Chapter 2

915 47 89

(Word Count: 2520) 

Any pictures used are not mine, credit goes to the artist.

Music I listen to while writing this chapter:

(Word count:2535)

A few years had passed ever since then, everyone who graduated that year from UA was successful, either in Japan or overseas. They were known for being the academy's most successful contribution to the world. Not only did this class bring up the Symbol of peace, but also 8 of the top ten in Japan. It didn't stop there, thanks to the upbringing of these incredible heroes; Japan and if not the entire world was safer than it ever was. That didn't mean that there weren't any villains to prosecute or that natural disasters didn't occur but people genuinely felt safe, felt that no matter what happened there would always be someone to count on. That was something worth celebrating.That's what brings us to this moment in time; UA is hosting its 5th anniversary of the most prestigious class that they had ever brought up. Everyone that graduated in 2152 was invited, not only from the hero course but every course. When word got out that so many famous people would be at the same spot; news reporters, paparazzi every one that wanted a scoop was there. The school was decorated in gold and blue, to accentuate the natural gimmer of the night. There was a gold carpet that lead the way into the main hall where the party was to be held, there was lively music on and everyone was dressed to impress. The atmosphere was pretty calm, that is until the Symbol of peace and the #3 hero arrived. A white Mercedes had stopped at the front of the school gate and when both of the young men got out of the vehicle anyone from a few blocks down could hear the uproar of the crowd and cameras flashing everywhere. Guards were set up at the sides where the royal blue rope that lined the carped stood, not that they needed protection it was rather to keep the adoring fans from trampling them. The Symbol of peace –Midoriya; was wearing a black tuxedo with a dark green undershirt that made his already sparkling emerald eyes glow under the moonlight. His partner, the #3 hero –Shoutoi; was sporting a white tuxedo with a red undershirt that strangely mimics his hair's contrasting colors. Everyone gawked at how incredibly attractive they were, "I mean seriously were they even human?" one of the reporters asked. It was like their bodies were sculpted and every part was well thought out before molding. Even though they were covered from head to toe, you could still see the muscles straining against the suits. As if they even flex wrong they would rip. "Thank you, tailors," said another reporter as she fanned herself. If that wasn't enough their faces were perfect beyond anything, they could bring a lot of models to shame since they didn't even need makeup or touch-up photo editing to look how they did naturally. It was clearly unfair. The heterochromatic held out his hand to the other, the latter took it while mouthing a simple "Thank you" and smiled. As the car drove off they walked on the golden carpet and went right through the gate of their nostalgic-filled school and headed to the main hall to reunite with their former classmates and friends. When they walked in, the first person to greet them was Iida, the former class president. "Hello Midoriya, Todoroki. If I may, you both look rather handsome tonight." Izuku had thankfully learned to control his nervousness and could now receive a compliment without turning completely beet red, he still blushed a bit though "Thank you, Iida, you look very nice too! It's great to see you in person. I feel like even though we talk all the time on Instabook, we haven't seen each other in ages". This much was true like they all had agreed; they kept in contact but much to Izuku's dismay he hadn't had the time to hang out or even catch up with his friends. They would talk on social media, on the phone, and occasionally greet each other in the street if they ever passed by one other. The only people he would be able to see more frequently were the ones that stayed in the same area or the ones he was assigned missions with. It made him happy that he had the night off to reunite with his friends, the people that made possible his current position in the hero world.Of course, there was one friend that was closer to him than another. His boyfriend."Yeah I get what you mean, we haven't seen each other since Uraraka's Christmas party and that was almost 2 years ago." his voice was a little off at the end, sadness palpable in his words. Izuku took a mental note that needed to find a way to get his friends into his daily life, if it weren't for them he would have never become the symbol of peace, he owes them that and much more. "Don't worry Iida, I'm sure Midoriya will soon have some spare time" Todoroki spoke up with his usual blank expression, motioning Izuku to greet more people as if they were at a press conference instead of a get together with old friends; sometimes he really got annoyed by Shouto. He