I wake up in my cell, I sit up and see Cassie my roommate writing a letter to her family. She's locked up for selling crack in school, and vandalism.
"Oh your awake" she says turning to me.
We've helped each other with everything while we are stuck in here. She was in here before me so she's showed me the ropes ever since.
"I can't believe your leaving today" Cassie says walking over to my bed and resting her arms on the cold metal.
"I know... I'm gonna miss you" I say throwing my thin blanket off me and jumping down.
"Parker, get your things you're leaving soon" an officer said opening the door making a loud crash sound.
"Hello Greg" Cassie and I say at the say time.
Officer Greg Piller, a marshmallow is the best way to describe him, he has the best sense of humour and is always joking around with the kids here, I like to believe Cassie and I are his favourites.
"Hello girls, I'll give you 10 minutes to say bye to everyone, then your dads picking you up" he smiled as he walked off.
"I'll help you get your stuff then you can go say bye to Alex" she said wiggling her eyebrows.
Cassie, Alex and myself have become friends over the time we've been here, only cause I had the balls to go up to him and ask if wanted to hang.
I laugh as I start packing my stuff, once I finished that I headed out to 'our spot'. The girls and boys are separated... mostly. Alex found the spot, it's behind the garden shed.
"Hey loser" I walked up to Alex.
"Hey cutie" he says giving me a hug. I loved hugging him, His strong arms around me made me feel safe.
"You know your a asshole for leaving me." He says pulling away a bit.
"Shh I'm already getting this from Cassie" I laughed placing my head on his chest.
"I came to say bye, I have like seven minutes till I leave" I said looking into his amazing green eyes.
"I'm gonna miss you Parker" he cupped my face.
"I'm gonna miss you too" I looked down at the dirt. Was I ever gonna see Alex or Cassie again?.
"I need to go say bye to Cassie". He gave me one last hug and I was off to see Cassie.
As soon as we saw each other we ran and hugged each other. "I'm going to miss you so fucking much dude" she said into my shoulder.
"I'm gonna miss you, just promise me you won't do anything stupid." I said pulling away "I love you".
"I love you too and I promise" she replied. That was that, Greg came to get me and I waited for my dad to pick me up. I waited about 30 minutes until one of the officer's spoke up.
"Do you have anyone else you can call to pick you up?". I thought for a moment.
Mom's dead can't do that, don't have any siblings, no aunts or uncles that are in driving distance.
"Maybe my gran?" I was very unsure.
After about 30 more minutes I was picked up by my gran.
Gran Parker, a 88 year old bitch, I haven't seen her since mom funeral, that was 13 years ago. I'm almost 17.
The car trip home was very quiet, she didn't say one word to me. Rude much.
Once she dropped me off home I entered my house and noticed no one home, at least I have some time to myself, I put my stuff in my room.
It looked the same, same way I left it, really clean and everything in order.
Don't start thinking I'm a neat freak, before I got sent to juvie I was known as goody two shoes / teachers pet / innocent.I already miss Cassie and Alex.
I took the time alone to have a shower and just relax.
————40 minutes later————
The front door opened and I headed down stairs to see my dad and some chick walk into the door laughing at each other. Please for the love of god don't tell me that's my new mom.
I coughed to get his attention. "Ahh Punkin you're back, how was camp" he slurred out... great he's drunk, didn't change much.
"I wasn't at camp dad.. it was juvie" I pointed out. I was a little disappointed, he clearly didn't miss me.
"Oh... well how was it" he was still attached to the 2 dollar hooker.
"Fucking great" I sarcastically said storming up stairs.
I can't believe him, as soon as mom dies he starting drinking, sometime I swear he didn't even remember he had a wife.
I sit on my bed and open a envelope that I put Cassie and Alex's notes in along with some photos.
————that night————
I heard dad walking up the stairs, he slowly opens the door. "Can I come in?" his words seemed genuine.
"Sure" I say blankly.
"I'm sorry I came home like that, once you left I promised myself I would stop drinking..." he said sitting at the end of the bed "I really missed you Punkin, tell me about it" he smiled, so I told him about Cassie and Alex and Greg and the 5 fights I got into while I was there.
"I'm glad you met Cassie and Alex, and Greg sounds like a great guy." he smiled at me "I promise i'll sober up, it was just hard with you not here. I'll do better" he tapped my leg and looked away.
I nodded "it's fine dad, also please tell me the girl you brought home isn't my new step mom" I slightly chuckled.
"god no" he laughed and started getting up "I love you Punkin, goodnight." He said walking out of my room.
"OH AND YOU START SCHOOL TOMORROW" he yells from down stairs.

Falling for the bad girl✔️
Teen FictionNOTE- I'm really bad at writing descriptions so I wouldn't bother reading it just read the book. {currently editing/rewriting bits} »»»»»»» Alice Parker was ms goody two shoes until she was locked up for almost 2 years in Juvie for stealing, and van...