Chapter 4 "Kate's Debt"

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Chapter 4
“Kate’s debt
Ava rushed back to the ED. Maggie had just paged her, Ava entered Treatment 3 with gloves on. “Dr. Manning. Status?” Ava asked as she got inside of the room. “There’s free fluid inside his stomach, and also he’s got a heart problem” Natalie explained and Ava nodded.
“Ok, transfer him to the OR and let me go page my team” Ava said and left. She walk to the nurse station “Maggie, can you page my OR team please” “Ok, give me a sec. I’m a little busy.” Ava nodded and went upstairs to the Operating floor. Ava entered one of the OR's and she recognized it. It was the one where she and Connor had a make-out session. “I’m that bad?” Ava asked herself, Ava shook the memory of her mind and started to scrub up.
Jordan had just served a cup of coffee from the station. Amy entered the room with a box. “Want a donut?” she asked Jordan since he was pretty much the only person in the room. “I’ll take one” Jordan said and smiled at Amy.
Amy opened the box and inside where different types of donuts. Strawberry, chocolate, blueberry glazed and chocolate glazed donuts. Jordan grab a simple strawberry donut. He took a bite and fill his beard with frosting. Amy giggled a little “J, you have frosting on your beard” Amy placed the box down on the counter and grabbed a napkin. She tried to clean the frosting off his beard, she failed miserably. “I’ll do it” Jordan said taking the frosting filled napkin from Amy’s hand. “Honestly I have no idea how you boys clean your beards” Amy mentions. “You just wipe it, or just wash the face” Jordan explains as he throws the napkin in the bin. Jordan grabs his mug of coffee and he takes a big sip. “It’s so fucking cold” Amy laughs and smiles at Jordan. “Um. Amy do you want to go for dinner tonight?” there’s a moment of silence. Amy foot start tapping the floor. “Yeah, I’m not doing anything tonight anyways” she says and then scoffs. “Ok, I’ll text you where. Gonna go somewhere with Ruzek.” Jordan tells Amy and drinks his cold coffee as if it was a shot of tequila.
Kate woke up. She stared at the ceiling, she turn herself to her left, with a quick movement. The ray of the sun shot threw the window, landing on Kate’s face. She closed her eyes and turn around to look at the ceiling again.
She stood up and walked barefoot to the kitchen counter, she took out a water bottle and opened it up.
She got dressed up, black T-shirt, black pants, her black Converse and to finish her favorite leather jacket. She grabbed the phone that Jordan had given her. She left her apartment and took a walk around the city.
On her way, there was the morning traffic, kids late running to school and the busses full of people.
Kate had cross the bridge and entered the 'advanced' part of Chicago. Where the most expensive and rare tech was found. Kate didn’t like to cross, but the station was there, and that meant Jordan was also there. While she continued walking, Kate took out the cellphone.
It was one of those old phones that people used to use. The phone was basically unhackable that meant that the call couldn’t be intercepted.
Kate was walking through one of the busiest street. And she looked at the phone, it only had one contact on the phone, named 'J'. Kate selected it with the little keyboard it had and the phone started to ring.
“Kate what’s up? Any info about Dad?” Jordan’s voice could be heard from the speaker. “Nope, got another thing, meet me outside of the station. See you in a sec” Kate answered and continued walking.
She took a turn to the right and the station was at the end of the block. She walked faster, almost running and she could see Jordan in the distance.
She reached him and Jordan led them both somewhere else.
“So, what’s up?” Jordan questions “Yesterday, I got threaten. I owe some guy named Damien” Jordan eyes opened “We’ve been looking for this guy. I think we have a chance to get him” Jordan says shocked about what Kate just said. “Ok… so…?” Kate asks “I need to tell the team, I’ll contact you later.” Jordan ran back to the station, he then remembered to thank Kate “Thanks sis!” Jordan yelled and left her behind. Kate shrugged it off and went for some breakfast.
Jordan entered 21st District Station and headed upstairs. Antonio, Amy, Ruzek and Burgess were gossiping. Jay was inside the office that used to be Voight's, Jordan entered and they didn’t even noticed Jordan was there, he knocked on the door of the office and Jay lifted his head up. He did a motion with his hand so that Jordan entered.
“Jay I have news. Big ones” Jordan said just as he passed inside. “Damien. I think I have a way to get him.” Jordan says.
“Wait you found him or something?!” Jay asked and he stood up. “Holy shit” he whispered “Ok, let’s go with the rest.” Jay said and they both went outside of the room.
“Well, I think we have a lead on Damien” Jay says and everyone turns around to look at the both of us. “Damien is looking for my sis. I think we can lure him out using her” Jordan explains “Isn’t it to risky?” Burgess asks “This job is risky as it is” Antonio answers her question.
“Not a bad idea” Jay compliments Jordan. “Well this is how it’s gonna be.” Jay says.
In the afternoon Ava just finished her shift, she was grabbing her stuff when Natalie entered the doctor's lounge. “Hey Ava, before you leave. It’s Will’s and I anniversary. I was wondering if you can take care of the twins for a few hours?” Natalie said and Ava grabbed her bag. “Sure, I’ll take care of them. You drop them off”
“Thank you Ava” Natalie says “Anytime” Ava quickly answered and smiled.
Ava left Med and headed straight to her apartment.
She walked to her apartment, she preferred the walk instead of the car ride. The city had it’s daily 6pm traffic, the 290 expressway was crowded like always. She continued to walk home, she left Connor’s apartment as soon as he left Jordan and her.
She arrived home, she threw her bag on the couch and grabbed the wine that she had on the counter and a glass, she poured some in and then drank it slowly.
Later that afternoon, there was a knock on the door. Ava stood up from the couch and opened the door. Natalie, Will and twins, Adam and Abigail were standing outside of the apartment. Adam and Abigail were 11; both of them had the same ginger hair color like Will and Natalie’s eyes. Adam was carrying a bag, they both hugged Ava and she hug them back. “We’ll come for them at about 11” Will said and Ava smiled “Kiss your mom and dad goodbye” Ava told them and they did as she told them. Will and Natalie left and then Adam started setting something up on the corner. Abigail took out her tablet and started watching YouTube. Ava kept her eye on Adam, he took out some equipment. “What’s that Adam?” Ava asked him “Haptic gloves-” he said and raised a pair of gloves. He lowered them and then talked again“-My visor-” he said again and raised a VR headset. “And my OASIS console” he said and lifted a flat black rectangle like the size of a paperback book. He connected everything and put on his gloves and visor and he then started moving. “He’s gonna be there for ages, and he’s gonna be yelling” Abigail mentions as she started to edit a photo.
Ava’s phone started to ring, she went to get it and it said 'unknown number'. Ava answered
“Hello?” Ava said “Avey… can’t be here long get out of there, it’s gonna blow!” Ava recognized the voice, it was Connor’s, he speaked so fast that Ava only understood 'its gonna blow' “Connor, what’s going on?!” Ava says trying to keep calm “Ava! GET OUT OF THERE PLEASE!” Connor yelled. Ava grabbed tight her phone and she grabbed Adam's visor and took it off. “Ava what’s going on?” Abigail asked worried “Lets get out of here! Now!” Ava yelled and she grabbed both of them.
She took them down to the bottom level and they exited the building.
They ran out and headed to the corner of the street when the building exploded. Ava, Adam and Abigail were sent flying by the impulse of the explosion. 
[I'm so sorry for not updating that fast, school is very demanding right now. That's why, also I got new ideas so expect longer chapters. Thanks to all of those who are reading]

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