Part 4 - Conversation with Sips

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I can't remember exactly how the conversation went but I think it went something like this:

Anna: Hey Sips!

Sips: Hey, how are you?

Anna: I'm good, I'm good. Here - can you sign this? *hands signing sheet*

Sips: Wow, you're prepared!

Anna: Why thank you!

Sips: Where do I sign?

Anna: Anywhere you like!

Sips: *signs* There you are!

Anna: Wow thanks! Can I have a selfie?

Sips: Yeah sure!

Anna: Leanne, do you wanna join in?

Me: Yeah, if you want. *walks in*

Anna: *Takes selfie* Wow thank you!

Sips: No problem! Have a great day!

Anna: Thanks, you too!

"Anna handled that conversation with ease! How did she do that without shaking or being nervous?" I asked myself, as Anna walked off towards Dave. But we told each other we would go together! Why didn't she wait for me?! But it was too late. I looked up at Sips and he was looking straight back at me.

Sips: Hey, you alright?

Me: Yeah, I'm good man, are you okay too?

Sips: Yeah! Thanks for asking!

Me: Is it alright if you sign my t-shirt?

Sips: Yeah, no problem. *Signs shirt*. Wow, this is a really small t-shirt.

Me: Yeah, I'm sorry! I'm really small, okay?

Sips: *Laughs and hands back shirt.*

Me: Is it okay if I get a picture with you? *Hands phone to Dad."

Sips: Yeah, sure!

I smile subtly for the camera, and Sips poses behind me. Yeah, it's kind of hard to describe his pose, but it looked something like this \O/ but his arms were lower, like he was about to do jazz hands. The face he made turned my small smile into a large grin, it was hilarious!!

My dad was taking the picture on my phone, and my cover for my phone was a Yogscast one. It was the one of Duncan where he was shouting "SCIENCE!" (Yes, I'm a Duncan fangirl :3) When Sips saw the back of my phone, he cried "Sciiiiiiiiiiieeeeence!" Into my ear. I couldn't contain myself and cracked up laughing, and he began laughing too. Sips was amazing!

Me: Thanks so much Sips! That was amazing!

Sips: No problem! Enjoy the rest of the day!

Me: You too!

I gave him a little wave and walked over to the next Yog on the table, Dave.

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