XOXO, Gossip Girl

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She stepped out of the limo, blowing a kiss to whomever was inside. Her long blonde hair was cinched back in a perfectly messy low ponytail. Her clothes were flowy and effortless, but accessorized to perfection. As camera shutters snapped rapidly, she made her way up the stairs and into Constance Billard School for girls.

Out of the next limo emerged a tall, striking young man, who had to be an upperclassman. He had a stern look about him, no doubt he was a serious person. After him came a lithe brunette, who bore a fairly strong resemblance to the boy, who was clearly her brother. Her brown hair was coiffed flawlessly around her shoulders, with a silver headband adding a tasteful touch. She wore a plaid Burberry trench with designer boots. She looked around, in slight distress, before locking eyes with the blonde that had emerged before her. Her face lit up.

"Gwen!" she exclaimed happily. The blonde ran over ecstatically, embracing her friend in a tight hug.

"Rachel!" she squealed, "I missed you! How was Paris?"

"Maginifique!" Rachel joked, "you know how beautiful it gets in the summer. How were the Hamptons? You did tell Uncle Eric I said hello!"

"Wonderful," Gwen replied, "and of course I did. Uncle Eric misses you! He'll be back in town next week!"

The bell rang for home room. Gwen and Rachel walked arm in arm to their first class. How else were two queens to conquer the school if they didn't at least have one class together?

The two sat down in the front row next to each other. The teacher, an older man in his fifties at the least, ambled up to the front of the classroom with a roll sheet in hand.

"Welcome to Constance Billard School for Girls," he said, "And welcome back to all our returning students.  I'm Mr. Makis, and I'll be your home room teacher this year. I also teach history, so you may have me for that as well. I'm going to take roll now."

The girls looked around, sizing eachother up already.

"Savannah Abrams?"

"Here!" said a sulky-looking girl with olive skin and mint-green eyes.  Rachel fidgeted in her seat.  She was always used to being called first.  She was slightly unsettled.  Plus, this so-called Savannah did NOT by any means look like an Upper East Sider.  In fact, your name wasn't Savannah when you lived on the Upper East Side.  It was some unspoken rule...

"Rachel Bass?"

"Here!" said Rachel politely. Mr. Makis read through more names.

"Gwendolyn Humphrey?"

"Here!" Gwen nearly shouted. Rachel sighed. Sometimes her best friend's charisma was too much, even for her.  The boring hours of school ticked by, slowly moreso for Gwen than Rachel.  In fact, Rachel rather enjoyed school.  She was a diligent worker in school, Gwen was more free-spirited.  

Finally, the bell rang for lunch.  Gwen and Rachel walked out of the school building, meeting eachother out front.  

"Where do you want to go, Rach?" Gwen asked.  

"G, you don't even need to ask.  Obviously the steps of the Met.  That's the ONLY place."

"I can't argue with that," laughed Gwen, and the pair strolled over to the Met steps.  They chatted and gushed about the so-called hotties at St. Jude's, and their teachers.  Rachel noticed something slightly awry.  It looked as if they had a spectator.  A hooded, camera-clad spectator that had just snapped a picture of them.  The mysterious person dashed quickly away.

"Hey!"  Rachel yelled, "My parents are powerful people!  They can do bad things to you!  Like send you to live in Brooklyn!"  

"Calm down, R, give it a rest," said Gwen, "it's not like they're gonna do anything with it anyways.

"I guess you're right."

The pair heard the sound of heels behind them.  Simultaneously, their heads turned.  A small, auburn-haired girl smirked nervously at Rachel and Gwen.  

"Well?"  Rachel said, "Are you going to say something?  What do you want?"

"Um," stuttered the girl, "I'm new to Constance, and, I was wondering if it was okay if I sat with you guys?"

"Do you have an application?" Rachel demanded.

"Uh, yeah, here," said the girl, handing it to Rachel, and shuffling nervously in place.

"I'll look it over thoroughly tonight.  Now, shoo!"  The girl ran off, nearly tripping in her heels.

"Those were totally knock-off Louboutins, but I think she may be minion material," Rachel conifded to Gwen, "Not the best application though.  She's obviously new to the Upper East Side."

"Well, if she isn't familiar with what we're about, then why have her?" Gwen asked.

"Because, G, she's vulnerable.  She'll do anything for friends, she'll do whatever it takes to keep us happy.  Easy to manipulate, and loyal too."

"What's her name?"

Rachel quickly scanned the application. "Paisley.  Paisley Duke.  She had potential."

Gwen nodded.  "Rach, don't you think this whole minion thing is going a little bit far?  You don't need a ton of minions to rule Constance.  This process seems kind of bitchy, in my opinion."

"Oh, Gwen, Gwen, you're too nice.  I need your kindness and charisma to balance out my ruthless, sadistic, dictator side.  We're going to have Constance AND St. Jude's falling at our feet by Wednesday."

"If you say so," Gwen said, "Let's go, just one more class then we can head back home."

"Okay," Rachel agreed, and the two headed back to school to finish their days.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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