You can stay at mine?

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It was Friday... finally.

I was in my room looking for something to wear, I decided on my black ripped jeans, my dark grey sweatshirt and my black converse, I quickly threw my hair in a effortless bun and walked down stairs praying to god uncle Dave wasn't down there.

I went to the fridge to get my drink bottle, as I closed the door to the fridge I came face to face with Dave.

"You go to school and straight back home understand?" He basically ordered.

"No, I'm going to hang out with friends" I quickly said.

His hand collided with my cheek, my cheek stung "you will come straight back home or there will be consequences" he growled looking me up and down again.

I quickly without thinking, punched him nose "fuck you" I ran as fast as I could out of that house, I could hear him yelling as I continued down the path.

Fuck what did I just do...

I got to school a little bit late, I walked into English 10 minutes late.

My eyes instantly landed on Blake, I waked over to him "Hey"

"Hey" he pulled out the seat next to him.

"Hey are you okay?" his index finger and thumb grabbed my chin and turned my head.

"Who hit you?" He said looking at the mark Uncle Dave left on my face.

".. that's how I wake up... yeah I slap myself awake" I quickly chuckled looking back to my book.

"Oh... okay then" he cautiously said

After that we started playing around, bumping into each other's shoulder, writing on each other's book.

"Stop" I laughed as I saw Blake drawing a dick on my book.

He lightly pushed the side of my head somehow making my hair start falling out, I pulled up my sleeves and pulled the rest of my hair out, putting it back into a bun.

"Imma get you back" I smiled and drew a dick on his book.

"Hey!" He chuckled "hey?..." he questioned.

I looked up at him "what?"

He grabbed my arm "who grabbed you?"

I looked at my arm and saw bruises where uncle Dave grabbed me.

"No one, it's fine" I pulled down my sleeves.

Blake got up and stormed out of the classroom, I went after him.

"Blake wait!" I called out running to him

He walked into a math class, moment later he dragged out Cameron by the shirt throwing him to the lockers.

"Was that necessary?" I asked walking up to them.

"Yes!" Blake grabbed Cameron by the shirt "do you think it's cool to hurt girls?"

Cameron and I exchanged a confused look "what are you talking about?" Cameron said

"Alice's wrist!" Blake let go of Cameron and walked over to me pulling up my sleeve "See"

"Holy shit Alice, what happened!?" Cameron walked over to me.

"Nothing! I'm fine" I looked at both of them.

"Wait you didn't do this?"Blake looked at Cameron.

"Of course not, why would you think that" Cameron hit the back of Blake's head

"I saw you guys walking off together yesterday" Blake shrugged

At this point I couldn't deal with the boys so I walked off while they were talking, that didn't last very long after getting tackled by Cameron to the floor, then Blake jumped on us.

"Tell us who did it or where not getting off" Blake started laughing.

"How.. can I tell you... if your crushing me" I managed to get out.

"Oh yeah" they said in sync

They crawled off and we sat on the floor, I took a deep breath.

"My uncle... he showed up a few days after dad died and he's been acting weird, being violent and verbal, not anything new consider he got charged for hitting his girlfriend. I can't go home I'm afraid something really bad is going to happen to me" I breathed out, now focused on my hands.

"I'm gonna kill him" Blake said jumping up and walking toward the door

"Blake no!" I screamed at him, he stopped

"If he new I told someone imagine what would really happen" I got up and headed over to him "please don't, I need to deal with it by myself" after saying that Blake bent down and wrapped his arms around me, it was so nice, and bonus- he smelt nice.

"You can stay at mine tonight if you like!?" Cameron yelled down the hall, I felt Blake tense at those words.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at Cameron "really?"

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