Chapter 3 "Troubled Sister"

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Chapter 3
"Troubled sister"

Kate Wood was walking back to her motel room in Chicago, just recently sold a few grams of cocaine. 

Kate had moved to Chicago to find her father, but she instead has dedicated to be a drug dealer.
She entered her wasted and cheap motel room; stains on the wall, the carpet thorn to shreds, the bed full of cigarette burns, and a smell of cigarette filled the whole place.
She sat down and she set a cigarette on, she smoked a little and she placed it on the table. She got up and looked at the window. She could see the street and then she saw a black car, and a man got out of it. Kate started to pack her stuff up in a hurry and she placed it in her backpack, she put it on and she opened the window that led to the alley. She jumped out into the emergency stairs and started to run down the stairs. She reached the end and she jumped to the ground, she started to run and again and she heard footsteps behind her, she grabbed a throwing knife from the sides of the backpack and threw one.
The one who is chasing is Jordan, he dodged the one Kate had thrown. And he continued running, Kate was pretty fast compared with Jordan.
Kate did a sharp turn on the next alley and Jordan followed after her, Jordan took out a small amount of marbles, he managed to throw them in front of Kate and she slipped and stayed on the ground.
Jordan extended her hand to pick her up, Kate slapped his hand and she got up on her own. "I'm Jordan Rhodes" Jordan said excluding the Bekker last name. Kate looked at him "Rhodes like Connor Rhodes?" Kate asked questioning if he was her brother. Jordan nodded "I didn't come to arrest you" Jordan mentions "I came here looking for you. Wanna go to get drink, talk about it?" Jordan asked, Kate nodded.
They walked back to Jordan's car, and they drove off as Molly's as there destination.
Jordan and Kate got there and they entered, Otis was running the place. "Hey Otis, can you get me 2 drinks please" Jordan said and Otis nodded "What are you gonna get?" Otis asked "A Manhattan" Kate said "I'll get a beer" Jordan said. Otis opened Jordan's beer and he prepared Kate's 'Manhattan'. He served both of them and then he left to attend another table.
Jordan grabbed his beer and took a big sip. Kate drank her drink slowly.
"So about Dad... What do you know?" Kate asked, as she finished the last drop of her drink "I have no idea. Went with your mom, she didn't know anything, she told me to look for you." He explained "Fun, thought mom had given the fuck up on me" Kate said rolling her eyes. "I don't speak with my mom so we're even" Jordan mention, that made a smile on Kate's face to form. "Any ideas on how to find him?" Jordan asks her "I can ask around, see if he's in Chicago" "I'll do the same, inform me if you get anything" Jordan says "And how do you want me to do that?" Kate asks, Jordan takes out an old phone, old for the time period. "Nobody can trace the call, simple as that" Jordan mentions, as he gets up and goes to the bar to pay Otis. "Be careful J, she's involved in bad places" Otis whispered "She's my sister" Jordan explains "Take care of her anyways, pass another time." Otis said and they both fist bumped.
Jordan exited the Molly's and went back to the station. "Hey. Jay," Jordan said as he saw Jay in the hallway. "Anything new?" Jordan asks "There's been kidnapping. I have Antonio and Amy on the case." Jay answers Jordan's question. "I'm gonna go" Jordan says and leaves, he stops under the umbral of the door and turns around and asks Jay "Aren't you going?".
"Nope, I've gotta go somewhere else" Jay quickly answered. Jordan nodded and quickly left. On the way he called Amy to know where they where. They where near Gaffney, Jordan passed through Gaffney and he spotted his mom. He took his glance off quickly and continue driving.
He reached the place of the disappearance. And found Antonio and Amy inside, using Amy's cube.
"Hey, can I get some glasses?" Jordan says and Antonio and Amy both look at him "There's some in the car" Amy says and Antonio continues looking for clues. Jordan went to Amy's car and grabbed the pair of glasses and went back inside, he put them and proceed to investigate.
Jordan, Amy and Antonio found some clues, but didn't manage to make a hypostasis about what happened. They head back to the station and informed Jay and the rest of the team of the information they collected.
Kate had been in the street for a few hours, it's almost midnight. She's heading back home, she didn't manage to get any information on Connor.
She was walking through the alley where Jordan chased her. She managed to hear light footsteps, she turned around and saw a man. He had a gun in his hand, Kate stood still. She slowly moved her hand to her back pocket and grabbed her knife. "You still owe Damian. This is the first and final warning" The guy said and pointed the gun in the air and took a shot. He left and Kate put her knife back in her pocket she went up the stairs and entered her room.
She threw everything she was carrying on the couch and she went to lay in bed.
[I wanna wish everyone a Happy New Year, this is the first chapter of the year. I hope that everyone had a good time. Sorry for not updating that fast, I'm gonna be back in school next week, so I'm gonna try to write new chapters. Also a big thank you for 3.04K reads in 'The ED Resident'. Love y'all 🖤]

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