Alternate Ending to S5 E21 (AU)

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Hey this is an Alternate End to S5 E21 Shockwave. It is AU so I have changed so details. I own nothing major crimes and all the people belong to TNT and James Duff.

(3rd person)

The bomber was across the street from the LAPD HQ on the phone to Captain Sharon Raydor when Lieutenant Andy Flynn came out of hiding with his gun raised at the bomber.

"LAPD freeze asshole, lose the phone and get on your knees now." Andy shouted at the man."Or what? You'll shoot? I'm unarmed." He replied "Well, your a big guy and I feel threatened, I'll take a chance you wanna?"

Meanwhile in the Major Crimes murder room of the LAPD HQ Captain Sharon Raydor was listening to the conversation happening on the other end of the phone call. "Andy." She called.

"But if I'm under arrest aren't I allowed a phone call?" The bomber said to Andy. "It's a waste of time, we disabled your IED's." Came Andy's reply. "Really?" The bomber asked, unknow to Andy there was a bomb in the murder room. The team were looking for the bomb but hadn't found anything yet.

As Sharon looked at the murder board from where she was standing beside the window she came to the sudden realization that the bomb was in the luggage. She hung up the phone before shouting
"The lugg-" *bang" The bomber detonated the bomb before Sharon could warn anybody.

Andy saw the windows of the floor Major Crimes was on blow out with a bang and a big puff of smoke as the bomber pressed a button on his phone and smiled to himself. The debris came crashing down to the pavement below. Pedestrians screamed and ran away in an attempt to avoid the falling glass and cement. Andy hit the bomber with the butt of his gun knocking him down as more LAPD officers came to handcuff him.

Back in the LAPD HQ the Major Crimes murder room was a mess. There was black scroch marks everywhere the lights where hanging from the ceiling and flickering on and off. Bits of paper and furniture scattered the room. There was nothing left in it's rightful place, doors lay on the ground where they had been blown of there hinges and alarms were blaring.

A phone started ringing somewhere amongst the reckage. "Flynn, oh Flynn, tell me you have that son of a bitch." Came Provenza's voice though the phone at Andy. "Ya, are you ok? How is everybody? Is sh-sharon-?" Andy questioned "Just hold on, hold on." Provenza's sighed and looked around, he could see Sykes, Sanchez, Tao, Buzz and a few others that had been in the murder room helping out the Major Crimes unit when the bomb went off, everyone was here and nobody seemed seriously harmed at first glance, except for the Captain. He looked around again just to be sure, but he couldn't see the Captain anywhere. "Provenza? How is everybody? Where is Sharon?" Came Andy's worried voice though the phone. "Nobody seems to be seriously harmed but I can't see the Captain." He said with sadness in his voice.

Everyone was coughing due to the dust and looking around. Some had realized that the Captain wasn't with there. "Where is the Captain?" Sykes asked nobody in particular. "What do you mean you can't see her? Was she in there when the bomb went off?" Andy was starting to panic. Where was she? Why wasn't she with the rest of the team where ever they where? Andy looked back to the LAPD HQ and saw Ambulances and fire trucks pulling up, most of the LAPD had evacuated the building but it was a possibility that the stair way on the floor the bomb was on had been blocked and if that had happened anyone on that floor or on the floor above it was stuck there till help could come.

"Andy? Are you listening to me?" I heard Provenza shout down the phone. "No sorry. What?" I said back. "I said the Captain was looking for the bomb like the rest of us. She hung up the phone and went to shout what I assume was the location of the bomb but it exploded before she could warn anyone." He said saddened. "Well she has to be up there somewhere, try calling for her, I'll see if I can get people sent up to help you." I said coming out of City Hall. "Wait did you say you were looking for the bomb?" I asked, they knew the bomb was in there . "The bomber told is he had planted a bomb in the LAPD HQ. We were looking for it when we heard you at City hall."

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