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After a few minutes of getting my limbs back on I stood up asked Hibana to leave and got dressed with a simple grey hoodie and a pair of camo cargo pants. I stood up and walked to the door. 'Why is she so nice to me? I threw her into a wall' I opened the door.

"So what do you want to drink?"

"Uh surprise me see if I like it? Yeah that sounds good"

"Uh... okay"

We got to the elevator where a very drunk man walked out.

"Good day sir *hic* I'll be on my way"

I shrugged him off before I stepped into the elevator.

"You might want to put your hood up people might stare at you Jack"

"Ok but they might not so I'll decide when we go outside"

She nodded before she pressed the button for ground level. After we got down we walked outside the sunshine burned my eye after I had been inside for so long. I looked around after my eye adjusted to the light. I watched as the sun began to dip behind the towers the golden light dripping like honey as the day slowly died its last breath of warm light fading in mere minutes.

"You ok there Jack, you've literally been standing there for like twenty minutes not moving"

"Sorry it's just although I've almost definitely seen this before it's magnificent"

"Yeah it's been awhile since I've appreciated the sunset"

She led the way to her favorite bar a place called Cheers. She said something about how legal reasons made it so they had to change its name to something else like its current name Three Quarters.

"Oh hey Yumiko and awesome looking friend. What can I get for you all?"

"Hey Mike! Yeah I'll take a Budweiser and Jack here will take a...?"

"Something I can see my hand through, but something with flavor"

"Ah a good choice! A fine Belgium Fat Tire coming up!"

He slid me a beer. I took my first swig of the drink. It tasted like well beer with added flavor. We sat in silence for a few minutes before a third operator showed up.

"Hey guys! What are you doing?"

"Hello Tina"

"Hey Tina, uh just drinks wanna join?"

She sat down ordered a beer and we talked for awhile. Then the alcohol kicked in and both of them were dead drunk.

"Have a good night Mike."

"You too son take care of those girls they're lonely up there with the others."


I started out the doors ready to head home.


I was sent flying back into the bar with Mike at the ready. He loaded his shotgun and aimed for the doorways.


He threw a revolver to me.

"Ammo is back here with me but throw those two back here as well"

I did as he said gently laying both of the girls on the floor behind the bar. I took aim as I saw a shadow move past us.

"In there! Kill 'em!"

Gunshots tore up the back wall as we ducked for cover. I looked over to see around thirteen men and women wearing masks and holding rifles. I popped up unloading six bullets into three men.  I felt a bullet graze my shoulder as they shot back. I fell backwards under cover before reloading. I watched a round imbed itself into the wall a millimeter away from my face. Mike popped back up before shooting three more. After this exchange continued for a minute I saw a grenade land next to Mike. I pushed him out of the way before throwing is back at them.


I saw five people with shields start advancing on our position. They weren't smart they had left their feet, shoulders and gun arms exposed. Exploiting this I dropped them.

"Two left!"

I vaulted the bar before running and tackling the last two.

"Jackson White you have passed our tests we look forward to working against you. We suggest giving up to minimize casualties. Tic - Toc Jacky boy"

The lady beneath me then started to spasm uncontrollably spitting up foam and blood after a few moments.

"Oh god I didn't want to do this! They said we would save the world not murder it! Please sir kill me."



"No do better be better become a bigger person fight them back for breaking you make them hurt."


"Come with me"


Hello I hope you enjoyed please leave a vote if you did, comment what you would like see to happen to the white mask Jane Doe.

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