Chapter 4

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"My friends will be here in ten minutes, alright?" Lotor brushed his arm down my front to ensure my shirt was up to his level of quality. He brought a hand through my fringe, smiling as it fell back against my face. Sending him a wobbly smile, I sat down on the sofa and he did the same. "You need to do what they say and, if you don't, you will be punished. You're below everybody and you will only speak if you have to."

I hung my head a little but nodded. We had done it before so I knew my place. I knew that I was going to be deprived of all things that made me human and nightmares would plague me for the foreseeable future. I hated seeing Lotor's friends but I had to to prove my love to him.

Wrapping an arm around me, Lotor pulled me closer. I had my head buried into his side whilst he rubbed my arm. We elapsed into silence until we heard someone knock on the door. "Remember the rules, love." Lotor murmured before placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I smiled and nodded, keeping my lips pursed so I didn't speak out of turn.

When Lotor returned, three men were trailing behind him. I recognised two of them from before- their names were Roger and Boris- but the third wasn't anybody I had met before. He was taller than the others and had larger muscles too. He was watching me closely but I was avoiding his gaze as much as I could. "This is Lance," Lotor said, pointing at me. I lifted my arm to wave because I knew I was only meant to speak when it was absolutely necessary. "Lance, you know Roger and Boris and this is Damien. Do you want drinks?"

"Do you have any beer?"


Despite having to fetch the cans whenever they wanted more, I didn't know how much alcohol they had consumed. I wasn't allowed any so I just had a single glass of water to sip at for the entire night.

Damien was the one getting closer to me. He had edged up right beside me so that our thighs were touching, his stench of alcohol hitting me hard. Lotor told me to just let his friends do whatever they wanted, even if I didn't want to. I had to just to show how much I loved him. Reaching up and cupping my chin, Damien said, "He's kind of cute, isn't he?"

"He's adorable and quite good. I'm lucky to have him really." Lotor responded. My face practically glowed at the compliment and it made how uncomfortable I was almost worth it. Damien leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my cheek, making me stiffen up.

Lotor placed a hand on my knee, rubbing it ever so slightly. "You love me, don't you Lance? You need to prove it by letting Damien touch you."

"Yes-" I started before realising my mistake and regretting the word. Lotor lifted up his hand and slapped me across the cheek. I hung my head but Damien pushed it back up. He forced me to look into his eyes- his dark, threatening eyes- before reaching for the bottom of my shirt. I whimpered.

"Are you scared?"

"I- I-" I started but Damien put his large hand over my mouth so I couldn't finish. Pulling the bottom of my shirt upwards, he hushed me.


"I'm proud of you, Lance. You were really good today." I had my head balanced on Lotor's chest as he twirled my hair around his fingers. I had tear tracks on my face but the crying had long since been over. After Damien and the rest of his friends had left, I had broken down so much that Lotor had been forced to cuddle me. His gentle touches were calming compared to the rough hands all over me.

"I'm sorry that I spoke out of turn..." I whispered, staring out in front of me.

"Hey, it's alright, love. You did everything Damien told you to do and I'm really proud of you for that. You deserve a reward for that."

"I- I do?"

Lotor brushed a piece of hair out of my face before wiping away some of my tears. "Yeah. You can go outside whilst I'm at work again. You must be back before I'm home though."

A smile tugged at my chapped lips. "Thank you, Lotor." I hated being at home without anything to do so I considered being allowed out during the day an actual blessing.

"It's alright, love. You deserve it for being so good."

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