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A/N: Sorry for the delay!!

"Ashton? What the hell? You scared me!" I exclaimed, giggling slightly because despite the shock, I was still feeling the alcohol in my veins. I shook my head as I put my bag down. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm, uh... Checking up on you?" he answered sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. Today - well, tonight - he was wearing a faded Nirvana shirt, made up of more holes than cloth, and had the majority of his hair pushed back into a grey beanie.

I raised an eyebrow. "Really? That doesn't sound very convincing. Where were you all of last week? I was starting to think that I had gone insane, and just imagined you!"

He chuckled slightly. "I was just sorting some things out. There's been problems with the place I've been staying. They've been threatening to kick me out and I was scared that if I left, I would come back to all my things on the pavement. That would be bad."

I sighed, giving him an apologetic face. "I'm sorry to hear that... But wait, you're here right now, though..."

"I managed to get someone to watch over my stuff while I came to say sorry for disappearing," he shrugged, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"It's fine," I replied, waving my hand and taking a step forward. I stumbled a little bit and Ashton rushed to steady me as I giggled. "Hey, do you want to stay here? I have that spare room in the back. You can stay here, I really don't mind."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait, Y/N, are you serious?"

"Completely!" I nodded furiously, walking into my living room. I sat down on the couch and busied myself with taking off my shoes while he looked at me inquisitively. "Why are you looking at me like that? I'm serious, I don't really care, and plus it'd be nice to have someone around. I'm kinda sick of living alone, ya know?"

"Um, well, I'll think about it. We'll talk more seriously when you're sober. Come on, I'll get you to bed."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself."

He helped me up and steadied me as we walked to my room. Before closing the door, I gave him a smile. "Think about it?"

"I will," he smiled back, his dimples appearing on his cheeks. "Good night, Y/N."

I woke up the next morning to my phone ringing somewhere in the distance. I groaned, recognising the ringtone I set for Lindsey, and immediately knew why she was calling. I rolled over, looking at the clock on the wall opposite me. 10:36am.

Lindsey wasn't a morning person by any means, and after last night, she shouldn't be calling this early. So maybe, she had a good reason to call.

Last night. I suddenly remembered Jake, and his beautiful eyes... And Ashton. I remembered telling him that he could come live with me. Now that I was more sober than I was last night, I started mulling over the idea. I frowned, shrugging tiredly. I still thought it wasn't a bad idea. He couldn't hurt me and I had every reason to trust him, so... Why not, right? Ha, wait till Lindsey finds out.

I smacked myself on the forehead. I had completely tuned out my phone ringing. I threw the bedsheets off of me, and trudged sleepily to my front door where my bag lay, discarded. Bending down, I picked it up and searched through it before finding my phone. The screen lit up, displaying 3 missed calls from Lindsey. What the hell?

I quickly hurried to call her back, tucking my phone between my ear and my shoulder as I stepped into the kitchen, grabbing the carton of orange juice out of the fridge as I waited for her to pick up.

"Oh my god Y/N! Finally!" Lindsey all but yelled into my ear, causing me to wince.

"Yeah, sorry, I was sleeping," I answered. "What's up?"

"You need to tell me all about last night!" she giggled, and I did nothing to hide my groan. "What? This is important!"

"There's nothing to tell," I sighed, downing my glass before putting it down on the counter with a lound clank. "He was nice, we danced a bit and then he walked me home. That's it."

Lindsey groaned on the other end. "You're so boring, Y/N."

"Shut up, I'm not you," I grumbled.

"Okay, okay. I know. Are you going to call him?" she asked, her eager tone returning.

I smiled shyly, even though I knew she couldn't see it. "I think I might."

"Great! About time you stopped talking about that Ashton guy! Seriously, Y/N, was he-"

"I saw him yesterday," I interrupted, although once the words left my mouth, I felt like I shouldn't have told her.

"Oh god. Okay, uh, did he tell you why he disappeared?"

"He was having problems with the place he's staying," I bit my lip. I probably shouldn't tell her what I suggested to him.

"Right, okay. So, this Jake guy. Are you going to call him today?"

I sighed slightly. "Yeah, I might. Maybe a bit later on, th-"

This time, it was me getting interrupted. My apartment doorbell rang, making me jump. "Hey Lindsey, I'll call you back." Before she could protest, I hung up, putting my phone down and walking over to the door.

I opened it, frowning slightly at the sight. Ashton was standing there, looking nervous.

"Hey!" I smiled, opening the door wider. "Come in."

"I, uh, I don't really have that much time..." he explained, but stepped inside anyways, giving me an apologetic face. "Look, uh, last night, you kinda mentioned your spare room and... Um..."

I smiled. "The offer still stands, if you were worried I changed my mind."

"Really?" Relief washed over his face. "Are you serious? You don't think it's weird or anything?"

"I feel that I should think it's weird, but I don't really," I shrugged. "Do you need help moving your stuff in?"

"I wouldn't mind," he answered shyly. "But Y/N, I don't have a job or anything. This whole system is really weird. I get some money every month in the mail, just not a lot. And that's kinda why I couldn't stay at my old place, and well I feel bad and-"

"Ashton, it's fine, really," I smiled. "Rent's not that much for this place. Now you wait, let me get dressed, and I'll come help you move in."

"What is this?" I asked, picking up some weird mirror sort of thing Ashton had placed down on his cabinet.

It was currently 4:23pm, and Ashton was almost all moved in. It had taken a lot longer than I had imagined it to, but oh well.

"Oh, that's nothing," he answered, shaking his head and taking it from my hand, slipping it in his pocket. "Thanks, Y/N, for helping me and stuff, and letting me stay."

I shrugged. "No big deal. I'm glad I can help, seeing as I basically owe my life to you."

He laughed and shrugged me off. "Alright, I guess we're even then."

"I guess so," I smiled, suddenly remembering Jake. "Oh, um, if you will excuse me, I need to go text someone."

He shrugged again, busying himself with one of his bags. "You don't have to ask for my permission."

I nodded quickly before slipping out of his room to go into my own. I picked up my phone, seeing a new text from Lindsey.

From: Linds
Have you texted him yet!??

I quickly told her that I was about to, and typed out a short message to the aforementioned Jake.

To: Jake
Hey! Sorry, busy day. But it's Y/N!

From: Jake
No big deal, I thought you weren't gonna text. Wanna catch a movie tonight?

I bit my lip. I wasn't really in the mood. I was really tired, I just wanted to have dinner, maybe watch a few Doctor Who re-runs, and then sleep.

To: Jake
It's been a long day... How about tomorrow? :)

From: Jake
Sounds good!

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