A bad day at the office.

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I was eating my breakfast (scrambled egg, bacon, toast and a coffee) when my phone started ringing.

"Captain Raydor" I answered "Ah Captain, Good morning. We've caught a case, we're wrapping up the crime scene now if you'd join us in the murder room." I heard Lieutenant Provenza explain. "I'll be there in an hour Lieutenant." I replied, we said our goodbyes and I finished my breakfast before leaving my condo with my keys, badge, gun and handbag. I hoped into the car and drove the short distance to the murder room.

I walked to the murder room and Andy and Provenza stood up and walked over. "Captain, Morales is with the body now." Lieutenant Provenza started but he let Andy say the rest. "The victim seems to be a child and female." Andy said sadly

Mike stood up "Captain, there was a lot of missed calls and texts from her mom but that was years ago" he said from beside his desk. "This girls been dead years?" I asked heart broken

After being caught up on the case Sharon went into her office, she seemed really upset, I figured it was about the case. After she had left Provenza came over to my desk "Uh, Flynn we have a problem." He said with a somber expression on his face. "What is it?" I asked "The little girl, her name is Rose Raydor. She's the Captain's daughter." He said, I was shocked. I didn't know the Captain had a another girl. "Dose she know?" I asked hoping he hadn't come over here with the intention of asking me to tell her. "Not yet, I was hoping you would come with me to tell her." He confirmed my suspicions. "Alright." I agreed "I was expecting you to argue." He remarked surprised that I had given up so easily. "There's no point arguing." I replied as I stood and buttoned by jacket up.

I stood in Sharon's office beside Provenza. "Have you ID'd the girl?" She asked straight away "We have." Provenza answered simply, he looked to me, the look on his face told me to continue. "Captain, I'm sorry but she- she was your daughter." I said

Her hand flew to her mouth as tears rolled down her face. She brought her other hand up as she started sobbing. "No, no Rose. My baby." I instantly ran to her. I pulled her into my embrace and let her sob into my shoulder.

"I should have known" she mumbled once she calmed down enough to talk. "I should have known it was her when I saw the video from the crime scene. I should have been able to tell. My little girl." She started sobbing again and I held her and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. "It's ok." I whispered again as she pulled away a few minutes later.

Later in the interview room.

Sharon sat across for me and Provenza in the interview room. She had said she was up for doing an interview but I wasn't so sure.

"What happened the day Rose went missing?" I asked hoping that she trusted me enough to tell me. "Rose was my 1st born. I was so happy to be a mother, When she was 4ish I had Ricky, just before Rose's 10th birthday I gave birth to Emily, Ricky was nearly 6." She took a deep breath and then another. I could tell she was having a hard time talking about this. "They were both so happy to have a little sister, Rose more so then Ricky he wanted a brother. A few weeks after Emily was born we were shopping. I only turned around for a minute but when I turned around Rose was gone. I searched for hours, called the police everything, but a few weeks went by, then years I'd lost all hope of finding her. She would be 11 years missing next week." Her voice broke on the last sentence. "I always knew she was dead but I still had the tiniest bit of hope that she was alive, that I'd find her, but I never did." She was sobbing by now. "It's ok Sharon take your time. Do you remember seeing anything out of the ordinary before or after she went missing?" Provenza asked. It was the 1st time I ever heard him use her first name instead of Captain Raydor or just Captain. "No, I was paying for the groceries at the till I thought Ricky and Rose were holding onto Emily's pram but when I turned around Rose wasn't there. I panicked, I started shouting her name. I asking everyone in the shop if they had seen anything. After I'd been looking fir a good 20-30 minutes I called the police." She said, it seemed to me she did what ever mother would. "I thought she was old enough to stay where she was, and not wander off." She wiped her eye then started talking again. "They told me after about 3 months that it was unlikely that she was still alive. I knew it was almost impossible that I would ever she her alive hut I held out hope for a while."

After going though all her enemies at the time (there wasn't to many she wasn't to long working for the LAPD at the time) and every possible reason Rose would have wandered off or ran away we were still no closer to figuring anything out. Everyone knew it would be extremely difficult to find the killer nearly 11 years after the murder happened. "Come on Sharon. Let's go home sweetheart."

I took her home and made her and cup of tea and scooped out some ice cream into a bowl and gave it to her. I sat beside her on the couch and let her cuddle up to me and wrapped my arm around her. She cried softly until she fell asleep in my arms. I took the bowl of melted ice cream from Sharon's lap and put it on to the coffee table.

I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. I took off her shoes and her jacket and pulled the covers up. I took her jacket and draped it over a chair in her room and left her shoes beside it. I left her room and closed the door quietly. Rusty was staying with Gus but I left a note to Sharon to say I'd gone home after she fell asleep and that I'd see her later.

2 weeks later


I was sitting in my office. The team had found Rose's killer but the limit ran out so they couldn't do anything. It turned out that Rose had wandered off (we still didn't know why) and then she was taken by a man and a woman. The took her to raise her, but when Rose tried and succeeded at escaping they hit her to slow her down and that's why she died. At least I know what happened to my little girl now. I still can't believe that she's dead and has been for 11 years.

I heard a knock on my door and looked up and called "come in." The door opened and Andy walked in. "How are you doing sweetheart." He asked "I'm ok darling." I answered "As long as your sure hon." He replied

He came over and sat on the side of my desk and placed his hand on my shoulder. "How about we have take out tonight. We can sit on your couch and watch movies until we fall asleep." He suggested. He knew I needed some time to relax and he knew just how to help me relax. "Sounds great Andy." I said with a smile.

After work I packed up all my belongings and left my office. I saw Andy sitting at his desk talking with Sanchez. I walked up and stood beside Andy. Sanchez looked up and smiled at me "Ma'm." He said with a nod then turned to Andy "Good night sir." With another bod this time to Andy he walked off.

After saying our goodbyes to the team Andy and I left the murder and went back to my house.

We were sitting on the couch watching the princess diaries 2 when I realized how much I loved just sitting here with Andy. Rusty was in his room studying and everything was brilliant.

"Move in" I said as the end credits rolled. "What?" He turned to me shocked "Move into the condo with me." I said again "Are you sure?" He asked suspicious "Of course.  I love just sitting here with you and it seems like home. I hate it when you leave." I answered him with a sweet smile "If your sure I'll pack my bags after work tomorrow. I can start moving in tomorrow after work or the day after depending on how long it takes to pack up my house?" He said and I almost jumped for joy "Yay." I squealed.

The rest of the night was bliss. We sat and watched movies and Andy got me Ice cream and dessert. It was the perfect night in. I wouldn't have had it any other way. I hoped we could spend every night like this just watching movies (no matter how cheesy)

And that's how we did spend our nights  or the ones we weren't working anyway. I had everything I could ever ask for and 2 years later Andy proposed and a year after that we were married and I guess you could say we lived happily ever after.
Hey guys sorry to keep you waiting for so long. I won't be able to update for a week or two because I have mocks coming up next week but straight after them I have a week off so I'll update then (if I can)

Thanks guys.
Stay Awesome

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