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A/N: he's so cute and I'm so whipped

[Y/N's POV.]

Four months.

It had been four months since that fated Tuesday, and life wasn't getting any easier. If anything, it was just getting monotonous and boring.

I didn't go out. I only ever saw Lindsey on the days she'd come over to my flat. I ate minimal amounts of food, just enough to get by without being overly hungry, and instead contented myself with cups upon cups of coffee. I busied myself in work, research and sleep, occasionally watching a movie, but never Coraline.

I didn't know who my new guardian angel was, and quite frankly I didn't care enough to find out. But I suppose they were doing their job, because no matter when or how I crossed the street, I never got hit by a car. That was really the only risk I had been putting myself at, seeing as I really didn't do anything else.

Currently, it was a Monday night and i was at a library near my flat, hunched over a book of old myths. I had done so much research about guardian angels in the past four months, desperately trying to see if there was a way for me to see Ashton again, but it was no use.

The only comfort I could find was that the majority of the books I read said that angels don't die once they confess their love, or commit any other crime against the divine laws (well, depending on the gravity of it). They just forget all their memories and are implanted with new ones, making them into humans that then live out their lives believing that they were born human. So even though he would never remember me and was probably somewhere far away in Australia, at least Ashton was still alive.

I glanced over at my watch, sighing when I saw that it was nearly 11pm, therefore the library would be closing soon. Picking up my things, I put away the books I didn't need before swinging my bag over one shoulder and leaving the library, but not without waving at the librarian first. She and I saw each other everyday and she'd always smile at me. It had quickly become the highlight of my days, seeing that I didn't really do anything else anyways.

I walked the short distance to the café across the street, immediately taking comfort in the smell of coffee and the warmth of the store. I fell in line behind about three other customers, pulling out my phone to aimlessly fiddle around with my apps.

I got my coffee quickly and sat down to the side, pretty close to the counter where they handed out the drinks to customers, near the window. I was carefully sipping at my hot coffee, looking up at my surroundings. I enjoyed watching people. It was the one thing I could do that didn't require any effort on my part. I just watched them go about their day, trying to imagine what could possibly be going on in their heads.

I looked at the man currently leaning against the counter, his back turned to me. A loose flannel shirt was hanging off his fit frame, and his jeans were impossibly tight on his legs. His feet were clad in heavy boots, and on his head were unruly waves of sandy hair. Damn, if I do say so myself, from the back he was pretty attractive. Now I just needed to see his face.

The best I could come up with was dropping something to attract his attention, so I dropped one of my notebooks to the floor. It landed with a sharp noise, but it did the trick. The man turned around ever so slightly to peer over his shoulder at the source of the sound, and my breath got stuck in my throat, my hand immediately going up to hold on to the locket around my neck.

"Ashton?" I asked, louder than I expected, exactly at the same time as a lady called out "Ashton!" to hand him his drink.

He got the drink and was heading to leave. He obviously hadn't heard what I said, but I needed to make him stay.

"Ashton?" I called out again, standing up from my chair.

He turned around with a frown and my heart broke. He was a splitting image of my Ashton.

"Yes?" he asked, his eyebrows raised but his expression friendly.

"I'm sorry, but I... Um..."

He tilted his head slightly, and asked, "Do I know you?"

"Yes- Well, no," I sighed, scratching the top of my head. "No. Not quite. Not anymore, I guess."

"You look really familiar though. Are you sure?"

My eyes opened wide, but I couldn't get the words out. What was I supposed to say?

Luckily, he carried on with the conversation. "Oh, wait, did I know you back in Sydney?"

"Uh, I- Yeah, yeah. Something like that," I lied.

"Oh," he smiles, nodding slightly. "I wish I remembered you better."

"Well, maybe we could talk over coffee?" I asked carefully as I fiddled with the locket, hoping he would say yes. "If you're not busy, of course."

To my greatest pleasure, he agreed to it. "Yeah, totally. I really haven't got anything better to do," he chuckled, flashing me one of his wide smiles.

We sat back down at my table, and he extended a hand to me. "I know you know my name already, but I'm Ashton."

With a lighthearted chuckle, I answered, "Well, my name is Y/N."

However, the minute my hand touched his, I felt a sharp pain in my forehead and on my chest, right where the cold locket touched my warm skin. With a little yelp, I pressed my fingers against my temple, the pain subsiding as soon as our hands disconnected. Looking up, I saw that he had his hand on his forehead as well.

"Wh- Holy- What was that?" he asked, his eyes blown wide.

"I don't- I don't know," I mumbled, frowning a bit.

He furrowed his eyebrows, as if trying to understand something. "Do it again."

"Do what?"

"Shake my hand," he stated firmly, extending his hand to me again.


"Just," he sighed. "Just do it again."

Biting my lip, I gingerly shook his hand again. If the pain was bad the first time, it was awful this time around. I tried to pull my hand away but his grip on my hand was too tight. His eyes were closed, and he was frowning but not letting go of my hand. I clamped my eyes shut, biting my lip to distract from the pain in my forehead and on my chest.

With a gasp, he finally let go. "Holy. Shit," he mumbled, looking at me with wide eyes as he rubbed his forehead. "Oh my god."

"What?" I asked again, the pain in my forehead diminishing rapidly. I rubbed my hand, still feeling Ashton's grip on it.

"I- Oh my god Y/N," he grinned, his shocked expression melting into a joyful one. "I remember. I remember everything now."

"Ashton, are you-"

"I'm more than okay!" he grinned, before standing up and pulling me up as well. As soon as I was on my feet, he enveloped me in a huge, warm hug. "I remember everything. I remember who I was. I know you do, too."

At that, I hugged him tighter, feeling the locket pressed up between our two bodies. "I've missed you so much, Ash."

"Well, Y/N, I'm not going anywhere. I promise you. God, I missed you so much... Up until they erased all my memories. I'm so lucky to have found you again," he smiled, pulling away from our hug. There were tears in his eyes threatening to spill, and I just smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Do you want to go to my apartment? We can talk more there."

"I'd love to," he grinned, taking my bag in one hand, and my hand in his other.

With a grin and a kiss on the nose, I knew that my Ashton was back, and that he was here to stay.


A/N: that's it, it's over! I really like this concept so I might write more of this type, so keep your eyes out!

love you all, thanks for reading and please check out my imagine blog on Tumblr, eemageenation :)

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