Chapter 1, Making an Escape

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Chapter 1

The fire danced across my skin like a ballet moving to the rhythm of a classical tune.  It’s blue flame burning as bright peaks. 

Spinning around as I vaulted across the bedroom, the blue flames continued to hug my palms, leaving those delicate trails like streamers from a competition.

The slow rhythm of the song kept my body in motion, my slow but sharp movements worthy of the dance instructor I never had.

Spinning around in a full 360 degree motion, the flames followed suite creating a bright blue ball around me.

The flames knew how to move in unison, their heat unable to harm me as I was their creator.  Each flame curved around another, their own dance bringing a certain vibe to the room.

The only thing that could ruin that moment was the sound of the smoke detector blaring loudly over my music, all flames ceasing as I realised my sheets had caught fire yet again.

Sighing as I dragged my hand down my face, living alone certainly had its perks but laundry was not one of them.

Laundry and dishes were my two biggest pet hates; all that other lingo I could deal with but those two particular chores bore me almost to the point of death.

Holding out my hand as the flame was sucked back into my skin, I examined the black tarnish of ash which used to be my blanket, now a pile of grey ash.

There were many moments such as this one when I wished I still lived with my parents and they would help me in these situations.

I had not seen my parents in many lifetimes, being immortal prevented me dying.  In my last life, I had drowned in the most ironic element for someone who could control fire; water.

As the body died and my presence left, I was reborn like usual growing up in another life and usually even another country. 

This time round I was born into a young Australian girl’s body, who was soon to reach her 19th birthday.  Growing up in such a warm country certainly suited me, after all fire was always my friend.

Hiding my gift was always difficult.  When I did attend school, it was always tempting to dance around in the playground, the fire encasing me as protection but what community would accept that.

The last time I saw my parents they had warned me of how there were people looking for us, trying to take our gift from us.  Everyone wanted to be immortal; after all living forever meant an unending amount of wealth and controlling fire just gave pure power.

Despite this I was alone, I could never stay in the same place; they would find me.

I did not know who they were but I knew what they wanted.

Somehow they knew of part of the secret of the gift.  They knew if they were to kill me I would difficult to find back but somehow they always managed.

I had not met whoever ran what organisation was trying to capture me, I could only vaguely remember the one and only conversation I had with them after my last encounter.

They had called me Infinity true to my nature as I could not truly die; the name left much for me to think about though as they never mentioned the fire.


Two Months Earlier…..

My breath was coming out heavy; my speed had not matched theirs for once as a man circled me like a cat on the prowl.

Being chained to a tree, there was only one way to escape but showing them what I could do would only make me a much higher value target.

The man’s voice was raspy, his throat dry from chasing me as he spoke.

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