nodded and gave a tight smile to the fast hero as he passed by him to greet the rest of the guests. That's right they were guests here, they weren't students and they weren't here on duty. They could enjoy this. Some time flew by and they had talked to everyone in the main hall. A lot of them were very happy to see them since it wasn't a normal occurrence. Izuku mentally scolded himself because he really needed to be better at time management. His mother was always scolding him that being in a relationship and constantly working - didn't mean he had to discard everything else in his life. He needed balance and tonight made that pretty evident. After going around for a couple of minutes, Shouto found it "Acceptable" for them to stop for a while, They were standing at a high table that was close to the entrance; around them were a few familiar faces like Ashido, Kaminari, Asui, Iida, Uraraka, and Sero. They had different kinds of drinks in their hands, but Izuku was never really good at drinking so he settled for just a Midori sour. He gets some light-hearted teasing about it since "it's a girl drink" but he doesn't mind it, he missed this, and besides he much prefers sweeter things than harsh tasting stuff. He laughed with all of them and even teased and bantered back, they pointed out how his personality almost didn't match his physic and he couldn't agree more. He was still shy and awkward about some things even if he had learned to turn it down a notch. He would still "nerd-out" around other heroes that he found incredible and even if he was one of them he couldn't help it, after all, he was still him. Shouto found it annoying and bothersome now that they were adults so he had learned to keep it on the down-low but he was with his friends here, people that knew him and accepted him. After that while of mingling, he couldn't help at notice the missing of something - of someone. "Does anyone know if Kacchan's coming?" He swore he felt the grip on his waist tighten at the mention of the other but dismissed it when he saw the blank stare that covered his lover's face. Izuku knew that his boyfriend and childhood friend never really got along and ever since Kacchan made it to the top spot in the ranking Shouto's animosity for the blonde only grew. And so, just to prevent more arguments he didn't mention the fact that he really had been hoping to see his childhood friend tonight. They haven't talked much ever since graduation and saying his childhood friend's nickname out loud even felt... foreign. He really needed to fix that. He missed him. Missed his sailor's mouth, missed bantering with him, missed his cooking, missed fighting alongside him, and more importantly, he missed his determination, his strength in battle, and weirdly enough even his smug smirk. He turned to face the pink-haired girl that spoke a little too loud for their proximity but he just smiled at her in return, he missed her too. "Yup!! I saw a thread on Twitter that spotted him at the airport!" Next to Ashido was Kirishima who by the way was even bigger than Deku, he really was built like a mountain. "Yeah! I texted BakuBro a while ago and he said they gave him a last-minute mission that made him get late to the airport so he had to catch another flight" He pouted "He was really pissed at them, kept filling in the chat with 'bloody idiots' and 'fuckers' randomly even after I stopped texting back" and the table started laughing "but he should be here soon!" He exclaimed with a smile after they calmed down a bit. There were a few hums of understanding and Izuku had almost forgotten that the blonde had moved overseas, he was now the #1 hero in the UK. How they could put up with him was anyone guess really but he was thriving over there and that made Izuku feel... Happy? but at the same time something else? He didn't understand what he was feeling but he didn't have time to. Suddenly there was a lot of noise coming from outside and when they walked over to the entrance to see what all the commotion was; Izuku felt his heart almost jump out of his chest. There was a couple of other heroes, high ranking ones at that making their way down the carpet - Puppet Master AKA Shinsou, Real Steel AKA TetsuTetsu, and Creati AKA Yaoyorozu. But just at the end, the newest arrival was Kacchan, his former childhood friend and the person he was hoping to see the most tonight. He was getting off of his Black Hayabusa, taking off his helmet, and heading towards the valet booth. Izuku stifled a laugh when he saw the blonde give a death glare to the worker while handing him the key; trying to make him understand that if something happen to the bike he would definitely pay for it, yet Izuku wasn't sure if it was with money or with his life. If everyone thought that Shouto and Izuku were the most handsome guys at the party, they were definitely wrong. Once they saw Katsuki take his dark gray coat off you could practically smell the pheromones in the air. The fangirls were going crazy, the paparazzi were having a field day