Chapter Twenty-Three

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DeAngelo DiVicci

"Dammit, David! Send me the address, I'm on my way." I stormed out of my downtown office and shrugged my coat on. I couldn't trust anyone to do anything anymore.

Angelina had apparently told her guards that she was taking a walk to the local gym. If they had half brains, they would've realized she doesn't even have a gym membership, nor was it safe for her to walk around town alone.

Especially with the imminent threat from her idiotic cousin, Frankie, that still loomed.

"I'm sorry boss. Mo followed her to Lincolnshire and said he couldn't get past the guards without causing a scene."

I laughed darkly, humorlessly, "Lincolnshire... David, do you know who lives in Lincolnshire?"

David seemed as anxious and impatient as I felt, "Humor me, boss."

"Her psychotic cousin and deadbeat grandfather."

David was silent.

"Exactly." I confirmed his fears as I hung up and dialed Mo.

"Boss," He picked up on the first ring, seemingly out of breath.

"You're supposed to be my best guy, Mo."

He sighed heavily in defeat, "I know."

"Which is why you had the sense to even follow her. Thanks for that, by the way, but I should inform you, the neighborhood you're trying to break into is her grandfather's. So even if you get past the front gates, you're as good as done as soon as you approach the Sorrentino's estate."

Mo froze, "How did you know I was climbing the gate?"

"You are my best guy and part of that is because you're crazy as hell and do whatever it takes to get a job done." I admitted, "But, you sound like your lungs are on fire and I have a feeling it's because you're trying to get past a 20-foot gate."

At this point, I was in my car and on my way to Lincolnshire with no plan of attack. Her mother called me while I was on my way, fear-stricken and hysterical, "DeAngelo, my daughter!"

My heartrate picked up. I didn't have the time to process what Angelina was doing going to her grandfather's, but her mom must have heard some news, "What is it, Gloria?"

"She's not home," She paused through tears. I bit my tongue, trying to lessen my edge with her, when normally, I would be unleashing on the person on the other end of the phone. I was ruthless when it came to poor communication, specifically when it was as vital and time-sensitive as this was.

"Please, Gloria I need you to breathe and tell me what happened."

"I called her," She sniffled, "Her phone kept going to voicemail. I came down to see the groceries at the door. I looked everywhere for her and found a note." Her Italian accent came out more than ever and I almost struggled to understand her.

"What did the note say?"

She read the note and I could feel her physically hold back her sobs, but my own blood froze. This had to do with Frankie. I didn't want to have to get rid of her cousin. I didn't want Federico's nephew's blood on my hands, but I knew I had no choice at this point. I was going to kill Frankie Sorrentino.

- - --

Victoria led me through the maze of a house. I had moments of nostalgia, but the furniture had since been updated and so much of what I knew was gone from the place. We scurried through the house and I feared someone would pop up. It had been years since I'd last seen my family, but I had never had an altercation with any of them, so it felt funny for me to fear seeing them.

"Let's go to my room and think of a plan, before Nonno finds out you're here." Victoria whispered as we entered her room. I plopped down on the windowsill bench.

Rolling my eyes, "It's Nonno, he knows everything. He obviously knows I'm here, what I fear is if Frankie knows."

"Well, Frankie and Nonno have been feuding, so I don't think Frankie will be here. He's been MIA since I ran away, but he did manage to get me on lockdown. He convinced Nonno and cousin Derek that I've been sneaking out to see a married man."

I gasped, "But you would never! Nonno believes them?"

"I know Nonno doesn't believe them, but he is playing his cards a certain way with Frank. I can never figure the old man out."

"Your mom?" I inquired. Victoria was around my age and even more inexperienced than I was, before I met Angelo, with men. It was due to the fact that she had a constant entourage of guards and big, bad cousins who scared everyone away. It was a wonder anyone could believe a lie like that about Victoria.

"I don't know!" She threw her hands up dramatically, "I don't know anything anymore. Frankie is out to get me ever since I got caught talking to you."

I leaned my head against the window, staring into the endless backyard. The left wing of the house had a perfect view of the gardens and the beautiful, Spanish-inspired courtyard. I yearned to go back and be an innocent child again. If I knew then what I know now, I could've solved the family drama. Maybe I could've told Father to go see a doctor and get a check-up. Life would've been so different.

Then, a beautiful, angry, perfect face came to mind. My Angelo. I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that, in such a short time, I had grown to love him to the point where I couldn't imagine a life without him. I wouldn't change a thing about my life for the sole reason that I wouldn't have DeAngelo DiVicci.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. My eyes bulged out of my head as I panicked, looking at Vicky for some direction. She looked back at me just as nervously, "Uh- just a second!" She pointed at my bathroom. I ran to it and shut the door behind me, locking it. I stuck my ear to the door, listening closely.

"Where is she?" The voice asked. It sounded feminine, but I couldn't be sure.

"Who?" Vicky played dumb.

"This is a very serious matter, Victoria! Tell me this instant! Nonno won't be as patient as me."

I instantly recognized the voice as my father's sister, Vicky's mom—Aunt Marzia.

"Mama, I honestly have no clue—"

Aunt Marzia cut her daughter off, "Angelina, please come out! I am not going let anything bad happen to you, but Nonno is very upset."

I stood there, frozen and overwhelmed with emotion. I didn't know how I could face my aunt when she abandoned my family so easily. I also felt compelled to trust her. I finally turned the doorknob, unlocking it and stepping out carefully. When I made eye contact with my aunt, I felt a flood of emotions.

We both stood, stunned and mouths hanging open. I felt stuck.

She let out a loud cry that snapped me out of it and I flinched back as she approached me. She grabbed my shoulders and slid them down to me hands, holding them firmly in her grasp, "Look how beautiful you are, Nina."

I pulled my hands back, uncomfortably, "Aunty Marzia." I nodded at her, fighting the tears that threatened to pour. I had to compose myself before I faced my Nonno.

Aunt Marzia looked like she was in pain. She stuck her hand out, offering it to me, "Nonno is waiting for us. Let's go see him."

I refused her hand but nodded in response. I turned to look behind me at an emotional Vicky, who stuck close to me. She grabbed my hand in a comforting gesture as her mom led us to Nonno's study.

I tried to pace my breathing as we stood in front of the double doors, watching as someone slowly opened the door to reveal the aged, tired face of my estranged grandfather.

"La mia vita..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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