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I found myself waking up in a white room alone.

....Two hours prior....

Doc P.O.V

"Doc he needs help he just collapsed in the hall!"

Turning around I saw the same man who had saved us earlier in the day.

"Put him on the table and then please leave."

"Why would we leave?"

"Tina this man has a mask for a reason, it would be best to respect his wish"


I started to usher the two operators out of the room before turning on my heel. I walked to the unknown man before gripping his mask and gently pulling it off. What I saw made me panic. His face was more metal than flesh well at least the jaw and his right eye. A ton of wires were running across his face. A bloody hole was under his other eye. I started to administer pain killer to his veins. It was the least I could do for him. I pulled his vest off and his hoodie off. His chest was no better than his face a large metal plate on his left pectoral muscle. More wires ran around imbedded into his skin nerves, and bone. I left my computer camera recoding whilst I went to go get more gauze and medical tape. I left. When I came back he had a very... very fresh set of stitches above his heart.

\.Current Time./

I tried to stand before I thought to wait before getting up no idea on how bad the injuries were.

"Ah you are awake now my name Is Doc I'm here to help"

A very synthetic voice was there instead of mine it sounded like gravel. My body was so sore it felt like the first time I got shot.

"W-where, w-who am I? Why c-an't I re-memb-er my name?"

"To be honest with you I am not sure who you are do you remember your last post?"

"Afghanistan 2013 with my friend Black Beard saving him from an IED"

"Well we may be able to figure out who you were. The current date is October 17th 2018. You are in team rainbows skyscraper head quarters"

Something about the name rainbow made me more hesitant to trust these people. I looked to my legs, only to find stumps. My left stump was only three inches long. My right a solid ten inches. I had no knees there were metal caps on both. My right arm was all mechanical my left hand was missing my pointer, ring, middle fingers were missing. Where they should be was a few metal plates. What had happened to me in five years.

"You said you might know me. How?"

"Black Beard works with us here. I'll get him in here in about five minutes"

"Do you have anything for these?" I gestured to my legs and face.

"You were wearing very sophisticated armor when you arrived, are you sure you don't remember the last week?"

"No sir"

He handed me a glove that had the fingers I was missing. He slid it on for me I tried to move my fingers on both of my hands. It took a ton of focus at first but after a moment it was back to having both hands. I slid the mask on before I felt a tingle at the base of my skull. I blinked before I heard whirring and had full vision again. I guess the camera links with brain synapses. I got my "legs" and slid them on with similar effect to the mask. I stood up and tried to walk with minimal success at first.

"Hey Doc you called me?"

"Oh yes I have a man who doesn't remember his name or anything else"

"Ok but why does this impact me?"

"His last memory is saving you from an IED"

"Wait you mean, he's still alive? That son of a bitch!"

I decided to talk to him

"In the... erm flesh?"

"Hey Jack"

"So my name is Jack?"

"Yep you never told me your last name"

I stood and walked to the door.

"Hey Black Beard, wanna give me a tour around before I get kicked out?"



Doc P.O.V

I started to review the recording. While I was doing this I caught six walk in and cut into Jack's chest. She pulled out a device before stitching him shut and lifting his head to pull out a flash drive out of his skull.

"What are you up to six?


Hey guys tell me what you thought!

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