Part 2 - Spotting Smith

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The parking attendant directed us to our parking space and we obeyed his orders, whilst being followed by a few other cars. We drove into the parking space and took our phones out, ready to vlog! As we walked past the other cars and across the bridge, we vlogged the whole way, expressing out excitement. We must've looked a bit weird, screeching loudly whilst holding up our phones in the air.

I could not believe how many gamers were there when we got into the queue! Most of them were boys in their teens, wearing various gaming t-shirts and clothing. We looked like we were the only girls there, until we were allowed in. There were a few other girls, but they were a lot older than me. Suddenly, I started to doubt myself. Surely we were too young to go to these kinds of conventions! We didn't fit it. But then I realised what the outcome of this would be, and then I relaxed a little.

As it was still early, we figured the Yogscast would not be signing yet, so we wandered off down the corridor towards the expo hall, where all the games were. As we stood outside, deciding our plan of action, I talked to my sister Callie and and Anna's sister Sofia. I was too engrossed to realise a familiar person walking straight past us. Luckily, Anna had keen eyes. Our conversation was interrupted by her tapping my shoulder. I turned around to see her wide-eyed and shell-shocked. Before I could ask her what happened, she pointed down the hallway and squealed;


I followed her gaze and sure enough, Smith was heading down the corridor, a bag slung over his shoulder. It was him! My heart skipped a beat and my mouth went dry. It was Smith - from Hat Films!

The two of us were panicking so much to not realise Smith turn around and give us a strange look, before continuing. I didn't know what to do. Should we follow him? Should we get his attention? I swiftly made up my mind and gently gave Anna a tug.

"Come on! Let's go!"

But it was too late. As we looked back in the direction of Smith, we realised he must've turned a corner as he was out of sight. We had missed our opportunity to meet Smith before the signing. Our hearts sank and I felt awful. I told myself over and over again that we should've just gone for it! But there was no time to despair about our mistake, and the rest of the group were already heading towards the doors of the expo hall. Time to see some games!

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