3. Mihawk

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Zoro's POV-

I woke up from the faint scent of sake and pancakes.  I got dressed and then walked out into the hallway. I follow the smell and end up in the kitchen. On the counter is a stack of fluffy golden blueberry pancakes with a bottle of sake next to it. I grin and take the pancakes into the dining room, and sit down on a chair. Placing the plate and sake down, I look up and see (Y/n) sitting across from me also eating pancakes. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was tied back to keep it out of her face.

"I'm surprised you didn't get lost getting here." (Y/n) says, grinning.

"I followed the smell of sake." I answer before I start stuffing my face with pancakes.

"Mihawk should be here soon." (Y/n) reveals as she walks into the kitchen with her empty plate. 

(Y/n)'s POV-

After I finished washing my plate and drying it, I go back through the dining room. 

"I'm going to fly over to the shore and check if he's coming." I tell Zoro, who looks up from his meal. 'Glad to see he's enjoying it.'

"Fly?..." He starts to ask as I shift to my half-form. He almost spits out his sake in surprise as I open a nearby window and jump off, spreading my wings before I hit the ground. I fly in place for a few seconds, facing the green haired male standing at the window, staring at me in shock. I grin at him before turning around and heading to the shore where I see a raft approaching. 'So he is back.' I land on the edge of the island waving at Mihawk as he steps off of his raft.

"Welcome back!" I announce with a smile.

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" He asks with a straight face.

"Yes, actually-" I was cut off by a crash near the ruins. 

We both walked over, since it wasn't too far, and saw that Zoro crashed into a large cross-shaped stone, defeated by the humandrills. 'Darn, now I'll need to patch him up again.' You watch as Mihawk walks over to him, and talks to him, but you can't make out what they are saying. Then Mihawk pulls out a newspaper, making Zoro's face slowly go pale as he reads it. 

---Time skip brought to you by Zoro's Abs---

3rd POV-

You finished patching up Zoro, again

"Hey (Y/n), take me to Mihawk." He asks you with a serious look on his face.

"Don't order me around baka. But sure, I will take you to him." You huffed, crossing your arms. You led Zoro to Mihawk, and as you sat down, Zoro got on his knees and bowed his head down.

"Train me as a swordsman!"



Sorry this one is so short, but I have a big project AND finals coming up, so there might be no chapter next week.

Thanks for understanding! :3


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