as the blonde made his way through the golden carpet, Izuku couldn't blame them, Kacchan was a force to be reckoned with. He was wearing an all-black suit and had piercings on his ears to match. The dark clothing accentuated his light skin perfectly and made his already gorgeous eyes pop. Izuku couldn't help at look up and down from his ash blonde hair, his piercing ruby red eyes, his strong jaw, flawless skin, high stature, broad shoulders, and the way his muscles flex just by walking was like watching fire; Extremely beautiful yet extremely dangerous. He felt his mouth drying and closed it as he realized he had unconsciously dropped his jaw, as he lifted his gaze up to meet the blondes he subconsciously licked his lips to try to moist them, the problem was that the blonde was close enough to notice. He smirked and Izuku swore his heart almost stopped at the motion, he felt his cheeks grow dark red, an action that hasn't happened in over 3 years. He looked away embarrassed but it was too late, his lover had already noticed the exchange but to his surprise, Shouto didn't do anything or even mention it. "Like what you see?" that voice snapped him from the strange gaze he had with his boyfriend. It was Kacchan's voice but It was richer and warmer than he remembered, like freshly made caramel and it sent a shiver down his spine. "W-what?" was all that came from Izuku's mouth. He hadn't stuttered all night, yet he does when he least wanted to fucking great-he thinks. Katsuki snorted as if amused and began to say with an even wider smirk "I said, like what you see? Since I could feel you eye fucking me all the way from the entrance, nerd" He didn't understand why but when he heard that insult that would be offensive normally from anyone else, it didn't hurt. It felt more out of endearment than anything else and he didn't know how much he missed it until he heard it again. Katsuki stole a glance at Todoroki who look indifferent at the situation and the words leaving the blonde's mouth. He huffed and looked back at Izuku who had a playful aura around him and he was quite curious to know how this conversation would develop, he thought that by now he would have turned into a living tomato but to his surprise, he hadn't. Izuku thought about his words carefully, another thing he had worked on to better himself. Instead of muttering, he would think about what to say rather than spout absolute nonsense finding the right words. "I could say the same for you, don't think I didn't notice that out of everyone here, you were looking at me the moment you got off that death trap." Surprising himself at the sass that came out; he even smirked when he said it. He really had changed quite a lot, even if traits of him were still the same. Katsuki looked at him wide-eyed, almost as if Izuku had grown two heads. Yeah, he had been more confident and less of a pansy the last time they saw each other at graduation but this, this was different. It was a level of banter that he didn't know Izuku was capable of. He was expecting a very different reaction to his teasing words but yet this reaction was way better, and he wanted to see how far he could take it because apparently, the nerd didn't mind one bit that his 'lover' was aware of their conversation. It wasn't a lie that he saw Izuku the moment he stepped off his bike, he couldn't help it. He looked absolutely stunning and his emerald eyes literally glowed under the bright lights that surrounded the big door that permitted entry to the main hall. It was as if he had forgotten to breathe because he couldn't even acknowledge the reporters badgering him with questions, not that he would give the fuckers the time of day anyways but he didn't even hear the screams of the adoring fans, he could only hear the sound of his own heartbeat as his eyes looked at Izuku up and down, even while handing his bike over to some twat that worked at the valet, relishing in the fact that this boy...-man had grown up so much and he could definitely tell. His body looked ripped even through his tux, you could tell he had very defined muscles, his face looked as adorable as ever, with those freckles that he could never forget, yet his jawline was sharp and his eyes had a mischievous glimmer... it was a mixture of characteristics that the nerd made work somehow no matter how bloody stupid it would look on anyone else. When he brought his eyes up to look at Izuku's face the other had his jaw dropped looking at him up and down, this made him smirk devilishly at the fact that he looked so good that regardless of his boyfriend standing next to him he couldn't help at gawk at his Kacchan. Katsuki wasn't stupid; He knew that he was a fucking snack, but the fact that he could make the nerd's jaw drop; boosted his pride and confidence a lot more than it should ever be."Oh this is going to be fun" his voice came out a lot more sultrier than he intended but hey, it isn't like it could affect Izuku in any way. Right?

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