Chapter Sixteen

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"So, what are we on? Lockdown?" My mother complained as she kicked her feet up on the futon. It had been an overwhelming and emotional day for me, but I couldn't let Ma see that. As far as she knew, Angelo got into a minor car accident and since there were reportings of some home invasions in the neighborhood the past week, we had extra surveillance and security. Oh, and Mark demanded that we couldn't leave the house. Of course, it was all a fabrication, but my mother and siblings need not know.

With a sigh, I plopped down next to her with a hot cup of tea in hand, "I guess so. Ang is stuck at the hospital and until he can leave, he wants to make sure we're all extra safe." It hurt a little to say those words, but in reality, I wish they were true. I hadn't even had the chance to talk to him. Mark said he'd keep me updated, but I knew there were more important things for him to tend to.

Victoria busied herself with the girls as they accustomed themselves to their long-lost cousin. She was actually amazing with them and it worked to my mother's benefit that they had someone to keep them busy while we were on, quite literally, lockdown. We hadn't had the chance to talk again, but I could only imagine what she was going through, too, so I decided to take it easy. I didn't know how much I could trust her, but I guess I would have to find out.

I jumped a little when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. It was a text message from Mark.

We're taking Ang home right now. He'll be on bedrest at home for a week.

I responded, When can I see him? Or talk to him?

He will call.

I felt a little more at ease knowing Ang would be at home rather than the hospital, but the pain of being separated from him was weighing heavily on me. I needed to hear his voice. I settled my thoughts enough to enjoy watching my mom's favorite game shows while sipping on my tea. It's a wonder how people can be so calm while a storm is coming right for them.

By midnight, the kids were all knocked out. The drama, commotion and excitement of the day wore them out to the point where they fell asleep scattered on the carpeted floor. I lovingly covered them with blankets, knowing full well the impossibility of waking them up. I admired the peaceful expressions and momentarily envied them. I always worked hard, not just for my mother, but for them. I didn't struggle at their age, so I wanted to give them what I had and I wanted to make sure they would never have to work the way I did.

"They're fun, but exhausting." My cousin Victoria suddenly popped up from behind me. I jumped a little, placing a hand over my startled heart.

"You scared me," I laughed. "Yeah, exhausting is definitely the word I'd use."

Victoria paused momentarily, admiring them the same way I just had, "I'm sorry for missing out on so much of their lives."

"Can we talk?" I asked apprehensively. I wanted to bring it up all night, but I didn't have the heart to, so her apology gave me the perfect chance and I had to take it.

"I was waiting for that," She sighed, letting out a nervous chuckle.

I walked into the kitchen with her in tow, I habitually turned on the stove and placing a kettle of water to boil, "I don't know where to begin, so I'm just gonna ask... Do you know what happened to Ang?"

She bit her lip, "My parents are going crazy." She admitted.

"Where do they think you are? What do they know?" I asked urgently. It hadn't crossed my mind that she just picked up and left home to search for me.

"I told them I was staying downtown for the weekend. I had done my research for quite a while, so I knew where to find you. My parents thought I was celebrating a friend's birthday."

"Thought?" I asked apprehensively.

"I'm sure Frankie told them everything by now, hence the fact that they both won't stop calling me." She glanced at her phone with a guilty expression. The screen lit up, alerting her of a text message from, "Mommy."

"So, if it was so easy for you to find me, don't you think it's gonna be easy for Frankie as well?" I got up to pace the room, my mind racing at a mile a minute.

Victoria leveled her gaze with my own, "Frankie has already found you."

I stood frozen, my eyes locked with hers, "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying," She stood up and gripped my shoulders, "Frankie knows where you are, and possibly has known longer than I have. It was almost like he was waiting for me to make a move for him to strike. We both know that there wasn't a car "accident." Frankie set up your fiancé and we're gonna prove it." She said defiantly. I wasn't sure if she feared him, but I would be a liar if I said I wasn't.

"Prove it to who, Vick? My own family, own flesh and blood doesn't care about me. Even after they found out the truth about my father. Your mom, Uncle Joe, Aunt Gina and especially Papa—no one cares about us. If it wasn't for Ang, we would still be living in a dump and I would still be working 2 jobs, 60 hours a week." I let my pent up hurt and frustration out in the form of tears, which had Victoria confused and frazzled. She stepped away from me and awkwardly sat back in her spot.

"Well, if anything, we can prove to them that Frankie is the real traitor and they will take care of him." She looked down at her lap, guilt strewn across her features.

"I don't care about Frankie and I don't care what my father's "family" thinks or does. I want Frankie to leave me and my new family alone. Ang has nothing to do with anything, he didn't deserve to be targeted by my loser ex-cousin. I want nothing to do with him!" I angrily paced the room once again, racking my brain for a solution. I decided I was going to meet with Frankie and end this once and for all.

"You need to go home, Vick, I don't want you involved in all of this." I sighed, switching the TV on, hoping for a momentary distraction.

"He's going to kill me," She groaned.

"You think he knows you're here?"

She stared at me as if to say, 'Are you serious?'

I chuckled, "But he won't actually do anything to you, will he?"

"No," She shook her head. "Nonno will make sure of that, but rest assured, I'm going to make things right."

"I don't care about Nonno. And no offense, but, I don't care about your mom, Aunt Gina, or Uncle Joe. I don't want you to make anything right, because I don't want them in my life."

Victoria patted my leg, "You're saying this out of hurt. Don't shut them out. Give them a chance to say their peace, at least."

"If it ever came to it, I am willing to hear their peace, but I make no guarantees. Ang is my family now, and he's all we need."

"Fair enough," She smiled. It hurt to know we both missed out on so much of each other's' lives. It wasn't fair to either of us. We were Uncle Anthony's collateral damage and we were given no choice or voice.

"But, I really need you to get home safe. Please be sure to call me when you get back and please take care of yourself."

She nodded solemnly, "I will. Don't worry about me. Take care of your family, take care of Ang and keep your guard up at all times. I'll be back soon, cuz." She promised, squeezing me in her embrace. "I can't ever say how sorry I am. I wish I could take it all back."

I rubbed her back, squeezing her just as hard, "I know, Vick. I more than forgive you."

It comforted me to find a small bit of peace and resolution in my upside-down world and my fondness of my cousin came back and hit me like a bus. I promised myself I would forget the past and move on.

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