7. Reunited

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A/N:This is the Post-Time skip. (Spoiler warning for those who aren't caught up! Also sorry no Duval)


(Y/n)'s POV

"Zoro, You're going the wrong way again." I declare, bored of repeating that line over and over for hours. Zoro, Perona, and I arrived at Sabaody Archipelago a few hours ago. Perona and I had to keep Zoro from getting lost on the island. We would've gotten there quicker if I just flew us to Rayleigh. But if someone saw me as a dragon, I would probably be kidnapped and sold, so I'm staying in my human form for now. 'Best to be safe.' I tell myself. Finally, we can see a small building with a sign above the door that says, 'Shakky's Rip-off Bar'. 

"There it is." Zoro announces, smirking as he walks over to it. Perona breaks off from us and goes back downtown. "Lets go!" I shout, excited to see Rayleigh. I've only met him once before when I came here with Shanks a few years back.

Zoro's POV

'(Y/n)'s acting like a kid. It's... kinda cute....' I blush slightly as I push that thought away. I open the door and see the slightly shocked faces of Shakky and Rayleigh. "Ah, your the first to arrive. That's surprising." Rayleigh states. "What? Nobody has arrived yet?" I smirk. "Well damn, guess they got lost." I declare in a bored tone. (Y/n) comes in behind me and her eyes widen as she sees Rayleigh. "Rayleigh!" (Y/n) shouts excitedly as she runs over to Rayleigh and hugs him. "Ah, (Y/n)! It's been a while!" He replies as he hugs her back.

(Y/n) already told me about how she knew Rayleigh and how she hasn't seen him since a few years ago. "Hey (Y/n), I'm gonna go check out some bars in town. Why don't you stay here for a while?" I suggest as I head to the door. "Sure! I'll meet up with you later." (Y/n) replies waving as I walk out of the building.

(Y/n)'s POV

After Zoro left, I talked with Rayleigh and Shakky about what happened since I last saw them.

------Time Skip (A few days later)---------

As I walk back up to Shakky's, I hear someone else in there. I go over to the side of the door and listen.

"Are you kidding me? You're saying the swordsman who barely knows left from right got here first?" A man asks with a tint of surprise in his voice. "Well what do you know? Maybe he learned how to read a map while he was training." He adds sarcastically.

 "After him came Franky about 10 days ago now, but he went to see if your ship was doing alright." Shakky informs him. 'Must be one of the Straw hats.' I analyze. 'That must mean the 'swordsman' he was talking about is Zoro.'

"Hope that means the Sunny is in good shape." he says thoughtfully.

Rayleigh speaks up, "Of course, there isn't a single scratch on it. We finished the coating too." 

"That's good to hear." The man replies

"The third crew member to arrive was Nami." Shakky states to the man.

"NAMI-SWAN~!" The man shouts. "That's great is she still here?" He asks, excitement in his voice. 'This must be the love cook Zoro kept telling me about. What was his name? Sanji?'

"She decided to get some shopping done." Shakky replies.

I hear footsteps coming to the door. The door bursts open as a blond man comes through. "I can't wait for Nami and Robin to get here so they can try my new and improved recipes! But before they can,  I'll have to make sure the Sunny's kitchen is up to my standards." Sanji then turns around and sees me standing in front of him. His eyes turn into hearts and yells, "A real live woman!" I flinch back away from him.

"Your Sanji, right?" I ask him.

"Yes I am, Mademoiselle." He answers as he bows. 

"You can call me (Y/n)."

"Ok (Y/n)-Swan!"

"So Sanji, have you seen Zoro around? Your crew is supposed to meet up at the Sunny soon, Right?" You ask him.

"Zoro that bastard!" He looks away, annoyed.


"Oh, nothing." he mutters as he turns back to me.

"No I haven't seen him yet. I can look for him as I go into town if you want, (Y/n)-swan."

"Could you? I need to go meet up with my friend. thanks Sanji! See you later!" I wave at him before running towards grove 40. 

--------------Time skip---------------

I arrive at grove 20 and see the pink-haired girl I came to meet up with, leaning against the big tree looking around. "Perona!" I shout, waving as I run over to her. "(Y/n)! I was wondering when you'd show up!" Perona mentions excited as we hug each other. "Is that baka back with his crew yet?" Perona asks annoyed, crossing her arms. "He should be, I saw the crew's chef who said he would get him." I reply.

"So now we just need to make sure all our hard work wasn't for nothing and make sure the Straw Hats set off for the New World safely." I add. Perona was about to respond, but before she could, a big explosion came from grove 42. "Lets go check out what happened!" I declare, starting to run to grove 42. 

"(Y/n)! Wait up!" Perona shouts after me, catching up.

-------Time skip (to grove 42)---------

When we reach grove 42, I hear Rayleigh shout, "Rise to the top!" I look around and spot Zoro, Sanji, and a guy wearing a straw hat that I almost immediately recognize as Luffy, running towards us. Sanji stops to unwraps bags from a fence. When they came closer, a group of marines block their path. I see one of Perona's ghosts go through a marine and when he goes down he says, "I wanna become a flea..." I look over at Perona and give her a thumbs up. One by one, the marines start to collapse as the marine captain looks around confused and scared. 

'Now it's my turn.'



OMG. 1009 words. (not including this) I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry I took so long. It took a while to write this with my busy schedule. I'm going to take a break from this for a little while. BUT I WILL BE BACK. Don't worry. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to Vote and Comment! 

See you soon! :3


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