, I knew that void was there."


"Let me finish Nic. You filled that void. Long before we even had sex or kissed. You were so much more attentive than anyone I'd been with. You listened and you still do. You treat me like a queen and you love our children. Sometimes it scares me, but I know it's all in love. You are so strong."

"Maria, baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But I have a surprise."

Nicole felt her nerves kick in. "Ok."

"You know how we wanted more kids?" Earning a nod from Nicole, she continued. "I'm pregnant."

Nicole stoped the slight sway they had fallen into. "You...how?"

"Four weeks ago. I know we hadn't talked much about it. And I do the love the twins. More than life. I just want one more gift in our lives."

Nicole was silent for a minute.

"Nic, are you mad?"

"Mad? How can I be. We're having a baby!" Nicole looked at the lady beside them. "My wife's pregnant! Can you believe it!?"
She pulled Maria into a hug, lifting her off the ground. "I love you."

"I love you too."
"Come on Maria. One more big push baby." Nicole coached her through.

The nine months after their night out were...different. Maria was no more bossy that usual. They had told the twins theye were having a baby brother or sister. They both took it well. No jealousy from either. However, Martia felt the need to boss everyone on what the baby needed.

Around six months Maria was horny...really horny. She often would text Nicole telling her hurry home just to have a quickie for lunch. Nicole didn't mind much. She let Maria have control. It was far different from the twins were she cried mostly.
They were caught in a dressing room and once in the movies. Nicole had made the decision from then on to only enjoy that part of the pregnancy at home...and the car.

The night before Maria went into labor, a week early, they were at her dad's home. Which was closer to her, Nicole and the twins. They were celebrating Nicole's 39th birthday before they all went to Nicole's parents.
That night Maria was in the kitchen with last minute cravings when her water broke.

Her labor didn't last long and on August 2 at 4:50pm, Mason Marcelo Brian made his voice in the world.
Maria was sleeping in the bed. Nicole say holding their baby boy. He looked so much like his mother.

"Hey Mason. I'm your Momma. And see that angel that's your Mommy. She's the great one who brought you here to me. You have a brother and sister you get to meet tomorrow. Your Grandma and Grandpa and your Abuelo. They all can't wait to meet you. Your the best birthday present I ever got. I love you baby boy."

"Happy Birthday." Maria said.

"Sorry you're not eating cake right now."

"Cake is nothing compared to this. I love you." Nicole said as the tears stained her face. "You gave me him and I have you and the twins. And...just everything I've want and more."

"He has your eyes." Maria said.

"I know. Maria I love you. So much."

"I love you too."
Soooo, that's it. It ended exactly how I wanted. However my editor is m.i.a. so there may have been some mistakes. Thank you all for this journey. So many or you have gave me such kindness and I thank you. It was fun but it's not the end. I have started the story on Jesse and Athena. It's...something. I hope you all enjoy. Remember imagination is a powerful thing, use it. One last time...
Much love

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