I'm sorry~ who?

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You woke up, drenched in sweat and shaken. You saw your (m/p) (mortal parent) killed in front of you, again, second time in a freaking row. You then realized you where screaming. You stopped and looked into electric blue eyes. You yelped, realizing they were real and not your imagination. They backed away, saying, "oh my gods, I'm so sorry. I just heard you screaming so, I ran in, thinking it was a harpy or something and I saw you screaming and decided to try and shake you awake!"
"It's ok, I just...didn't know I could uh, scream that loud...um, by the way, who are you?" You asked, groggy, shaking and sweaty. " I'm Jason Grace, son of Zeus. And you are...?" Jason said kindly. You panicked, realizing you were dealing with one of the prophecies may victims as you called them. You decided to play it cool. " I'm (y/n), daughter of I don't know." (btw, doesn't work with Zeus, Aphrodite, Hermes, or Hephaestus.) "Oh, and um, I have a slightly personal question, what was your dream about?" He asked, fidgeting with his hands. You choked, remembering your dream. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was that-" "no," you said, cutting him off," it's not your fault, you didn't know. I-I saw my mortal parent g-get k-killed b-by a h-hellhound." You said, sobbing, then realizing what you just said, thought, 'oh crap, I'm opening to a complete stranger. I told myself to keep a low profile.' " oh...do you need someone to talk to? I can be a good listener....I think..."

Jason's PoV
I woke up, someone was screaming. I ran out of my cabin with my coin, and ran into the Hermes cabin, ready to strike down any monster....aaand realized someone had a nightmare. I tossed my sword back into a coin, thinking, 'when did I flip it?' And tried to wake up the girl who was screaming.
Time skip brought to you by my lazy butt.
"Oh...do you need someone to talk to? I can be a good listener....I think..." I said. She laughed, and wow. She looked really cute when she laughed. 'JASON, CALM DOWN, YOU NEED TO HAVE A CHILL PILL!' I self-scolded.
Another time skip brought to you by Trump's DISGUSTING hair.

Your PoV
'Wow, it's been 2 months since the screaming incident?!' You thought, checking your demigod-friendly phone Leo Valdez made you and the 7 (with Nico of course). You walk outside, it's the weekend, so, you go to the training arena and-surprise surprise-Jason is there. You tap him on the shoulder. "Huh? Oh hey (n)!" (nickname) Jason said, surprised you were up this early. "Hey Sparky." You said, jokingly. "*huff* I told you not to call me that!" He said, laughing. " Ok then, Superman!" You said, then ran of to the lake where he followed you and hugged you then, oh look, you're flying! "Oh my gods, Jason Grace, you did not just go there!" You said. "Oh, but I did!" He said, booping your nose in the process.
"JASON GRACE! GET DOWN HERE SO WE CAN GET READY FOR OUR DATE!" Someone shouted from below. "Oh. That must be Pipes." He said, surprised. 'Waaaiit just one second,' your brain said,' you're dating Piper?' You and Piper really didn't get along well, she gave you the evil eye whenever you were near Jason. Then, you asked,"you're dating Piper?" "Hhmmm? Oh yeah, I asked her out. She said yes." He said, mildly surprised you didn't know. (At this point, I'm not even following the books...oh, well.) you two got down and separated ways. Then, you went to Bunker 9. You knew Leo would be there, working on some super cool, metal sculpture or other. You sometimes went here when you were tired or frustrated by something. Your best friends included: Jason, Leo, Nico, the lovebirds Percy and Annabeth, aaand (b\f). It was (f\t) (favorite time of day or night) except, this time it wasn't. Leo immediately knew what was up because apparently, he knew before you. "Hey, wanna go to Percy's? A lil' birdie told me he was having a party with the 7, Nico, and the Stoll bros." He said, trying, but failing, to be cheery. "You know what, we both need it. Let's go." You said, managing to actually make him cheery.
Time skip brought to you by my fuckin' writers block.

Jason's PoV
"Soo," Piper says, leaning in,"What's up?" I reply with, "Meh, not much. How 'bout y-" "Stop hanging out with (y/n), she's going to try and ruin our relationship." She cuts me off, abruptly."I, um....gotta go use the bathroom," I said, getting up and going out of the dining pavilion and to the Zeus Cabin. Then, I saw (y/n) with Leo and decided to chill with them for a while, maybe get (y/n) alone to ask her about what Piper said. 'No, Jason, you're an idiot! Why would you ask her that, it'll ruin our friendship!' I thought. I walked to them and (y/n)  must have seen something wrong because she said, "everything alright, Jason? I thought you had a date with Piper." "Meh, she realized last minute she needed to do something for another demigod with a date." I tried to keep my voice level. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jason. Hey want to go to Percy's party? It'll be fun!" (Y/n) said, pretty excited.
"Yeah, let's go, Superman!" Leo put in, also really excited. "Oh, alright, let's go," I said, still a little gloomy. As soon as we got there, the Stolls said (in union) "LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE: NO LIMITS!" Everyone sat down in a circle and Percy started. "Leo, truth or dare?"  "Yes! DARE!" Leo said, super enthusiastically. " Um...aha! Kiss (y/n)!" Percy said. I swear. The. Whole. Room. Tensed. A. Freakin'. LOT! Everyone, literally EVERYONE, knew about Leo's crush on (y/n). In any case, he kissed (y/n) on the cheek and everyone relaxed. Then, Piper burst into the room, looking like she was ready to kill someone. "WHERE'S JASON?!" She yelled. "Right here," I said, raising my hand. "AND WHERE. IS. (Y\N)!?" She screeched. "Here." She squeaked. Then, Piper dragged her out of the room and basically yelled at her until her voice was cracked and hoarse.  And then slapped her. "PIPER, THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled, shocked that she would ever do such a thing.

Your PoV
'What the freak frickin' dill pickle is going on HERE???' You wondered. Then Piper slapped you and said with charmspeak: "sleep." You resisted, Nico taught you how. "PIPER THAT IS ENOUGH!" Someone yelled.

*CLIFFHANGER* (MWAHAHHAAHA!) Well, 1126 words on my first post, not including this!

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