New Story (Bughead)

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   I'll put the title in bold at the bottom in case you don't want to read this long  A.N lmao

    Hey, guys! I mentioned this in my author's note in my last chapter, except I know a lot of people (including myself haha) don't always read those, so I figured I should make a more prominent announcement. I have started a new  AU that I would really appreciate if you checked out (no pressure lmao). It's called Brickwall (Bughead AU) and it's about Jughead Jones getting into a motorcycle accident and Betty, who is his best friend at the time, visits him everyday in the hospital to profess her feelings towards him to him while she still has the chance. It's a sad fan fiction, just warning you if you want to check it out. It only has one chapter so far (the prologue) but I will be updating it regularly. Don't worry, I'll still be updating this one regularly as well, just wanted to create something new.

Title: Brickwall (Bughead AU)

Thanks again, guys!

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